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George Walker Bush Legacy Of Criminal Lies …. 9/11, Iraq, Gitmo, Katrina. And Meltdown

This guy won’t show his face in public in America anymore without 100 secret service agents protecting him. George Bush is a criminal and the whole world knows it. Why is this guy not in a cell for the rest of his life for 9/11? For Iraq? For the engineered collapse of the American economy and loss of 40% of global wealth? For serial killing a million people? Bush did a better job killing Iraq than Charles Manson could have came up with. A sociopathic psychotic serial killer criminal that could not stop lying as he was stealing all your wealth and sacrificing his own troops for personal profit off the corruption. Put George Bush, and Obama his vetted warlord euro-puppet in a prison cell, save the world and America from all the madness. That would be “Change” you can count on. A fair trial for the people that did 9/11 in front of ALL the world. Trial for Hillary, trial for Guiliani, trial for Bush. All criminals that have rejected their oath of office and rejected the constitution which is THE law of America. Reject the constitution as an elected official? Your a criminal, defined in the constitution.
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Richard Todd, Independent Candidate for Washington’s 8th Congressional District, Releases Statement Calling for New Constitutional Convention in Iraq

Richard Todd, Independent Candidate for Washington’s 8th Congressional District, Releases Statement Calling for New Constitutional Convention in Iraq

Snoqualmie, WA (PRWEB) November 6, 2006

Richard Todd, independent candidate for Washington’s 8th Congressional District, has released the following statement calling for a new constitutional convention in Iraq.

“Nuri al-Maliki as Iraqi Prime Minister has the authority to appoint a Commission to propose changes to the Iraqi Constitution. In the present state of turmoil in Baghdad and the Sunni strongholds in Anbar Province as well as other areas which threaten to break away from the National Iraqi identity, the ability of the Maliki government to take decisive action is dwindling daily.

American diplomacy has the opportunity to help the Prime Minister the reshape the Iraqi Constitution if acted upon quickly. That is, initiate a Constitutional Convention now (yesterday) which can address the necessary protections for minorities within the Iraqi Nation. Americans by this time know about the turmoil and delaying tactics used by political parties who are squabbling with each other rather than serving the needs of the country.

A constitution, worthy of that name, must distinguish between the needs to protect minorities and the civil rights of individual citizens as opposed to the electoral process which gives inordinate power to political parties. As recent developments in Iraq have shown, political parties care not a hoot for minority rights.

The Administration of George W. Bush has a unique opportunity to council (and if necessary pressure) the Maliki government to convene such a convention. Even the start of such talks can have a sobering effect on the sectarian violence.

We can expect very little support from European governments which incorporate a political structure similar to that of Iraq. The protections for minorities under the US Constitution are effective primarily through the independent judiciary formed through lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. Without dwelling in depth on issues such as Abu Graib, Guantanimo, CIA interrogations and practices, torture, enemy lists, and telephone surveillance without sanction by a Court, it is obvious that the US Constitutional standard of presumed innocence until proven guilty is presently in tatters and has badly tarnished our image as a Nation of Laws before a skeptical world.

Never the less, it is the strength of the US Constitution, interpreted by the Supreme Court, having equal power with the Executive and Legislative branches of government, that can not only stem the erosion but restore the integrity of minority rights.

We have dawdled too long and allowed the formation of a Parliamentary monstrosity in Iraq. The day is fast approaching when the US electorate will no longer tolerate the loss of American lives and the expenditure of billions of dollars to prop up a failed Iraqi government. Our military departure under these circumstances will most likely herald a new tyranny for the Iraqis and dishonor those who gave their lives or suffered terrible wounds for Iraqi freedom.

US diplomacy must now come to the fore and help the Maliki government, through a Constitutional convention, to fashion for Iraq a new document which provides for the Iraqi people what the US Constitution assures for each American citizen. That action, taken with appropriate diligence and effort, will provide this Administration with a successful completion of the chapter called Iraq which will stand the test of History.

For more information, please contact Richard Todd for Congress, telephone 425-888-3859 or visit the web at http://www.toddmarine.org.

Media inquires:

Belinda Young

Richard Todd For Congress



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More The Constitution Press Releases

Who Were ‘The Real Villains’ of 9-11? America & Iraq: Seduced by Fear, A New Book by Author Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars

Who Were ‘The Real Villains’ of 9-11? America & Iraq: Seduced by Fear, A New Book by Author Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars

Myrtle Beach, SC (PRWEB) September 11, 2006

Grapevine Publishing is proud to announce the addition of Dr. Amaal V.E. Tokars book, America & Iraq: Seduced by Fear available Spring 2007. In her book, Tokars states: “As the world prepares to enter one of its most serious wars in history, it is most crucial for American citizens to be able to obtain information and understand issues. It is through Textual Imagery, information and communication filtered to us second by second, that most American people shape their beliefs and opinions simply by virtue of what they have read, heard or have been shown.”

