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Men’s rights activists – A noble pursuit? (men responses only please)?

First – I find it strange that a discussion forum such as this highlights Gender issues ( pertaining to the sexes) while also highlighting Women’s issues (pertaining to the female)?!, I won’t bore you with my views on this obvious gaffe, but wanted to highlight it as a point of amusement.

My post is about the philosophy of equality and in particular the effect Second-wave feminism has had. I’ve perused some of the threads here and have noticed that several men have started to vocalize their concern regarding the lack of attention being brought to the issue of men’s rights. We know Feminists by design are interested in their own rights and freedoms, the logical extrapolation from this is that they aren’t nearly as concerned with your rights as men, which by default promotes confrontation and contention amongst the sexes.

Is society big enough for both gender equality groups? Is this a kin to Right to Life vs. Free choice as far as conention and confrontation?
I apologize that the question might not be that clear, I ran out of room and didn’t have time to properly hash it together.