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Riz Khan – France: Violating religious rights?

Liberty, equality and fraternity but where do France’s Muslims fit into that national motto? France’s National Assembly voted almost unanimously to ban the face veil.
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How are victim less crimes prosecuted without violating the constitution?

Question by Eric E: How are victim less crimes prosecuted without violating the constitution?
If you are charged with a victim less crime (driving without a license, possessing drugs) How do they prosecute you without violating the constitution?

You have the right to an impartial judge and impartial jury of your peers. So if it is the “STATE” VS YOU. (the state meaning the people of) and the judge is from the state and the jury is also. That would violate your rights protected by the constitution. The victim cannot be the judge and the jury and your attorney too. Waiting for some smart answers!

Best answer:

Answer by WRG
All criminal acts are the State v. The Defendant. The judge takes an oath when taking office that he will be impartial. The jury of your peers would be people from your state.

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How is President Obama violating US Constitution Article 1 Section 9 as some people claim?

Question by Mr Wolf (big bad cons love to block me): How is President Obama violating US Constitution Article 1 Section 9 as some people claim?
US Constitution
Article 1
Section 9,
No Person holding any Office shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

President Obama is chairman of the UN Security Counsel.
The United nations which is headquarter in New York is not a King, Prince, or a foreign State.

Best answer:

Answer by Lying Republican Moron
He does not. Neocons do not even know what they are talking about. Their goal is to smear and to demonize President in any possible way. Some of them even claim that President Obama is an Alien from outer space.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!