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Raw Food Diet – How it Affects a Person’s Fertility With YIN Constitution in TCM Perspective

I. Introduction
A. What is a typical American raw food diet
The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. A typical American raw food diet contains mostly yin and dampness pathogen, including mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

B. What is a person with yin constitution
According to traditional Chinese medicine, yin constitution is genetic passing through pattern which you inherited from either one of your parent. It represents in the deep layer in your body. A person with yin constitution tend to have
1. colder hands and feet
2. You tongue pale
3. Chill easily
4. etc.

It is for your benefit to take more of warm foods to counter the affects of excessive yin.

II. How raw food diet affects fertility
Since raw food diet is considered as yin and dampness pathogens, it affect a person with yin constitution in different ways

1. Digestive system
Spleen is one important organ needed to break down the food and transform them to energy for keeping our body active. A person with yin constitution already has access yin in the under layer of his or her body, while raw foods are also yin pathogen, it further declines yang qi in the body and weakens and the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals, leading to severe digestive disorder and nutrients deficiency.


2. Circulatory system
Blood are always important to carry oxygen and nutrients for replenishing the depletion of energy lost due to daily activity, dysfunction of spleen causes inability of liver in blood transformation, leading to not enough blood to supply for our body system, causing blood to divert aways from the reproductive organ resulting in delay menstruation, irregular period. In some severe case, it cause infertility.

3. Nervous system
If there are not enough blood to supply the central nervous system in information transmitting and regulating the body function, including hormone secretion, it causes nervous system, such as over production of certain hormones, leading to stress, tiredness, fatigue, irregular menstruation, etc.

4. Secretory system
Since raw foods are considered as dampness pathogen, it also interferes with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body or spleen, leading to impairing the spleen yang and the development of interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps.

Since Kidney yin is defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues and maintain the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang. Raw foods are yin in nature, prolong intake of may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to symptoms of heat, causing fluid imbalance, irregular menstruation and in serve case, causing infertility

III. Treatment
a) Cooking your food or counter it with some warm foods and avoid over consumption of hot foods which may contribute to cool heat in your body.
b) Moderate exercise is always recommended in traditional Chinese medicine to increase blood flow.
c) You make sure that you relax and rest a lots to avoid the abnormal production of certain hormones

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All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
“Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You” Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics and BA in world literature, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

Article from articlesbase.com

Click here to watch the full movie: video.google.com Neither left- nor right-wing, this startling examination exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America. Please suport this film, donate here: www.freedomtofascism.com Aaron Russo talks with former Chief Counsel and IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen. Mr. Cohen also is the AUTHOR of the TAX CODE! You WILL NOT believe what you hear! The US doesn’t want you know know this! Article XVI which gives the congress the “power” to have a federal income tax, was found to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court! How congress can ratify anything found UNCONSTITUTIONAL is BEYOND me! www.claremont.org The Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 1895. Referring to the explicit prohibition against direct taxation in Article I, the court argued that the income tax would excessively enhance federal power in relation to state power. www.usconstitution.net In 1895, in the Supreme Court case of Pollock v Farmer’s Loan and Trust (157 US 429), the Court disallowed a federal income tax. The tax was designed to be an indirect tax, which would mean that states need not contribute portions of a whole relative to its census figures. The Court, however, ruled that the income tax was a direct tax and subject to apportionment. This was the last in a series of conflicting court decisions dating back to the Civil War. Between 1895 and 1909, when the amendment was passed by Congress, the Court began to back down on its position, as it

Raw Food Diet – How it Affects a Person’s Fertility With YANG Constitution in TCM Perspective

The Constitution
by NCinDC

I. Introduction
A. What is a typical American raw food diet
The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. A typical American raw food diet contains mostly yin and dampness pathogen, including mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

B. What is a person with yang constitution
According to traditional Chinese medicine, yang constitution is genetic passing through pattern which you inherited from either one of your parent. It represents in the deep layer in your body. A person with yang constitution tend to have
1. Red tongue
2. Red face
3. Constipation
4. Dense menstrual flow
5. Nightmare
6. Prefer cooler drink.
7. Etc

II. How raw foods affect fertility
A person with yang constitution may initially benefit from raw foods diet. Since the body is slightly yang excessive, raw foods help to reduce the yang, thus balancing the yin and yang imbalance. But over a prolong period of raw foods intake, it will cause yang qi imbalance, although, it is not severe than a person with yin constitution.

