Home » Freedom of Religion » Q&A: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?

Q&A: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?

Question by kr_811: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?
My pastor (who is obviously Conservative) had a two week series on the evils of Islam. He was completely misinformed about the whole religion because said that every Muslim in America is either an terrorist or agrees with the terrorists but is too afraid to be a terrorist. He concluded that Islam should not be allowed in America.
What happened to freedom of religion? This right according to the Conservative way?

P.S. One of my closest friends is Muslim and he can’t stand what terrorist are doing.

Best answer:

Answer by Smackee
pretty much.

What do you think? Answer below!

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17 comments on “Q&A: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?

  • first, while there is clear evidence of evil everywhere you look, it is equally clear that radical islam is a hotbed of it.
    secind, no, freedom of religion applies to religion, and of course freedom from it as well.

    as for your muslim friend, is he actively doing anything about it?

    i doubt it.

  • Your freedom of religion stops at my nose, or words to that effect. A religion of conquest isn’t really a religion at all.

  • no, I am a conservative and I believe it applies to all religions. Your pastor is being ignorant about the evils of other religions.

  • Reality has a Liberal Bias

    February 19, 2011 at 8:34 am

    Great question. Let’s start insisting on allowing Muslims to pray 5 times a day in school!

  • Your pastor is right: Islam is evil, where he fails is in not realizing that Christianity is also a perverted belief system and just as illogical as Scientology.

  • I’m not a Liberal and I’m not Christian and I do think freedom of religion applies to everyone. Just b/c your pastor isn’t smart doesn’t mean all Conservatives feel the same way. You aren’t too bright if you are still calling him your Pastor…

  • absolutely not. Wiccans, Jews, Baha’i, Muslims, Buddhist, whoever are free to worship as they choose. The caveat to that is that those religions must be tolerant of the rest. Muslims have a bit of a problem with that part of tolerance.

  • Doctors agree that marijuana is safer than vicoden, or zanex, or any number of other legal drugs. Freedom doesn’t apply to this. Personal choice must be made according to lies from those in power, not your own freedom choices.

  • Reality Has A Conservative Bias

    February 19, 2011 at 12:32 pm

    I doubt your pastor said that. You obviously lie

  • Your pastor is allowed to have his own views, and his being against Islam does not instantly mean he is a conservative either.

    Yes I believe freedom of religion applies to all religions. That’s why people aren’t randomly locked up in this country for praying to Allah, or Vishnu, or Shiva, or Yahweh or whoever they personally believe in.

  • No, of course not.

    Your pastor sounds like President Obama’s pastor of 20+ years…. and ignorant bigot. I advise you to find another church.

  • I’m conservative, and i believe that there should be freedom of religion for all. People can attack others’ religions, though, as long as no laws banning a religion are set.
    Jesus told the masses ‘ believe and live,” not ” believe and die”.


  • Uh no and hun that was freedom of speech and his personal opinion he is entitled to it no matter how mis-informed you find him,it is after all his church his teaching if you find him to out there for ya join another church,but trust me there are fanatics on all sides which is why I believe in God but do not attend church.

  • The Founding Fathers escaped forced religion, and wanted the people of the United States to be able to worship God in the way they chose without the State dictating denomination. I seriously doubt they had any idea that in the year 2010, there would be muslims demanding the same freedoms that they had insured for those who believed and worshipped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
    The Quran is very explicit in regarding non-believers in Allah to be regarded as infidels, and in time of Jihad (holy war) if the infidels did not convert, they are to be killed. This cannot be denied.
    Maybe your friend doesn’t like what terrorists do, but if in a life-and-death decision he had to cjoose between youand another muslim, you would lose. Or else he is not a committed muslim.
    Europe has been easy on Islam, and now they are being overrun by it.

  • No.

    I think if Christians want to spread their religion, they have the right to go ahead and try. Everyone else still has the right to say “no.” This also goes for Muslims, Jews, Pastafarians, Buddhists, Rastafarians, and any other religion you can think of.

