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ترنيمه مين غيرك بيحن عليا

ترنيمه صلوا من اجل المسيحين اضطهاد الاقباط في مصراضطهاد الاقباط في مصر احداث الكشح Over the past forty years, the government of Egypt has endorsed and fostered an environment of Islamic radicalism to recruit more Muslim fundamentals. This phenomenon played a key role to force Islam on Coptic girls and enhance the isolation of the Coptic community in Egypt. As a result of citing in the constitution that Islam is the main source of legislation in Egypt, Coptic Christians has lost the freedom of religion including the right to build churches and the right to worship in a free respect. During the 80s and under the Mubarak administration, Islamic militants instigated several violent episodes against the Copts and western tourists, attacked, sacked and burned churches and Coptic businesses