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Q&A: How do the Amendments to the constitution apply to your civil liberties?

Question by HDIZZLE: How do the Amendments to the constitution apply to your civil liberties?
I need to write an essay on how the Amendments to the constitution apply to your civil liberties. I have to have 2 supreme court cases to support my answer. Does anybody have any ideas? Thank you so much! :]

Best answer:

Answer by Pat
1. find the defintion of civil liberties.
2. read the amendments
3. match ’em up.

Add your own answer in the comments!

How does the commerce clause in the Constitution apply to The healthcare bill?

Question by Chris: How does the commerce clause in the Constitution apply to The healthcare bill?
Any additional parts of the Constitution that might be construed to allocate the federal Government authority to provide healthcare would be appreciated as well.
I’m seriously trying to understand the pro healthcare crowds arguments on this and would appreciate a actual answer. If ya start with the insults, I’ll just assume it’s because you’re unable to explain your position according to the Constitution. If you can come up with a reasonable answer, (even If I disagree with ya) I’ll give the answer to ya. Give respect, get respect.

Best answer:

Answer by Hostile Critic
Well, it could be viewed as interstate commerce which is clearly in the realm of the federal government. Unfortunately, I don’t know how much the new law increased our ability to buy across state borders (a repub idea).

Either way, that still doesn’t give the government the right to mandate where you spend your money.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Is it absurd to literally apply the Constitution to situations the founding fathers could not have envisioned?

The Constitution
by Ewan-M

Question by Big Beautiful Man: Is it absurd to literally apply the Constitution to situations the founding fathers could not have envisioned?
Many people like to say they are for strict interpretation of the Constitution. Fine. However, there are many problems, issues, and situations that aren’t directly dealt with by the Constitution and/or were in fact totally inconceivable to the founding fathers.

For example, the internet. While it certainly affects interstate commerce and thus the Constitution would say that Congress has the power to regulate it, is that really what the founding fathers intended? How could we possibly know what they would have wanted or if they would have written the Constitution the same way if they had taken that into account?

Why should we assume the wisdom of a document at face value in any situation when the realities it is applied to could not have been predicted by its makers?

Best answer:

Answer by Liberal AssKicker
Is it that easy for liberals to cast aside the constitution?

What the hell kind of stupid excuse is that? Modernization = no more law?

What do you think? Answer below!

how do I apply for access to my personal information, under the freedom of information Act?

how do I apply for access to my personal information (from a Government agency I worked for), under the freedom of information Act? I want to know my scores for tests I had to perform while being employed by the Government.

Who does the freedom of information act apply to?

Does the freedom of information act only apply to federal government? Or does it also apply to state and local? Try to cite your information if you give me an answer. Because I asked this question before. And I got different answers……