Home » The Constitution » George Washington (Part 1)

George Washington (Part 1)

George Washington was a conservative landowner who helped transform a bunch of quarrelsome states into a cohesive nation – and drafted the American Constitution.

George Washington was a conservative landowner who helped transform a bunch of quarrelsome states into a cohesive nation – and drafted the American Constitution.
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50 comments on “George Washington (Part 1)

  • wat

  • MoonlightPlaylist

    January 11, 2012 at 10:53 pm

    You people are ridiculous! So George Washington had slaves, was it wrong? Of course, does that mean that everything he did should be discredited? Should we not thank and honor him for all the good he did? And learn your history, George Washington and a few other founding fathers were gonna free black men in the constitution, but they needed all delegates to sign in order for it to be official and the southern delegates refused. So they had to pass it anyway. Gosh people are so close minded.

  • It is sad that most people think they know the truth without ever actually looking it up. All opinion based immature thoughts. Washington had slaves yes but, also it was law that you could not just set them free. He never bought a slave and did not treat them badly. Before you think you can judge you better know facts and opinions are two different things. The Indians even had a prophecy about him look it up FACTS are TRUTH and some people need to learn this.

  • thepeoplesvoice03

    January 11, 2012 at 11:42 pm

    @Einhander49 ya I read a history book and I read that he was a racist,sexist, slave owing cowered. your cunt mother should had swallowed you.

  • @thepeoplesvoice03 Those were very different times you fag. Don’t try to start shit over something you don’t understand. Don’t just watch documentaries – read an actual history book on that era to get a better understanding.

  • thepeoplesvoice03

    January 12, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I wonder how many slaves did he own and why he didn’t won’t woman to vote.

  • @Hperman09 i like being free from the british crown to 😉

  • @TheSupercat91 Nope, i rather remain free from the British crown. If we were, then we would not be making good movies and stuff. Also we would have gone into WW1 in 1914 which is not good for us.

  • @Hperman09 im an American and i say we should have not revolted from Britain because we were treated 5 billon times better than other British territories BTW Britain a constitutional monarch

  • @TheSupercat91 Sorry but we are free from the British crown hahahaha.


  • GW is a traitor, he made an oath to the King and the British Army, he betrayed the oath.

  • @martynrobin121 i LOVE him.  isnt he awesome?

  • america did not derserve to revolti aginst the british they were trited 3 or 4 times better than other british territories imop

  • @superstrok99 It was the mentality back then. Everybody had slaves, and it was morally right.

  • Washington started the first Global war, It was Washington in British uniforms who attacked the French and world war started. North America and other parts of the world end up in British lands. Washington then united the Colonial immigrants against the British taxes and American Natives and started the US-Revolution. Colonial-Franco Alliance defeats the British Force in 13 Colonies and British Goverment agrees independence the birth of the United States and end of the American Natives.

  • @ikke64 He actually did 2 terms.

  • TheOrderoftheOwl

    January 12, 2012 at 8:27 am

    Beware of the NWO bankers so this man’s heroic efforts aren’t all in vain!!! The international bankers and the threat of a one world government is real people!!! These tyrants answer to no government and the American way is expendable to them…Beware & don’t ignore this REAL threat!

  • Who is this? I saw him chasing a coon and a skunk across my lawn late last night.

  • um, no he actually served TWO term. not one.

  • He was a pretty cool guy. still he was a slave owner

  • He is not inexperienced, on opposite, get rid of all commanders, is the best strategy to mess up things of those fool commons, and the final power would be yours. Of course.:) 

  • @TheLiberalKnight The French only fought in two battles. A good portion of them arrived late. I think British people need to get over their inferiorty complex.

  • All of you who want to re-write history are shooting yourselves in the foot. Why did they name Washington D.C. after George Washington? Most of the history of Washington has been changed or expunged as the progressives don’t want you to know the truth. All the people who lived in this country were not bad people as you now declare. Some bought slaves to protect them but you won’t hear about that. All you know is they were slave owners. In that day that is all they could do to help.

  • @ikke64
    he did 2 terms.

  • To you people that keep referring him as just a slave owner. I suggest you read more about the truth of him and his slaves which includes State Laws of the time. For your opinions that are derived from others is doing no good for you but make you look foolish. The facts are their it is just your choice. You can read the facts or read someones opinion.

  • Yes I do agree. There are many many stories that have been missed in this about Washington and it really does everyone an injustice. I do believe if we knew more about him that people would try and be like him. He had his faults but as humans we all have them. But this man by far is the Greatest American that ever lived.

  • What a shitty documentary. Not only does it leave out a lot of details of the revolution, they also have some shady-ass historians that give their personal opinions which should never be done in documentaries about history.

  • @JosephTLabriola yes. it is bad stuff…..do some research.

  • JosephTLabriola

    January 12, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    @egott14 is that all supposed to be bad stuff?


  • GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS NOT THE FIRST PRESIDENT of the United States. He was the 8th President of the United States

    John Hansen. The Maryland delegate to the Continental Congress was elected president in 1781, just before the time of Lord Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown, Virginia.

    His official title was “President of the United States Assembled”

    James Humes – Which President Killed a Man?
    Former White House Speechwriter for five Republican Presidents

  • they forgot to mention he was a freemason, and practiced pagan rituals in worship of baphomet! and that he built the white house and washington dc based on greek and egyptian principals.

  • Can you imagine George Washington looking down from somewhere and know Barack Obama is president? He was one of the largest slaveholders in America.

  • TheLiberalKnight

    January 12, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    @mard420 That’s true, actually. I don’t mind Republics, but an English or British republic is a definite no no. That would shit in the face of thousands of years of history. Our monarchy is one of the few things that have remained the same sime our beginnings.

  • @TheLiberalKnight LOL tooo true. what can i say i just see them both as revolutionaries. I like royalty as head of state. big fan of parliamenty over republics. but i guess both king charles and george were not good examples. lol

  • TheLiberalKnight

    January 12, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    @mard420 I wouldn’t say so. Oliver Cromwell was an excellent general who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. Washington was a great leader of men, BUT a shit general. France had to bail out his armies.

  • LOL he is like America’s Oliver Cromwell…you think King George would have learned from his own history

  • George Washington Vs. George W. Bush, LOL

  • I think Glenn beck watched this cause he said the same thing, George washington was the undispensible man

  • @mackdv1st there is no boycott toward French Fries, the France is still our ally, they are happy, we freed them in World War 2 from that strange German with the small mustache.

  • @dtt1900 I agree, ad I wonder why there seems to be o in-depth documentary biography of George Washington. Is there a lack of research materials available to historians to put together a closer look at Washington? I know that Martha Washington burned their personal correspondence. We’ve learned a lot about John Adams because Adams disobeyed his wife’s wish that he burn their personal correspondence. Perhaps Martha Washington burned ot just letters but all personal papers?

  • @MultiSinoda South Africa is a shithole it should be forgotten.


  • @MultiSinoda Quality ma man. I don’t want to do any squealing. So I am going to say sorry now, all the best. LOL

  • @MultiSinoda better believe it;)

  • @mackdv1st We’re Playing a certain instrumeeeeeeeeeeeeeent here in this grand countryyyyyyyyy. you will be sooooooooooooooryyyyyyyyy!!!

  • @TheMostEvilDarkLord dont forget austrailia and south africa.

  • @ummagumma00 LMAO if washington was alive today he’d get all crews in on the biggest drive by the world has ever seen!!! : D

  • @ultradumbass it was a long hard battle. Now it is time to move on.

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