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The Constitution, Love it or Leave it

The Constitution – Love It, or Leave

It’s not a secret! The President himself said it loud and clear on just about every media outlet – and he didn’t hold back. He said “if we don’t pass this health bill, America will be bankrupt”. In my view, the question is what has a health bill got to do with the solvency of our treasury?

Here is my ‘take’ on this deal:

• This administration has completely blown our national bank account, and with our creditors pounding on the door of the treasury for their interest payment, there is an urgent need for cash. That’s where you and I come in, because we are the only source of income to remedy this sorry situation, ergo…

• Create a ‘cash cow’ that will generate huge amounts of revenue, but disguise it as a desperately-needed service to the American people, something both valuable and necessary, such as health care. Ah, yes… health care – or to be more precise, socialized health care, the veritable ‘Holy Grail’ of the Democratic Party for nigh on a hundred years.

• Next, load up the ‘Cash Cow Bill’ with everything under the sun, making sure to get all the votes necessary to execute the scam, even to the point of buying off dissident members of the Congress with disgracefully blatant and specific bribes. Finally – and most important of all – delay the promised services for at least four years. That way, the Treasury will have income without having to provide the service, and – bingo! They’ve got cash-flow.

Upwards of 70% of us just plain and simply don’t want this ‘Health Care Reform’ bill, mainly because we can see right through it. The political tricks applied by Pelosi and Reed, the two main perpetrators of this fraud, have been shamelessly transparent – and that’s the only transparency that ‘We, The People’ have seen evidence of since Presidential Candidate Obama promised us total transparency in his Administration should he be elected. Well, he was elected, but we have yet to see any evidence of the transparency promised us. In fact, everything the President/his Administration have done on our supposed behalf has been largely partisan and done behind closed doors, and calls to investigate any/all irregularities have been stonewalled – which makes Congressman Joe Wilson (R) South Carolina’s accusation shouted out during the State of the Nation address “YOU LIE!” the stand-out understatement of this Congress.

This is not the CHANGE we were duped into believing would be our reward for putting Obama into office – this is business-as-usual, stinks-like-a-dead-fish, corrupt Chicago politics! Unfortunately, just enough of us bought the snake-oil that put into motion the ‘change’ that would lead us down the garden path to America’s ruin.

Make no mistake, we needed ‘change’ – but change for the better, not worse. The promise seen by the majority of the electorate in this charismatic Senator from Chicago turned out to be as disappointing as the revelation to the female fans of the movie star ‘hunk’ Rock Hudson that he was anything but what he seemed, and that he was, in fact, gay!

This president is not so much phony as incompetent. We, and most of the rest of the Free World, were sold the proverbial ‘bill of goods’. We bought a lemon, a charismatic community organizer, when what we needed was a Reaganesque statesman, not just another ordinary politician who cries ‘wine’ and sells vinegar… a truly non-partisan reconciler, not a profoundly ideological polarizer… a noble peacemaker, not a global appeaser… a President, not a pretender at the helm of our storm-tossed Ship of State.

Instead of action we are given reaction – and, on the world stage, that can be fatal, especially when partnered with inexperience. Lawyers aren’t the only sharks in the global seas – the ‘Great White’ varieties of certain world leaders have such small fry as lawyers for lunch! The world stage should not be perceived as nothing more than just a larger community to organize – the dynamics of an American inner-city community aren’t comparable to the dynamics of the world’s community of diverse nations.

In the game of football, leaders always want the ball because they see opportunity to move the team forward, but this stagnant three-and-out, leaving everything up to the punter is not the foundation of a winning team. Obama came onto the world stage as an unknown – a political rookie who seems to have lacked even the basic wisdom that you only get one chance to make a first impression. As the ‘new kid on the block’, he failed to impress his peers. His tele-prompter served him well on his home field, though his inordinate dependence on it soon began to be seen as a substitute for sincerity, a pre-programmed inability to speak from his heart. Abroad, under very close scrutiny, he was largely deemed ‘an empty suit’. He has failed to impress even the lowliest of the world leaders, and through that failure, he has embarrassed and degraded his country.

We are fast becoming a ranking member of the Third World-economy class, dependent on the forbearance and benevolence of others – China, for instance. A major problem for us is that this Administration steadfastly disavows any and all responsibility for our National state of affairs, repeatedly pointing the finger of blame at their predecessors, the dastardly Bush Administration. This puerile ‘pass the buck’ leadership style is wearing mighty thin, and no doubt has legendary Democrat President Harry ‘The Buck Stops Here’ Truman spinning in his grave.

While there may be enough meat left on that carcass to make a weak broth, it falls well short of making a hearty soup. For one thing – the main thing – didn’t the Democrats take command and control of the Congress in the 2006 elections? Didn’t that put the responsibility of government squarely in the laps of the Democrats a full two years before this Obama travesty?

