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Lecture Exposes Major Religious Problems for Africans and African Americans

Lecture Exposes Major Religious Problems for Africans and African Americans

Tampa, FL (PRWEB) April 16, 2009

Norman R. Allen, Jr. will present his findings at John F. Germany Public Library, (downtown Tampa), 900 N Ashley Dr, Tampa FL 33602 on Saturday, April 18, 11:00–1:00; doors open at 10:30.

Is Religion Pushing Africans and African-Americans into Superstition & Ignorance? Has the economic downturn, badly hitting African Americans, increased a desperate, wishful turn to religion rather than intelligence and real-world solutions?

Norman R. Allen, Jr., founder and executive director of African Americans for Humanism, has traveled extensively across Africa and the U.S., and bears a disturbing message. He has been asking, “What effects are religion, especially literalistic and conservative religious tenets, having on blacks around the world? Are the clear anti-science, anti-medicine, anti-thinking trends in both Africa and across the African-American communities the result of religion? Does religion promote the spread of AIDS? Does Humanism stand out in combating these movements into ignorance and superstition?”

In Tampa, on April 18, Norm Allen will report his findings about organized humanism and skepticism on the African continent, and the challenges that pro-science activists there face. He discovered numerous religious and superstitious obstacles to the teaching of good science. Allen analyzed what African humanists and skeptics are doing to defend and promote a reason-based worldview.

Norm Allen also explored some of the challenges in advancing science and secularism within the African American community. “There is a strong pressure to conform to the religious ideal among various black skeptics and atheists, including many historical African American figures.” He doubts that religion remains a liberating force for African Americans. “Allen says, “Many anti-science trends are growing in the Black community, including those coming from Black entertainment outlets promoting anti-science such as psychic 900 lines, televangelists and belief in prophecy.” He ties all of this together in an exploration of religion and secularism as they relate to political activism, including the influence of high-profile Black preachers, such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s spiritual advisor.


Norman R. Allen, Jr. is the executive director of African Americans for Humanism, an educational organization primarily concerned with fostering critical thinking, ethical conduct, church-state separation, and skepticism toward untested claims to knowledge among African Americans.

In addition to his work with African Americans for Humanism, Norm Allen is the director of the Center for Inquiry/Transnational Programs. He is the editor of the ground-breaking book “African-American Humanism: An Anthology”, the “AAH Examiner”, and Deputy Editor of “Free Inquiry” magazine.

Allen has traveled and lectured widely throughout North America, Europe, and Africa, and he has spoken on numerous radio and television programs. His writings have been published in scores of newspapers throughout the U.S. and have appeared in such books as Culture Wars and the National Center for Science Education’s Voices for Evolution.

Lecture sponsor Center for Inquiry Tampa is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is “To promote and defend reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas of human endeavor.” CFI organizations publish Skeptical Inquirer and Free Inquiry magazines. See http://CenterForInquiry.net/Tampa for more information, or call (813) 849-7571.


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Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud

Flynt Leverett worked as a senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council, the NSC, and he was a CIA analyst. representativepress.blogspot.com The Bush Administration has committed fraud before. See background information on the fraud committed by the Bush Administration to get us into the Iraq War: The Problem Was Not “Faulty Intelligence,” the Problem Was Dishonestly Selecting And Omitting Intelligence representativepress.blogspot.com Senate Hearing on Iraq Pre-War Intelligence representativepress.blogspot.com US Intelligence About Iraq Didn’t Really Fail, It Was Manipulated representativepress.blogspot.com Beyond all reasonable doubt, the Bush Administration is guilty of the high crime of lying our nation into war. representativepress.blogspot.com Read Dealing with Tehran by Flynt Leverett here: www.newamerica.net See video: Elliott Abrams is another NeoCon that doesn’t respect the Constitution www.youtube.com

DVD on U. S. Constitution Exposes the 3 Signs of Historical Revisionism Among Christians

“Ismellarat — An Anti-Federalist Interpretation of American History”

is unique as an evangelical video production that challenges the U.S.

Constitution as a Christian document thesis held by many evangelical Christians.  Produced by a team of Evangelicals, it seeks to prove that historical revisionism could be a more serious problem among Christian authors than among secularists. 

<b>Baptized Federalism</b>

Readers of most contemporary authors on American Christian history are in for a shock.  The video challenges almost everything they’ve been taught about the meaning of American history.  The documentary takes issue with the “baptized Federalism” which is common to many of today’s “Christian America” authors.  It asserts that too often strong Christians have allowed their patriotism to cloud their biblical discernment on this vital issue.

Approximately 31 minutes in run time, this DVD challenges the prevailing opinion among Christians that the United States Constitution represents the epitome of biblical civil government. It explores why Patrick Henry and other strong Christians of the founding era opposed ratification of the Constitution so vigorously.

The legendary Patrick Henry argued almost single-handedly against ratification for 23 days in the Virginia Ratifying Convention.  Patrick Henry had better oratory, but Madison had better organization Many of his prophetic warnings have transpired: an imperial Supreme Court, two levels of oppressive taxation, a bloody civil war.  Plus an expansionist interpretation of the General Welfare Clause and the so-called Elastic Clause. 

The film reports why Patrick Henry rejected James Madison’s invitation to the Constitutional Convention itself with the pithy retort, “I smelt a rat.”  It answers the question, What was the rat that Patrick Henry “smelt”?  Includes interviews with radio personality Larry Pratt, Christian historian Dr. George Grant, and others. 

<b>Christian Revisionism</b>

Historical revisionism could be a bigger problem among Evangelical Christians than among secular humanists.  Here is evidence the film supplies for this assertion.  Some of the telltale marks of Christian revisionism include….

      1) Relying heavily on secondary evidence such as after-the-fact religious quotes and self-congratulatory statements by the founders and their Federalist cheerleaders.

      2) Downplaying primary source documents, such as the “Federalist Papers” and “Notes From the Federal Convention,” which almost never refer to the Bible in their discussions of civil government.  Then concluding that “the founders used the Bible as their great political textbook.”

      3) Ignoring the strong Evangelical and anti-Federalist resistance to the Constitution, which existed at the time of ratification.  Then “baptizing” the Constitution as the undisputed epitome of biblical civil government.   

Thus, the video suggests that many contemporary “Christian America authors are in reality promoting a form of Christian historical revisionism. 

For more information about the anti-Christian features of the U.S. Constitution visit http://www.america-betrayed-1787.com/us-constitution.html Dennis Woods is webmaster and also a political pollster and fundraiser in Oregon, using the Dog Catcher Campaign Strategy: http://www.america-betrayed-1787.com/gary-north.html