Home » National Security » Is Mubarak’s downfall really the end of Egypt’s feared State Security?

Is Mubarak’s downfall really the end of Egypt’s feared State Security?

EGYPT – It’s two months since Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was ousted, after 29 years in power and more demonstrators are in Tahrir Square, this time calling for his prosecution. As he left office, protesters discovered files detailing how the Egyptian state security police – a hated symbol of Mubarak’s regime – used torture and informers to beat down any opposition to the former leader.

Louis Farrakhan prophesied an uprising in Feb 2011. Other black and union leaders have followed his lead in the Occupy Wall Street / Occupy America protests. All of these people are working together with Obama towards the same goal, fundamental change in America, the overthrow of the system. That is, its destruction as we have known it, as prophesied by Black Nationalism and Black Liberation Theology. The law was changed in 2007 to allow the President to take control of the National Guard without the consent of the states. See link below. www.stateline.org It is important for people to realize that Obama will be complicit in any unrest that occurs as a result of these “Occupy America” protests. His cohorts are inciting them. Blog: stopobamanowsd.wordpress.com Impeach Obama Tea Party: www.facebook.com

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26 comments on “Is Mubarak’s downfall really the end of Egypt’s feared State Security?

  • He hasn’t been ousted at all he’s just hiding behind the scenes and is still giving the orders.

  • wow, that’s one crazy nigger, although not atypical of his species. Funny how it pretends to be human, with that suit and handkerchiefs, wearing glasses and speaking to a microphone. If it starts biting, a vet should put it down pronto, before it hurts somebody.

  • The way of beasts with the spiritual density of smoke.lol burn it all because it can only get worse.Know what you are,you are for nothing but buying and selling.Your just consumers and delusions about democracy and justice.You want to buy stuff and show it off,its all you do.I am talking about content of character and the socialist agenda can not allow for individual thoughts other than the group approved ones.Hence character is impossible.Less than beasts mankind is now like swarms of insects.

  • America4Americans01

    November 10, 2011 at 1:30 am

    How can anyone that is white and is not guilty of anything nomatter what anyone says whether it is white guilt or something else expect to have any chance to live in a place where we have people dumb enough to think that race is a social construct.that scares me because of how dumb these people are.Race is real and right before ur eyes.Its like if god came and showed us he exists and liberal scientists came along and said it was an illusion.Dumb people following dumb people.

  • @thevanlouis – LoL.

  • @SoNSanDiego Im a mixed race european and all i do is seek the truth but the shit you talking bout is bullshiz!!

  • Basketballgeek98

    November 10, 2011 at 3:08 am

    @SoNSanDiego Like I said you have no knowledge of Farrakhan.. You take one thing and RUN WITH IT.Typical behavior.

  • @anonymousworldwide – I know that you are a poser and a kook. That’s all I need to know.

  • anonymousworldwide

    November 10, 2011 at 3:50 am

    @SoNSanDiego I’m white. I’m just speaking the truth. Now what? You have no knowledge of what you are talking about and I won’t entertain your ignorance. Good Day!

  • @anonymousworldwide – This is just an excuse to demonize one segment of society and justify a form of bigotry. A lot of things have happened in the last 150 years. You are just selecting one, because it justifies what you want to believe.

  • anonymousworldwide

    November 10, 2011 at 5:23 am

    @SoNSanDiego you need to open your eyes to reality. It is evident you are out of touch with it. The actions 150 years ago whatever what may have happened still has shaped American lives today. Slavery plays a big part in this ordeal. Wallstreet Head Bankers Rothschild And Freshfields Founders Are Linked to Slavery and the life insurance policies of slaves. Do the history! All the while the descendants are still being oppressed to a considerable degree today. Know your facts. Learn to research!

  • @anonymousworldwide – Who cares? Slavery was ended 150 years ago. Get a life.

  • @anonymousworldwide – Posers and virtual fascists.

  • it’s not hate it’s the truth—wake up——–

  • @AtoneMuhammad that is what I have been saying….when the other nations had protesters in the streets…our government was all involved…talking about the dictatorship governments….now that America have protesters they want to have media blackout and police brutality against protesters…that is why nations hate america because of the hypocrisy

  • OP, So no one is suppose to protest against white people’s demonic works nor Occupy Wall Street because this is bad? Huh???? Are you on crack?

    You are suppose to fight evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Wicked White people who started this satanic mess and are hell-bent on murdering and enslaving the Muslim SAINTS and HUMANITY!!! As PROPHESIED!!!

  • @SoNSanDiego White Devils are the ONLY Haters from HELL!!!!!!! Racist Demons!!!
    White people hate God and Good – they ARE The Children of SATAN!!!!! I’m White and I know This – and so do you!!
    If you Love Truth – you would Hate Evil!!!

  • @Basketballgeek98 – LoL. You are very naive at best.

  • Basketballgeek98

    November 10, 2011 at 9:15 am

    whoever posted this is WRONG. W-R-O-N-G. I mean if you plan on using Farrakhan speeches please use them correctly.He’s not working with Obama so please get your facts in order before you start spreading lies as a matter of fact you need to do more research before you SPREAD LIES. You have no knowledge of Farrakhan or the NOI. Good day

  • we are fighting the wrong people, there is a power greater than the ones you can see it’s call the roots that control the puppets.

  • great video despite you pawning off hate

  • @mmeischa1 – Yeah right. We are only in danger, so long as hate mongers, like Farrakhan, are allowed to run wild.

  • @SoNSanDiego great vid thanks.farrakhan is cool

  • @Makiba08 – Many white people are crazy.

  • Blacks are not inciting a race war….the Occupy movement is majority white people…black leaders are not who they are listening to…they are protesting the 1% that controls the government and throught their policies oppress and suppress the 99% of Americans.

  • Some things that go on in America needs to be destroyed. Being a former soldier I love my country and only wish for a better America. We all hate evildoers.

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