The author, Dr. Amaal Tokars takes you on a journey before 9-11 and after, demonstrating why the average citizen should have been prepared for war and how the notion of our freedom has been relegated to a diminished voice. Dr. Tokars stresses that without true understanding and knowledge of other cultures and current events, we remain static and forego any possibility of the freedoms that our forefathers fought so intensely for. She carefully documents why a civilized human society cannot afford to think in tribal terms and how that type of thinking will only lead to mistrust and, in due course, to completely unjustifiable disasters such as what tragically happened on 9-11.

Dr. Tokars guides readers toward the process of becoming an Organic Citizenry by learning how to discern truth with clarity and discover where to go to acquire the facts, renewing our authentic voice and true freedom. Dr. Tokars challenges her readers to be Organic Citizens, to commit themselves to decipher and challenge all Textual Imagery — to think, question, act, and participate. Dr. Tokars gives us an intriguing analysis and a challenge to live our lives as more responsible citizens of the world.


Dr. Amaal Tokars holds a PHD in Education and Anthropology. She has spent her professional career working in the diverse arena of human services and is the author of the upcoming book: America & Iraq: Seduced by Fear. She has committed much time and research to topics related to leadership and policy. Her interests range from adult education, community development, crisis intervention, crisis response, and cultural competence. Dr. Tokars is Canadian, Iraqi, and a citizen of the United States. She resides in the Chicago area with her family. It is her hope that her work will promote dialogue on the meaning of citizenship in a global society. She hopes that all citizens will be valued as having a voice in the shaping of their lived history.

Press kit can be obtained by media at http://www.seducedbyfear.com/

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Religious Freedom in Iraq Called For by World Compassion Petition

(PRWEB) July 20, 2005

Dr. Terry Law, founder of World Compassion, has released a petition calling for the addition a human rights declaration on religious freedom to the new Iraqi constitution.

“It is my opinion that this war in Iraq isn’t over until there is a guarantee of religious freedom and basic human rights in the new constitution being created at this very moment,” said Dr. Law.

Article 18 of the United Nations’ ratified Universal Declaration of Human Rights document states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.” According to Dr. Law, the addition of freedom of religion to the constitution is necessary in order to uphold basic human rights.

“I believe we have a moral, political, and spiritual responsibility to demand freedom of religion for Iraqis,” said Dr. Law. “Most nations of the civilized world have accepted this UN document. The new Iraqi constitutional committee must do the same.”

Dr. Terry Law will be meeting with Iraq’s new Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, as well as members of the Iraqi constitutional committee, during the first week of August 2005, to encourage religious freedom. This trip follows on the heels of Dr. Law’s meeting with the former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and Iraq’s Deputy National Security Advisor Georges Sada in June of 2004.

“We’re not asking that a specific religion be practiced,” said Dr. Law. “We only want to ensure that the Iraqi people have the freedom to choose for themselves.”

The new constitution is scheduled for completion by August 15. World Compassion encourages the signed petitions to be returned by July 25, 2005 so they can be shipped to the Prime Minister’s office in Baghdad in early August.

Visit www.WorldCompassion.tv to download the petition for religious freedom in Iraq and learn about other ways to get involved with World Compassion’s volunteer network.

About World Compassion

World Compassion is a non-denominational, faith-based international organization founded by Dr. Terry Law in 1969 to assist churches in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in their communities. For over 35 years, World Compassion has worked specifically in nations that are difficult to access with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Positive results have been achieved through the distribution of Christian literature, food, clothing, medical supplies, school supplies, and through psycho-social counseling among populations devastated by years of war and/or oppressive regimes. World Compassion conducts humanitarian-related projects in education, emergencies, health, family, and religious freedom.

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Iraq church horror speeds Christian exodus

Iraq church horror speeds Christian exodus
BAGHDAD, Nov. 1 (UPI) — The slaughter of dozens of Iraqi Christians held hostage in a Baghdad church seized by Islamist insurgents, will accelerate the exodus of a Christian community that is one of the most ancient in the world.

Read more on UPI

Obama to hold national security sitdown on Iraq

Obama to hold national security sitdown on Iraq
President Barack Obama sits down Wednesday with his national security team to talk about Iraq.

Read more on AP via Yahoo! News

Barack Obama: On Iraq and National Security

Barack Obama gave an address in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Iraq and America’s national security.

For Christians in Iraq, the threats persist

For Christians in Iraq, the threats persist
Before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 there were about 1.4 million Christians in Iraq, a Muslim-dominated nation of nearly 30 million. Since then, about 50% of Iraq’s Christians have fled the country, taking refuge in neighboring Jordan, Syria, Europe and the USA, according to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Read more on USA Today