1. Spleen
Spleen is considered as an organ in aiding the digestive system in absorbing vital nutrients and convert them to energy for the body’s need. Although person with yang constitution may take longer and symptoms may not be as severe as a person with yin constitution, but over a prolong period of time in taking raw food diet, it causes dysfunction of spleen in foods digestion, leading to nutrients deficiency of which triggers the primitive brain function in diverting blood aways from the reproductive organ for energy conversation.

2. Liver
According to traditional Chinese medicine, people with yang constitution can benefit from taking a large amount of raw foods everyday to balance the excessive yang constitution in the body. But unfortunately, prolong period of raw diet deplete the yang constitution, leading to yang deficiency. While spleen is damaged due to prolong intake of raw foods, it interferes with liver function in blood transformation, leading to insufficient blood that required to support our body’ daily activity, causing irregular menstruation and weakening the reproductive organs in perform their function in conception depending how much raw food intake.

3. Blood deficiency
As liver is no longer function as it should be, caused by spleen abnormal function in absorbing nutrients to nourish the production of blood, leading to blood deficiency that triggers the brain primitive reaction from diverting the blood away from the reproductive organs, leading to irregular menstruation. in severe case, it causes absence of period, affecting fertility in women and reducing the sperm quality and quantity in men.

4. Blood and qi stagnation
Since raw foods are considered as dampness pathogen, it impairs the spleen function in controlling the interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps.

5. Kidney Yang deficiency
Kidney is considered as an organ helping to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues. Prolong intake of raw foods may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to symptoms of fluid retention, that interferes with function of lung in absorbing enough oxygen for our body, causing nervous tension such as fatigue, tiredness and loss of memory and reducing the production of progesterone and testosterone, leading to lower sperm count in men and abnormal in the yang phrase in women menstrual cycle.

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All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
“Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You” Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics and BA in world literature, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

Article from articlesbase.com

Freedom and Equality in Dignity and Rights for All Persons

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”(Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Born Free: Yes or No?

Are all human beings born free? No, definitely not. The status of freedom for human being begins even before physical birth. The right to be born nowadays is in certain countries is decided by the state (politicians). They call it population control and family planning. The biological parents decide the fate of the foetus until it gets its first breadth outside the womb of the mother, called birth. Until then, the biological mother has a medical time limit whereby she can abort safely with or without legal consensus. The foetus has no say. So human beings do not even have freedom in the question of whether they should be born. When they are actually born into this world, are they born free? Again, the answer is no. The moment a human being is born, he/she is labelled according to the requirements of the state, parents, status quo, family, culture and religion. All human beings, especially the ones with dictatorial political powers, have yet to understand the meaning and spirit of the principle, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Equality: Begins With Persons – Centred World:

To understand article 1, we should take an honest and critical look at the world today. What kind of world are we living in? Among the many negative aspects that go against human freedom, the first is, it is a man-centred (androcentric) world. The human universe and all its activities still rotate around the male gender. Take these common examples. Women after marriage are still expected in many countries to take the family name of their spouse? Why can’t the women have same expectation of the men? Will the society support such a move? Or, why can’t the women keep the birth names after marriage? What about names for children? Many countries (especially in the east) still require and practice the giving of the father’s surname to their children. Again, why give the father’s surname only? Why not give the mother’s surname? We might think that the requirements and practices of married names and surnames are harmless. An entire book can be written on the legal and social implications of the requirements and practices of married names and surnames. These one-sided practices have a lot of problems especially for the women (female).

