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Roe Vs Wade answer questions?

1. How does the decision in Roe V. Wade show the government’s goals of freedom, order and equality?

2. How does the decision illustrate the conflict between the government’s goals of freedom, order and equality?

3. How does the Supreme Court in this case resolve which goal is more important when these goals are in conflict?

4. Do you agree with the decision in terms of which goal(s) ultimately won? Why or why not?
@ Foon, for some reason it wouldn’t let me post the question if I had it under the Politics & Government section.

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One comment on “Roe Vs Wade answer questions?

  • 1. Because it gives a woman to have rights over her own body. It does not belong to religion or man or some other woman telling her what to do. Before men lawmakers told women that they couldn’t , forcing them into home abortions which often killed the woman.

    2. A life is taken.

    3. To resolve the women can not get abortions past a certain point, but they still continue to have freedom over THEIR bodies.

    4. I think they did the best they could. However, no one “wins”.

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