Forgive me my confusion – and please correct me if I’m wrong – but I was of the belief that the President has no power over the National purse-strings without the majority consent of the Congress, due to the ‘checks and balances’ aspect of our government which was designed to keep us from falling into the clutches of a king or similar dictator. If that is, indeed, the case, I submit for consideration the argument that the Democratic Party, by dint of an independent majority, controlled both the Senate and the House of Representatives, rendering the Bush Presidency a so-called ‘lame duck’ Administration. Thus, how can we accept that the Bush Administration is entirely responsible for the entirety of this catastrophic mess we are currently experiencing? I would freely wager that a majority of Americans would count themselves fortunate if our current deficit was ‘only’ as much as it was when Bush left office!

In Obama’s case, I would paraphrase Presidential Candidate Bill Clinton’s campaign catch-phrase ‘It’s the economy, stupid!’ to ‘It’s the SPENDING, stupid!’ At this rate, we soon won’t even be able to afford the Poorhouse – what then, Dickensian debtors’ prisons? (Is that what the ‘concentration camps’ standing ready in numerous locations across the country are for? If not, then what is their intended purpose?) If Obama is so keen to redistribute the wealth, why doesn’t he mandate that ALL over-paid government employees share their wealth with the beleaguered taxpayer? Maybe he should launch an ‘adopt-a-taxpayer’ relief fund amongst the ‘fat cats’ he so reviles (with the exception of his pet ‘fat cat’ campaign contributors). Why did the already ridiculously well-paid government employees just receive a raise when seniors received NOTHING?

Cowards and charlatans blame others for their mistakes – leaders accept responsibility for any and all shortfalls, both their own and others under their control. At least, that was the standard during my military career. In my experience, those who embraced those responsibilities were the true and trusted leaders. I saluted them then, and I salute them now.

My conclusion is that we, as the citizens of this nation, are in serious trouble. Our government is rapidly growing out of control, ever expanding into a nationalized carbon-copy of Socialist Europe, financed against our will by our hard-earned tax dollars.

This is a blatant contravention of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If this Republic is to survive – and I submit to you that it must – We, the People are duty-bound to rescue it. If this Republic means anything to you, your children, their future progeny – and, most importantly, to the trust imposed on us by those who fought, bled and died for it throughout our history, and who, with their blood obliged us to do the same for those yet unborn – we must act, NOW!

Now is the time!

Already, this government has gone too far: they have shown contempt for our reasoned protests and admonitions. They have cast aside, with utter disdain, their oath of office, destroying any trust due them from us. They are, in effect, traitors to our core beliefs and to the principles of our Founding Fathers, by which we prefer to live.

Veterans are any country’s truest patriots, their hearts forged in the furnace of combat and sacrifice, and we stand firmly on the side of our country’s proud past, on the shoulders of those Heroes of the Revolution who so courageously took a stand against the tyranny of their time. Now, we must answer the call to stand against the tyranny of our time. We trust that our beloved military will stand with us, for they share their solemn oath of service and love of the country for which they still fight and bleed, prepared to give ‘the last full measure of devotion’ in order to protect and preserve our core beliefs and the principles of our Founding Fathers.

We must use the tools entrusted to us by the creators of this venerable Republic – the advice so carefully scripted for us as a legal means to remove these traitors from office.

It is an imperative to register all who wish to be members of The Militia of The Several States, so as to be ready to respond to any emergency – defined as ‘a serious, unexpected, and potentially dangerous situation requiring immediate action’.

An emergency can manifest itself in many forms or occasions, thus it is prudent to be prepared and willing to serve in whatever capacity the situation requires. We are all under oath to do no less. Each of us, at some point in our lives; have taken an oath to protect our flag, our county and our people, and our integrity demands that we live up to that promise.

It is time to fulfill our obligation to protect this Republic from its enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is time to reinvigorate the tenets of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have no stomach for confrontation for the sake of a difference of opinion. However, we do have a responsibility to invest whatever is necessary into removing from office all who perpetrate through the Congress’ unlawful practices, and make it answerable to the accusation of tyranny.

You are a militia – all able-bodied American over the age of seventeen years are. The only way a single voice can be heard is through a respectable membership who are all of one mind, and when they speak, it is with one, mighty voice.

Therefore, we must register our names in the same way that we would sign a petition expressing a strong opinion urging legislative redress, and when we achieve sufficient numbers we must ROAR our discontent – demanding that Congress either cease and desist its unlawful practices forthwith, or face physical removal from office by a lawful militia.

Please pursue this further by going to www.voluntarymilitia.com discover your commitment to a constitutional lawful government.

David Brown is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Veterans Journal, a ‘free’ on line weekly advocate for the veteran community. The veterans journal selects pertinent information that will educate and inform the veteran community in the support of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Veterans Journal originated in 1999, first as a printed news journal which evolved into an on line publication in 2002.

By David Brown

David Brown is the founder, creator and editor of The Veterans Journal, www.theveteransjournal.com, and has been helping vets get proper burials, medical care and the basics they need to survive for more than a decade. Mr. Brown is a former British Grenadier, seconded SAS. After serving abroad for the the UK, Mr. Brown sought greener pastures in the US for his retirement and has since been involved in multiple political campaigns and movements that are impacting the nation every day.

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