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Come and see Rich Dolan speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September 2011. www.awakeandaware2011.com –♥– This is a discussion with scholar and researcher, Rich Dolan, author of Volumes I & II “UFOs and The National Security State” and of the newly released, “AD After Disclosure”. When we say the Future is Now, this discussion zones in on just that and how the future we are rapidly moving into is manifesting and must be dealt with openly and with care. A frankly open talk about the hard questions that come along as a result of what we know, what isn’t generally out there and how what we don’t know is impacting the populace behind the scenes in ways they haven’t even begun to suspect. We discuss how people like us are the bridge between those involved in culture of Secrecy and the masses. Absolutely required viewing for any person who considers themselves Awake & Aware in any sense of that concept. Kerry Cassidy Los Angeles, CA 91377 Click here for Rich Dolan’s website www.keyholepublishing.com PROJECT CAMELOT: projectcamelot.org http

Project Camelot interviews Dan Burisch – Part 4

Stargate Secrets: Dan Burisch revisited – Part 1 Las Vegas, June 2007 Those familiar with Project Camelot’s work will need no further introduction to Dan Burisch. In this second in-depth interview, which arose from our having presented him with a long list of questions of our own, Dan goes into great detail about both the technology and the politics of the Stargates and the Looking Glass. He also discusses the “Cube”, which may or may not be the same device as the famed ‘Yellow Book’ or the ‘Black Box’ reported by the Project Camelot witness Henry Deacon. In this fascinating interview we found Dan once more to be outspoken, challenging, informed, values-driven, mischievous, humorous, human and likeable. We also want to take this opportunity to publish an announcement, as supplied by Marci McDowell, who works closely with Dan. Marci asked us to make the following formal statement on Dan’s behalf: “Dr. Dan Burisch is on a necessary hiatus from official public contact until later this year. Unfortunately, there is very little that I am allowed to say, regarding what Dan is doing. We have informed the public that he is NOT working for Majestic. Majestic no longer exists. Dan retired from that group in September, 2006. Majestic sat formally adjourned in October, 2005. I can say that Dan’s present activities are so important, pressing and secret that those in the new group, the group which took over for Majestic at the end of 2006, the group for whom he has agreed to make
Video Rating: 4 / 5

DOWNLOAD SHARE FAVOURITE * GET THIS OUT TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE ! * National Security Study Memorandum 200 cover letter- worldchinesecongress.org and www.population-security.org FERTILITY IMPAIRING VACCINE AND METHOD OF USE- www.wipo.int Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?- www.missionislam.com Phase I clinical trial of a World Health Organisation birth control vaccine 1988 PubMed- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Frequently Asked Questions on IMMUNOCONTRACEPTION- www.pzpinfo.org Study on high level expression Porcine Zona Pellucida-4 in e-Coli- journal.shouxi.net Monoclonal Antibody PZP-4 blocks fertilisation- www.reproduction-online.org Specific Binding of 17D3 Anti-pZP mAb to Porcine and Human Zona Pellucida but not to Other Tissue Antigens- www.randc.cn Mammalian zona pellucida is an attractive target for developing a contraceptive vaccine- www.reproduction-online.org CONTRACEPTIVE VACCINES by WHO – www.gfmer.ch The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation- db.jhuccp.org CDC inoculations of Death: VACCINE INFO- www.scribd.com Innoculations the True Weapons of Mass Destruction- www.scribd.com Can the Flu Vaccine Cause Cancer or Fertility Problems, Harm Your Unborn Child, or Show Up In Your Milk?- www.vaclib.org Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?- www.whale.to PATENT Sperm antigen corresponding to a sperm zona binding protein autoantigenic epitope- www.freepatentsonline.com IMPROVED AEROSOL METHODOLOGY FOR APPLYING CPT TO CONTROL ROOSTING

Project Camelot Conf.- Richard Dolan UFOs and the National Security State, 1973-1991

UFOS AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE THE COVER-UP EXPOSED, 1973 1991, with Richard M. Dolan. Richard Dolan was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy. In 2000, he published a 500-page study, UFOs and the National Security State. This is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed. Dolan has appeared on numerous television documentaries for the History Channel, Sci Fi Channel, as well as BBC and European networks. He appears regularly on radio stations throughout the US, including Coast to Coast, and has been a featured speaker at conferences internationally. In 2006, he hosted a six-episode series, Sci Fi Investigates, produced by NBC for the Sci Fi Channel. Dolan has published numerous articles on anomalous phenomena, science, and the intelligence community. In 2003, he was a founding member of Phenomena, a magazine dedicated to leading edge issues

Project Camelot Conf.- Richard Dolan UFOs and the National Security State, 1973-1991

UFOS AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE THE COVER-UP EXPOSED, 1973 1991, with Richard M. Dolan. Richard Dolan was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy. In 2000, he published a 500-page study, UFOs and the National Security State. This is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed. Dolan has appeared on numerous television documentaries for the History Channel, Sci Fi Channel, as well as BBC and European networks. He appears regularly on radio stations throughout the US, including Coast to Coast, and has been a featured speaker at conferences internationally. In 2006, he hosted a six-episode series, Sci Fi Investigates, produced by NBC for the Sci Fi Channel. Dolan has published numerous articles on anomalous phenomena, science, and the intelligence community. In 2003, he was a founding member of Phenomena, a magazine dedicated to leading edge issues
Video Rating: 5 / 5

PROJECT CAMELOT : ROBERT SALAS : A Question of National Security

I interviewed former Air Force Captain Robert Salas back in 2005 before we created Project Camelot. Back then, I was just starting out conducting interviews for a documentary I planned to make. As it happened, shortly after this interview I met Bill Ryan and we became involved in the journey that became Project Camelot and for the past 4 years I have not had the time to go back and revisit various projects that were filmed and never edited. Each new Camelot interview came fast and furious and we could barely keep up with the work. I wish, at this time, to formally apologize to Robert Salas for the delay in getting this interview out to the public where it belongs. Upon hearing about the Press Conference recently held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC I was motivated to go back and recover this footage in an effort to substantiate and further assist this effort to get the word out about UFOs and National Security at this critical time. Times they are ‘a changin’ and we are at a juncture when the reality of ufos and the fact that we are not alone, have never been alone (as Bob Dean would say) will become the new paradigm. Project Camelot has diligently worked toward this end and to putting an end to secrecy across the board. With this release I hope to pay tribute to Robert Salas and the brave men and women who have put themselves on the line both before the public and behind the scenes to break down the wall of secrecy that divides us here on planet Earth from

This day long conference hosted by the Center on Law and Security examined whether the protections guaranteed by the First Amendment are currently under strain as a result of actions taken by the government in the name of national security. This is panel two, “On the Matter of Free Speech and Incitement,” featuring Niall Brennan, Glenn Greenwald, Burt Neuborne, and Geoff Stone, and moderated by Barton Gellman