Home » National Security » This is the real Herman Cain (Quiet Music Version)

This is the real Herman Cain (Quiet Music Version)

Music Quiets at the 0:42 second mark in this version. Herman Cain came from a humble back ground. He grew up in poverty during the civil rights movement. His parents worked very hard to achieve their American dream and instilled their values in a young Herman. He later went on to achieve his American dream and is now running for president. Along the way he worked in the following positions: Ballistics missile engineer in the Navy Mid-level management at Coca-Cola VP of Burger King (turnaround) VP of Pillsbury CEO and co-owner of Godfather’s Pizza (turnaround) President of the National Restaurant Association Chairmen of the Federal Reserve bank of Kansas City Advisory board to STRATCOM Radio talk show host He is also a cancer survivor! This video features 2 songs from the band Coldplay. They are the intro tune of Mylo Xyloto and the song Hurts like Heaven. There are no ads on this video because I do not have a licence to play their music nor do I pay them royalties and therefore it is illigal to have ads on this video where I could potentially make money. Any video containing ads only has royalty free music on it. Thank you
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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8 comments on “This is the real Herman Cain (Quiet Music Version)

  • the last black singing republican was a guy by the name of larry king he sang the natinal anthem at both the 84-84 republican conventions , he also was a notorious
    pedophile.he ran a chuld sex ring out of omaha nb , and washington dc.

  • Herman Cain’s lack of understanding of the economy and foreign affairs renders him unsuited for the Presidency. In an interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS, Cain revealed that he doesn’t know that China has nukes. Huh???!!!!!???? FAIL. Cain never saw the economic crises until they smacked him between the eyes. FAIL.

  • Why pay for the white ladies to keep quiet?

    If theres nothing wrong them why pay for the silence?

    There are only two..or we are going to find out about more and more?

    He is in deep shit , and it smells bad very bad!

  • camcamhasaquestion

    November 8, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    THIS MANS A JOKE, i will piss myself from fear if he wins

  • Isn’t this the guy who quit his job after being accused of sexual harassment by two(2) different women? …Tom Cain?

  • Thank you for a beautiful vid on behalf of that beautiful MAN OF DESTINY, HERMAN CAIN!!

  • Cain was too busy sitting in the back of the bus while others fought for civil rights. He’s backed by the Koch brothers too. This man is a fraud.

  • Well done! 🙂 Herman Cain 2012!!

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