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Q&A: Did Loughten shoot Gabby and those people because she read the day before about Freedom of Religion?

Question by : Did Loughten shoot Gabby and those people because she read the day before about Freedom of Religion?
She read about Freedom of Religion the day congress read the constitution, then that crazy guy Loughton the Atheist went on a shooting anger spree . Seriously the guys favorite book was the communist manifesto- what a FREAK!

Best answer:

Answer by Dreamstuff Entity
The fifties called, they want their red scare back.

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Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?

Question by Gene Rodenberry: Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?
Conservatives Claim to LOVE Freedom but when it comes to religion and American Born citizenship they want to change things.

I guess when they talk about Freedom that apply to some Americans but not others

Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?

Best answer:

Answer by FreetobeFree
It’s for everyone.

However freedom doesn’t mean:
– Coming to America illegally
– Nationalized Insurance (I refuse to say Healthcare)
– Taking away the rights of states
– Being able to kill your baby
– Going off to other countries to wreck havoc

Edit: Godless Heathen- I’m not white. So what are you trying to say?

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Q&A: How did the Massachusetts constitution differ in important ways from those of other states?

Question by mrsandmanlol: How did the Massachusetts constitution differ in important ways from those of other states?
The Massachusetts constitution differed in important ways from those of the other states. Describe these differences.

Best answer:

Answer by snapshot =oozer
i found a site that ‘s help you

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Q&A: Was the American Revolution a revolution? Was it viewed as a revolution by those who lived through it?

Question by pOp taRts: Was the American Revolution a revolution? Was it viewed as a revolution by those who lived through it?
Also, was the Constitution a continuation or a betrayal of the ideals of the American Revolution?

Best answer:

Answer by Nepe N
I’m going to ignore your questions because they are just so stupid they make me want to takes my eyes off and feed them to the dogs.

Seriously you are probably one of the most ignorant americans I have seen.

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