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Could legalizing gay marriage cause a moderate risk to national security? In which countries?

Question by Scyllis: Could legalizing gay marriage cause a moderate risk to national security? In which countries?
Afghanistan is obviously the most obvious one, where the civil govt is unstable and only has tenous contro, with a lot of its support built on popularity– any other examples where such an act would estrange the gov’t from a segment of the population so much as to jeopardize a country’s national security interests?

Best answer:

Answer by vinny_says_relax
Theres no such thing as gay marriage.

Marriage is a man and a woman…If they allow gays to marry because they ‘love’ each other then you also have to allow brothers and sisters who love each other, someone who loves their dog can marry it, marry their mother as well, pervert it all they want.

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Conservative vs Liberal vs Moderate, read carefully which are you really?

Question by Stanley: Conservative vs Liberal vs Moderate, read carefully which are you really?
Who ever here that said “CONSERVATIVE POLICIES THAT MADE THIS COUNTRY GREAT!” is speaking Hog wash! By the definition the conservative would first off never have left his european country for religious freedom, a true conservative would never had broke from the colonial power in which was controlling the colony. A conservative would never had wanted the average citizen the right to bare arms and allow them freedom of speech or a democracy. a True conservative by definition would never have wanted such “progressive changes”.

Main Entry: con·ser·va·tism
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈsər-və-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1832
1 capitalized a : the principles and policies of a Conservative party b : the Conservative party
2 a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established b : a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage)
3 : the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change

The Liberal is what made it great.

Religious freedom: Liberal
Right to bare arms: Liberal
Freedom of Speech: Liberal

Main Entry: lib·er·al·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈli-b(ə-)rə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1819
1 : the quality or state of being liberal
2 a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class) d capitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal party

The bottom line is that if it was left up to conservatives we would still be a colony that was only allowed to worship one religion and would have to awnser to the king or queen. It was the Liberals that broke us away from that.

The Moderate

A bunch of stooges stuck in the middle who cannot make up their minds.
Main Entry: 1mod·er·ate
Pronunciation: \ˈmä-d(ə-)rət\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin moderatus, from past participle of moderare to moderate; akin to Latin modus measure
Date: 15th century
1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits b : calm, temperate
2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension b : having average or less than average quality : mediocre
3 : professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme
4 : limited in scope or effect
5 : not expensive : reasonable or low in price
6 of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma
oh and demecracy….Liberal
This is interesting indeed. However todays conservative is not yesterdays classic liberal. only in part. Todays conservative is still conservative, and adhears to the definition of conservatism.
However I see that both todays “modern conservative and modern liberal, both came from classic liberalism. Yet the conservatives adopted conservative ideals such as fear of change, and Liberals adopted a more social aspect. Amazing how simular they are, considering the social liberal is considered more cenrtral

Best answer:

Answer by Crow

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