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Monotheistic religions have one message: God is, God is to be worshipped and to be obeyed

Monotheistic religions have one message: God is, God is to be worshipped and to be served

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only monotheistic religions in the world, present, past and perhaps, future. They all have the same message. This message is a divine message. They all have their messengers delivering the same message.

These are Moses, Christ and Muhammad in respect to every religion. The Torah was revealed unto Moses after the Exodus from Egypt(about 1272 Before our Era), the Gospel, or the Evangel was revealed unto Jesus Christ (33 AE), the Qur’an was revealed unto Muhammad between 610 and 632(AE) The birth time of Christ is at zero hour of the time of human history.

The three messages are considered by their fiddles as divine messages of God. They all have the same contents. That there is God, that this God is the creator of the universe and all life manifestations. He is one and unique. He is to be worshipped and served and obeyed. Each one of the divine Scriptures prescribes its laws to its people.

Thus, Jews are confided to their Law or the Torah, Christians are confined to their Gospel and Muslims are confined to the Qur’an and the dictums of Muhammad. But all religions represent one content and one message.

 Every fiddle of these religions is charged with the personal responsibility to believe in God, not to associate anything with God, fear God, venerate God and worship only God. However, major deviation has occurred in the four books of the New testament.

The apostles, John, Paul, Luke and Marc, known as the disciples of Christ, have ascribed Godship to Christ. They have considered Christ as the son of God and as God the father and as God in trinity with the holy spirit, archangel Gabriel. In this the two other religions depart company and deny anything to be associated with God, the unique, the indivisible, the eternal the All Mighty.

The three messages, however, declare a Day of Judgment where all humans shall be brought to death and resurrection shall be next. Then, every human being, whether believer or disbeliever, shall be brought to account for his. Or her, own deeds and beliefs in their worldly life. For this religion considers two lives prescribed for all human beings.

The first is short, temporary and transitory and the second is eternal. Now then, man has the freedom of will to choose between belief and disbelief in God and the Last day, he has also the freedom to obey or disobey the divine messages.

It is according to man’s decision that man shall be judged and then those who have chosen belief and performed good deeds they shall be rewarded with eternal felicity. As for those who disbelieve in God and the Last Day of Judgment, even if they do good deeds all their lives they shall be punished eternally in Hell Fire. For disbelief is considered, according to the dive messages as the ultimate evil and cannot be recompensated, or swapped, for good deeds only.

The divine messages are reminders to mankind. No attempt in any monotheistic religion is made to coerce humans to believe or disbelieve, to obey or disobey, to worship God or not. Man is totally free and his responsibility is complete. In this lies the value, worth and dignity of man. Whosoever chooses to take the path of God can do so and whosoever chooses other path is free to do so.

Believers are considered those who believe in God and the Last Day. Their duty is to worship God and only God, the one and only. No associates, idols, humans or otherwise, to be taken beside Him or with Him. Humans are invited and reminded to take heed against the day o reckoning.

For the plausibility of the religious argument, man is invited to look into the universe and himself and make his own mind and heart as the arbitrators of the existence of God, the plausibility of resurrection and the certitude of the other life whether in paradise or in Hell. There are two categories of humans, those who believe and those who disbelieve. Skeptics and those who are in doubt are considered as disbelievers as long as they did not pronounce their belief.

So make your own choice as you like!

Article from articlesbase.com

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