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Q&A: Do you subscribe to the belief that freedom to make money individually or corporately and keep it trumps all?

Question by nasty s: Do you subscribe to the belief that freedom to make money individually or corporately and keep it trumps all?
ethics, morality, good citizenship, health, national security…humanity?
Surely no one disputes that making money is what makes things go around economically, but at one time we decided that we needed an army to defend the country, we needed policemen to patrol our neighborhoods, firemen to put out fires, an FDA to keep tainted foods from reaching our dinner table, etc… So clearly there are more considerations than just freedom to make money and keep as much of it as possible. So where do you draw the line between making money and just doing whats right?

Best answer:

Answer by gomanyes562
It’s a value judgment, and there is no way you can draw an arbitrary line. I believe that you must not hurt others when you make money. If it is a truly positive economic transaction, then both parties benefit. For example, if you sell safe food, you will make less money, but you will be making it honestly, and there would be no need for the FDA if everyone did that. But a few people try to game the system, resulting in regulations.

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