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Why do Republicans say they are tougher than Democrats on National Security?

Question by #1 UT: Why do Republicans say they are tougher than Democrats on National Security?
Just because you want to spend unlimited amounts of money on national security does not mean your tough.

They have not captured Osama Bin Laden but they act like he is not important at the same time they say the would “follow him to the gates of hell”

I am so tired of their rhetoric.

Lets give someone else a chance.

Best answer:

Answer by vote_usa_first
I know
Obama voted to renew the Patriot act
Obama voted for FISA domestic spying
Obama voted to fund the war a few times
Obama supports leaving long term military bases in iraq

Even biden was a hardcore supporter of clinton who bombed iraq over 500 times through his presidency.

Thats tough isnt it?

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Republicans Consider Changes to Constitutional Carry?Loopholes Remain

It a bit of good news first, bad news second the Republicans are seriously considering re-amending the constitutional carry legislation that was passed by the JFC just last week that would have allowed individuals to carry concealed guns without training or permits. The changes being considered would require that those who obtain the right to carry a concealed weapon must first receive training and register with the state to obtain a permit. This is due to the massive public backlash from critics, including multiple law enforcement organizations that went as far to call the law reckless for not requiring such training or permits.

That is the good news. The bad news is that there still is a wide range of strange loopholes in the law as it would stand with the additional protections. The first is that you would still be able to carry a concealed weapon into an alcohol serving establishment such as bar, but only so long as you don’t consume alcohol while there with a weapon. Because we all know that we go to bars not to drink right? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, especially since the weapon you would be carrying would be concealed so there would be no way to tell if a violation of this is occurring until after it would be too late if they decide to pull the weapon while drinking because they are drunk and clearly not thinking clearly. Also, you would be able to carry a gun into any private business or office unless that business or office displays that weapons are not allowed. This also is counter intuitive. Would it not make more sense, as Democrats argue, that you would have to post a sign that says you allow the carrying of concealed weapon rather than the other way around? That would make it much easier for individuals who do not feel comfortable shopping or going to locations where concealed weapons are allowed to identify them. Also, how is a business going to be able to enforce a ban on concealed weapons on their premises? Even if a sign is posted, the individual carrying the weapon would be doing so concealed, so there would be no way for the business to identify violators.


Overall, even with permits and training, concealed carry just doesn’t make any sense. It significantly increases the chance of accidents involving firearms and endangers the public safety. I do not buy the argument that if we are allowed to carry concealed weapons it deters crime. I believe it just encourages criminals to make sure they are carrying a gun. Also, this law makes it much more difficult for law enforcement agents to identify potential threats, more specifically the risk of an individual being a intending robber. If a law enforcement agent now sees a gun tucked into someones coat they most likely won’t have the right to assume, like before, that the individual intends harm. Those who do will use this law to protect themselves from being detected early as even if an individual is carrying a gun hidden it will no longer be grounds to order that individual to the ground on suspicion of an intended crime. Even with permits and training, although necessary for any legislation, this legislation is still reckless. And stupid.


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Article from articlesbase.com

Obama on National Security: A ‘Great Gift’ to Republicans? – Victor Davis Hanson

Complete video at: fora.tv Hoover Institution fellows Victor Davis Hanson and Peter Robinson assess Obama’s performance as Commander-in-Chief. While Hanson criticizes the President for breaking many of his campaign promises, he concedes that Obama has been a “great gift” to Republicans for legitimizing the War on Terrorism to many on the left. —– Beginning with the assertion that “war is inseparable from the human condition,” Victor Hanson proceeds to explain the ways in which the American way of war is distinctive. For one, “Americans are united…by shared ideas and commitments, such as the ideals of equal opportunity and individual merit. Our military functions…as a reflection of our national meritocracy.” He further reflects that Americans today, unlike previous generations, fail to understand the tragic nature of war because they have never come to understand the tragic nature of life itself, and that we are endangered by our lack of attention to the study of military history. “If we walked right over to the campus bookstore or looked in the university’s catalog of classes, we would see gender studies…leisure studies, race studies, environmental studies. Military history? Not there.” – Hoover Institution Victor Davis Hanson is aSenior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, a professor emeritus at California University, Fresno, and a nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services. Hanson was a National Endowment for the Humanities

What ever happened to the Republicans being the “Guardians of Freedom”?

They now want to throw out the Right to Freedom of Religion, as well as getting rid of your right to citizenship by birth and the count now appears to be 8 parts of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that they want to throw out.