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Tax Reduction Toolkit.

How Any Small Business Owner Or Self-Employed Person Can Save Thousands In Taxes.
Tax Reduction Toolkit.

Citizenship for Wealth Management, Citizenship for Tax Planning, Citizenship for tax reduction

Dual citizenship and dual nationality is your safeguard against unknown misfortunes. Dominica dual citizenship is your getaway from excessive taxation. Dual citizenship and dual nationality is a key to preserve your confidentiality.
Significant part of our citizenship clients who subsequently want to change the normal residency are wealthy individuals (mainly Americans, Western Europeans or citizens of other high tax countries), who want to save on their tax payments, obtain citizenship for tax planning or citizenship for tax reduction enhance their privacy and confidentiality of their affairs and enjoy the good weather and climate all year round at the same time. It could be retired people or businessmen who have sufficient funds to leave of their income, or those who can work away from the original country of residence. These people are interested in residing in Monaco, Switzerland, Andorra, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Bahamas and other Caribbean countries.
There is another category of our clients, which is increasing fast. They are wealthy businessmen or professional people from not so prosperous countries, like the former Soviet Union, China and the Eastern Europe countries. These people need a dual citizenship to establish a new permanent residence in the counties of the European Union. They need second citizenship for residence in England, residence in United Kingdom, residence in European Union and residence in United States.
Second passport and Dominica citizenship is the key to preserve your wealth. There are no capital gains, gift, wealth and inheritance taxes.
Every country has its own citizenship rules. Some countries welcome individuals with nationalized ancestors; others give passports to those of a certain religion and some for simply buying real estate, or through so called ‘Economic Citizenship Investment Programs’. The rules and the opportunities are endless. Though the easiest and quickest! way to secure citizenship is through simple purchase of citizenship.
Economic Citizenship in Dominica
On February 1, 2000 the Labor Party narrowly won parliamentary elections in Dominica and formed a coalition with the Freedom Party. Almost 10 years ago, the Freedom Party had introduced the first economic citizenship program. The new government is committed to continue it while reviewing and improving certain options.
Dominica has the most successful economic citizenship program still in operation.
Since 1991, more than 600 families have received Dominica citizenship. The program has been reviewed several times since its inception. Although there have been some irregularities in the past, the program is well established because of its long and largely unproblematic operation.
There is no doubt that Dominica has unmatched expertise and experience in handling one of the world’s most successful citizenship programs. It is well administered, based on clear and established procedures, and all applicants are thoroughly screened and interviewed. With the new government committed to high standards, Dominica definitely continues to be one of the best choices for economic citizenship.

Second Citizenship Ltd. provides professional and efficient services for obtaining second nationality in Dominica. Obtaining second passport for Dominica is helpful for Caribbean citizenship, European Union citizenship, American citizenship, US Citizenship, Foreign citizenship, foreign passport. Offers you the services to purchase Dominican nationality, dual nationality, multiple nationalities, second citizenship in Dominica will help you for visa free travel to England, United Kingdom and to Switzerland. SEO services provided by Jigney Bhachech, CEO Opal Infotech, India.

Ultimate Tax Reduction Guide.

How To Slash Your Taxes Quickly, Easily And Legally.
Ultimate Tax Reduction Guide.

Property Tax Appeals – Property Tax Reduction.

Engage In A Property Tax Appeal? Lower Your Property Tax Once And It Continues For Years. Consumer Reports Report 40% Of The Population Is Over-assessed! Some Say Higher. Step-by-step Specifics, Percentages And Numbers To Use Maximize The Win!
Property Tax Appeals – Property Tax Reduction.