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***** 4.Evolution vs. Creationism: “Teach the Controversy” *****

We Have ( 23 other) Evolution vs CreationismVideos in this series: 1. Evolution vs. Creationism: Listen to the Scientists (www.youtube.com ***** 2.Evolution vs. Creationism:Is Evolution Just a Theory? (www.youtube.com ***** ***** 3.Evolution vs. Creationism: No Controversy (www.youtube.com ***** 4. Evolution vs. Creationism: “Teach the Controversy” (www.youtube.com ***** 5. Evolution vs. Creationism: Is Hearing Both Sides Fair? (www.youtube.com 6.Evolution vs. Creationism:Experts vs. Scientists-Peer Review (www.youtube.com 7.Evolution vs. Creationism: The Process of Science (www.youtube.com ***** 8. Evolution vs. Creationism: Epistemology (www.youtube.com 9. Evolution vs. Creationism: Purpose & Goals of Creationism (www.youtube.com ***** 10. Evolution vs. Creationism:History of Evolution v Creationism (www.youtube.com 11. Evolution vs. Creationism:Evolution Essential to Education(www.youtube.com 12. Evolution vs. Creationism:Pragmatic Value of Evolution (www.youtube.com 13. Evolution vs. Creationism:Creationism’s Negative Effects (www.youtube.com 14. Evolution vs. Creationism: Science Teachers Challenged (www.youtube.com *****15. Evolution vs. Creationism: Biblical Literalism (www.youtube.com ***** 16. Evolution vs. Creationism: The Age of the Earth (www.youtube.com *****17. Evolution vs. Creationism: Scientific Explanations & God (www.youtube.com 18. Evolution vs. Creationism: Freedom of Religion (www.youtube.com 19. Evolution vs. Creationism:Gaps in the Record
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cartoon Controversy – How Will It Go on with Absolute Freedom?

Their national politics were changed in praxis almost completely. The modern principles of secularism and humanism have influenced most of their laws concerning human rights, religious tolerance, freedom of conscience etc.

After all this, it is clear that the media has got the opportunity to write and publish everything. The people are free to say anything they want, or anything that would interest their customers. If you are a writer, then you try to get something curious in order to become very popular. Sometimes it is very difficult to get such interesting topic and then you start to look for it in world politics, daily news, religious life and so on. You can look for such news and articles for example at http://www.sosGlobe.com

Some authors are successful. They find a serious topic and make really interesting story out of it. But some of them are working just superficially: they get some issue, which they don’t understand exactly and try to make a great noise from that. They publish nothing but rubbish with their illogical speculations.

The same process you may find also in sciences and arts. Everywhere you see how ordinary people and media sources are trying to become under spotlight. But the most tragic point is, that they violate traditional and religious values of other nations.

Is this a way to express your hate? To make other people feel pain? To punish them for their traditional customs? To laugh on their sacred dogmas? We don’t know exactly. But it’s clear that this cannot be acceptable. The law about opinion’s freedom must be crowned with the norm of respect before others. If you don’t respect other cultures, religions, customs and nations, than you will live always in conflict with them. What will it bring us?

On the other hand, we have also to condemn any violence. The human history shows us enough examples of big and small violent conflicts. They brought nothing but disasters, hunger, hate and death. Why you want to repeat it again? Will you be happier after killing or being killed?

All religions say that the real happiness is in love. You have to love your God, His creations and your brothers and sisters, even if they are acting unjust against you! All world religions are teaching us to be patient and hospital towards foreigners. So when we know this how can we still hate and destroy each other?

All tragedies and unworthy wars tell us, that it is enough! This is the time of reconciliation. We have to stop every aggression in both – theoretical and practical ways. There were enough innocent offers, so let’s act to stop in the future. Two suggestions would be very helpful for us in this situation:

– For Europeans and other Western citizens: You have to be careful with your liberal ideas. Not everybody is ready to think in the same way like you. So think more about studying other cultures and religions.

– For people in Orient: You have to reduce your emotions. The resolution of problem may be reached not only with weapons but also with normal discussions. You can speak openly about your problems and be sure that there are also such people and organizations in Western world, who can understand and support you.

– For all of us: It is necessary to remember that we live in the one and same world. We can’t ignore each other and live in egoistic happiness, because it will not work.

Harut Harutyunyan is a Ph.D. candidate in Theology from University of Munster and is the editor of http://www.sosGlobe.com that provides news and research information on global peace and religious issues.

Article from articlesbase.com

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Whats an article/debate topic about the Rousseau vs Montesquieu controversy?

I need to find an article or modern debate about Rousseau’s views on politics vs Montesquieu’s views. The whole communism/equality vs freedom/inequality thing.