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To what extent, for the sake of national security, should individual rights and freedoms be restricted?

Question by ♪: To what extent, for the sake of national security, should individual rights and freedoms be restricted?
Can the restriction of civil rights for the sake of national security be justified?

Should decisions be made by the upper echelons of government in which the American public is not informed?

To what extent?

Have Americans forgotten that they are supposed to be a PART of the system of checks and balances? That it isn’t just the executive, congressional and legislative branches, but that they have a role in this, as well?

Are you concerned about the constitution being subverted in recent years?

What would be your solution to upholding your constitutional rights?

Best answer:

Answer by mschick_2007
All I can think of is that we learned in high school that america is set up on a balance scale. do whatever you want as long as you don’t put yourself or anyone else in danger. I agree with that. And as long as people are stupid, the government will have to intervene. It’s a way of life.

America has proven with the copy cat criminals that authority figures have to keep certain things private in order to protect the whole country. Sure, let them keep secrets; we all do it. and they got in their positions for a reason.

What do you think? Answer below!

What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Question by Young Quezy: What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?
What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Also, whats one situation where the United Sates government has suspended individual rights to protect the “common good”?

Give as much description as you can, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by fredo
The Constitution gives Congress the ability to suspend habeas corpus (the doctrine saying you have a right to a hearing if you are being detained) in times of war or insurrection, effectively allowing Congress to decide that individual rights are outweighed by national security.

Also, the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enforce the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the same rights for all people. So they are allowed to make decisions regarding individual rights when it comes to making states give their citizens equal rights.

The government has suspended habeas corpus, once during the Civil War, once during Reconstruction, and again recently following 9-11.

Give your answer to this question below!

What individual rights are present in Articles II-VII of the Constitution?

Question by solarenergy43: What individual rights are present in Articles II-VII of the Constitution?

Best answer:

Answer by Michael C
Individual rights are in the amendments, not the articles.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Getting Social Security Disability: Your 9 Step Individual Action Plan

Written by an ex Disability Claims Examiner, Getting Social Security Disability: Your 9 Step Plan helps you get a fast and accurate decision on your claim! Learn to describe your disability using SSA’s language of function, check claim status and more…
Getting Social Security Disability: Your 9 Step Individual Action Plan

Why do liberals feel it’s okay to force an individual to pay for anothers problem?

I don’t get why Liberals believe it’s okay to forcefully tax one individual and redistribute their income to help another individual. It’s not helpful since force is being applied. It be like making it illegal to pass someone down the street who’s car is broken down and you must aid them or face legal penalty.

Liberals are supposed to be for Liberty, which is supposed to equate Freedom. There is no freedom in coercive action.

By the way, Austrian Libertarianism isn’t affiliated with the country. Rather it’s founders, please read about Keynesian vs Austrian Economics if you’re interested.
Example of Liberals and Coercive action would be Obama’s mandatory purchase of health insurance, forcing instead of giving them an option.
For all to Know – Thanks for your vulgar language. Glad to see those who get frustrated over the internet. I’m against all coercive action, forcing one to burden anothers problem. I’m against Public Education, Socialized Medicine, and so fourth. Everyone should live by their own dollar, not dependent on others.

Individual Freedom vs. Government Control?

Individual Freedom vs. Government Control

Congress faces a critical question this week: Will U.S. health care be government-run, or will Americans be given the freedom to obtain their insurance plans and medical care from private firms? The next U.S. president will likely answer this question, but the resolution to the current debate about SCHIP — the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, a state and federal government partnership for insuring poor children — that is roiling Washington, D.C., will preview the answer.

Although health care is a crucial issue for the electorate; traditionally, presidential candidates have avoided any but the blandest generalities. Health care is the third rail of politics. Its complexity, size, and multiple, committed stakeholders scare away most would-be saviors.

Yet, the underlying debate is simple: It is all about who will manage and control the health-care sector that comprises one-seventh of our economy. Will individual Americans have the freedom to make their own choices? Or, will we trust government bureaucrats, lawyers, and politicians to make those decisions for them? Our future health-care system will be shaped by how we answer these simple questions.

Let’s be clear: The SCHIP battle is not about whether to insure poor children. The debate is about how to insure them: Via the government or private insurers? This debate has not only pitted Democrats against Republicans but has also sundered the Republican coalition. Some Democrats wanted SCHIP expanded by $50 billion dollars so that even families earning about $81,000 a year who have eligible children were included. (The 2005 U.S. median household income was $46,000.) A resolution with the Republicans who hold minority leadership roles led to a compromise, costing only $35 billion, which allowed coverage for those earning up to $60,000.

A fundamental problem with this compromise is that the same amount of coverage for children within SCHIP costs $1,000 more per child than under private insurance. A group of forward-thinking Republicans led by U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and others has an entirely different idea of how to provide insurance: they want to cash out eligible people and enable them to use this money to buy health insurance from private insurers in a tax-protected way. Count the president in too. He has pledged to veto legislation that permits expansion of the present program.

None of the combatants’ are supported by an unblemished array of evidence. The Democrats support the expansion of SCHIP by lauding the universal coverage and substantially lower costs of single-payer, government-run systems, like the U.K.’s and Canada’s. Yes; but costs are controlled by rationing health care to the sick. More than 20,000 Brits would not have died from cancer in the U.S. Onerous waiting lists have caused illegal, for-profit health-service centers to proliferate in Canada. These rogue establishments are so well-accepted that the head of one became the president of the Canadian Medical Association. Nor do single-payer systems achieve equality of access or health status — the powerful, assertive, litigious, and connected go to the head of the line.

In the U.S., the government-controlled Medicaid program has achieved its low costs per person by stringent limits on provider prices. As many as 40 percent of doctors refuse to see Medicaid enrollees, leading to reduced health care quality. Physicians who accept Medicaid often shift their un-reimbursed costs to the privately insured. A system totally paid by the government would shut down this escape hatch, exacerbating the current shortage of primary care doctors.

But the group of Republicans who support private insurance acknowledge that they cannot laud health insurance as a model industry. The massive bureaucracies patients all-too-often encounter when they attempt to obtain the medical services they paid for are not merely frustrating, they sometimes kill. Free-market Republicans claim that the problem with the U.S. insurance firms arises from their lack of accountability. Agents, such as governments and employers, use our money to buy health plans. The agents’ incentives — simplicity and cost control — are not well aligned with our needs for responsiveness.

Senators Richard Burr (R., N.C.), Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) and others want to refigure the tax code so that we could buy health insurance with tax-sheltered money, a right currently reserved solely for our employers. If we purchased our own health insurance with tax-protected funds, we could keep these arrogant behemoths in check, just as we do in the other sectors of the American economy. The Swiss universal-coverage, consumer-driven system requires people, not employers or governments, to buy health insurance. (The poor primarily receive funds to purchase insurance just like everybody else.) This consumer control enables the Swiss to enjoy an excellent quality of care without the social inequality of single-payer countries at costs that are a third lower than ours.

SCHIP is not merely a debate about yet another mystifying government program. It is all about free-market principles versus government mandates. Giving taxpayers the freedom to choose and buy their own health care would unleash powerful market forces that have been subdued by third-party bureaucracies for the last 60 years. In every area of our economy, market forces have transformed rare, costly products and services like cars and computers into common products and services. We can make health care cheaper, better, and more widely available, if Congress can muster the vision and courage to act.