    Your pastor also has the right to be misinformed and say whatever he wants. He even has the right to say they should all die, as long as he does not have the means to make that happen (that was a Supreme Court decision, forget what case though). It is up to the congregation to inform themselves, and that could not be easier with today’s technology.

    By the way, I’m not Christian.

  • It is said by many people who are of the Muslim religion and some of those of other faiths that Muslims aren’t the terrorists. How does one explain that there is a Jihad against Americans that was declared by the religious leaders of the Muslim religion wherein the words “We will kill America” ring out and become as a mantra for the Muslim religion? The religious leaders of the Muslim religion control everything the people of the Muslim religion do with their lives and that includes controlling politicians and tribal chiefs with their edicts and proclamations which includes declaring a Jihad against Americans and paying the families of Muslim young women and men who will blow themselves up and kill as many people as they can while doing so. Blowing up people with the intent to kill as many people as can be killed is not what is done in other religions. Blowing up people has become a common practice amongst those who are of the Muslim religion to commit suicide as an act of religious fervor and not an act of personal will or an act brought on by a psychotic condition such as chronic depression. The religious leaders of the Muslim religion are interpreting their reading of the Quran as telling those of the Muslim religion that infidels must die. This interpretation is incorrect as nowhere in the Quran does it state anything to the effect that infidels must die. This interpretation is being fostered by religious zealots such as Osama bin Laden who have as their personal goal in life to eradicate infidels by killing as many people who are not of the Muslim religion. People of the Muslim religion have been following and obeying their religious leaders for many centuries they are not willing or able to change the way they practice their religion so as to stop the practice of a Jihad being declared to eliminate people of another religion. In the minds of all of the religious leaders of the Muslim religion all people who are not of the Muslim religion are infidels and they will remain so until they are killed or until they convert to and practice the Muslim religion. This is the method the religious leaders use keep their membership strong and active in all parts of the world. This is dangerous to all those who are not of the Muslim religion because if a particular religious leader in any part of the world were order any member of the Muslim religion to pursue a Jihad against any person or any group of people the order will be carried out by a person of the Muslim religion who is ready to die for their cause and perpetuation of the Muslim religion and who will have everlasting life in paradise. Jihads have been taking place for hundreds of years in the Muslim religion and there is no foreseeable end of Jihads being declared and no end to those who will blow themselves up and carry out the will of the religious leader or leaders who order people to do so. This is not the way to paradise nor is it the way to achieve world peace and understanding so we can all live together and practice our respective religions without fear of being killed by those of the Muslim religion who are intent on killing those who are not of the Muslim religion. In effect those of the Muslim religion are committing genocide by declaring Jihads over a very long period of time so as to not attract too much attention and not face prosecution for doing so. Now it is time for the World Court in The Hague in Switzerland to bring charges of crimes against humanity against the religious leaders of the Muslim religion for prolonged genocide. Only then will the opportunity for change in the way the Muslim religion is practiced be made available for all and the elimination of Jihads will no longer be practiced by the religious leaders and people of the Muslim religion so people will truly have “Freedom of Religion”.

  • This is a 2 part answer: Political & Biblical
    1st Ammendment to the Constitution:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (meaning Govt mandated), or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…. (but what if the free exercise IS illegal?)
    Section 3 of the The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely “levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
    Our forefathers covered religions that wage war/Jihad against America. IT IS TREASON
    and Biblically,
    Your pastor is following his religious belief that:
    Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. (Gen 12:31).
    and speaking of the offspring of Ishmael
    “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers” (Genesis 16:12 NIV).
    “His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur. And they lived in hostility toward all their brothers” (Genesis 25:18).

    So, although not all “religious” people are violent, if they do not stand up against the evil, they are just as guilty.
    Ex: Not all Satanists sacrifice babies, but if you don’t speak out against it, you are aiding in and allowing such to occur. I am a Pro-Life Christian, but if a Christian murders an abortion doctor and I don’t publicly renounce this behavior, I am guilty too.

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