An androcentric world emphasis the male in everything: law, ethics, morality, culture, politics and religion. This emphasis negates the equality between men and women. Article one stresses that, “All human beings are born free and equal…” Equality of men and women can only be a reality, if they are treated as persons of equal status, in law, ethics, morality, culture, politics and religion.  As long as this doesn’t happen universally (east and west), women (female) are neither born free nor equal in law, ethics, morality, culture, politics and religion.  The world as we know it today should become person-centred (Woman = Man = Person).

In this context, politics and politicians are key determinants in the development of a persons-centred nation. Politicians are great at giving promises especially before an election. But what persons in any country should look out for, are politicians who will use their political powers and influences to push for development of persons-centred nations. If any politician can assist in transforming his country into a persons-centred one, he deserves the noble peace price in gold. What is the purpose of supporting politicians who promise political scraps (e.g. building of better highways), when vital human rights’ needs like freedom and equality of persons are still not fulfilled. Do you still want to continue to drive on political highways of inequality?

Freedom and Equality: Observed In Dignity and Rights

Freedom and equality of all persons must be observed in dignity and rights? What does this mean?

All persons should be accorded an equal respectful treatment which is their birthrights as humans.  We all understand the meaning of V.I.P treatment. V.I.P stands for very important persons. Who are they? They are the persons who are always given preferential and special treatment in everything and everywhere. Now, if certain persons are given preferential and special treatments, then, it indicates that others are not given that same treatment.  So, how are all persons to be accorded an equal respectful treatment, when there is always a practice of preferential and special treatments? And what does the practice of preferential and special treatments mean?

I believed most of us have watched the science fiction adventure movie 2012. In one of the scenes, you will see the V.I.P(s) being given preferential and special treatment in saving their lives first. It also showed how the V.I.P(s) had the power to decide over the fate of others. Why? The Cheque book decided who lived and who died. Though, 2012 is just a science fictional movie, it portrayed what preferential and special treatments can do in real life. It can decide between the life for one person or a group of persons and the sufferings and death of millions. Preferential and special treatments do not respect human rights of all persons. It only focuses on the rights of certain persons.


Ask yourself, are preferential and special treatments compatible with the principal that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Freedom and equality in dignity and rights for all persons is still very much an ideal that needs a lot of effort to be realized realistically.

The main obstacles to its realization are human beings themselves. As long as there are human beings who consider themselves superior over others and would like to have preferential and special treatments, the principle of freedom and equality in dignity and rights for all persons will be resisted at all levels of a nation.

The practice of preferential and special treatments promotes the practice authoritarian oligarchy. And in authoritarian oligarchy, there is no place for human freedom, equality, dignity and rights. So, it is in the interest of all persons everywhere to strive for their freedom, equality, dignity and rights which is their birthright as human beings.

Qualifications: Th. Dip (MTBI, 1978); Th.B. (MBTS, 1982); MSCP (AU, summa cum laude, 2010)

Professional Status:            Blogger of Rajatwit; Popular Articles Author; Counseling Psychologist; Study Skills Trainer; Contents Development Trainer, Organizational In-House Personnel Trainer

Email Contact Info:              Rajatwit@yahoo.ca

Author’s Blog: http://rajatwit.blogspot.com/

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MYR Mobile No: +66875031253;

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Available for: Consultation and Training

Article from articlesbase.com

Dons (Art Singer) – participant of Latvian Eurovision Song Contest 2010 with song my religion is freedom Authors: Zigmars Liepins, Janis Liepins, Nikita Kellermans Lyrics: Rising – Our spirits are rising, Our faith is surprising, Dont need a gun to win this fight! Glory – We have gathered for glory, Brand new page in our story, Will be opening tonight! My religion is freedom! Freedom! My religion is freedom! Daylight- We look mighty in daylight, Peoples hope for a new start, Will resound in every heart! Mana reliģija ir brīvība! Min religion är friheten! Dinim özgürlüktür! Moja reļigija svoboda! La religion est pour moi la liberté! Meine Religion ist Freicheit! Mi religión es la libertad! A vallāsam szadabsāg! Vapaus on uskontomme! Nere erlijioa askatasuna da! Is í an tsaoirse mo chreideamh! Mano religija laisve! Minu usk on vabadus! My religion is freedom! Freedom! My religion is freedom!
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