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Should Science And Religion Relate?

The world is full of experiences that when discovered, both scientist and theologian alike they are in complete awe of what has been found. The mysteries about nature that are revealed to scientists are breathtaking and should be shared in the scientific method of inquiry, based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning . The theologians with their equally amazing discoveries of the spirit and of the soul should remember that a belief is optional and it is wrong to try to coerce God into the world, but remember the choice to believe in God should always be free.

There are theologians who agree to the idea that religion is opposed to science, but there are scientists who assert that science leaves no room for religion, hence, the conflict model. In this model science and religion are seen as incompatible. They are different views of the universe and they come to irreconcilably different views. If one is right then the other is wrong.  These two entities present competing claims about the same thing. This model is used by the extreme fanatics from both sides. In contrast to the conflict model, is the independent model, which appeals to many scientists and theologians because it gives them the freedom to believe and think what they like in their respective fields without having to relate to one another.

In general, science is a sense experience [any of the faculties by which a person obtains information about the physical world by being exposed to events over a period of time that leads to an increase in knowledge or skill], after it has been through fact process and documented it becomes a coerced reality [an refutable actual being or existence, as opposed to an imaginary, idealized, or false nature].

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Q&A: What are the similarities of the church & state issues vs. science & religion?

Question by RBLee: What are the similarities of the church & state issues vs. science & religion?
Brainiacs untie! 😀 Think hard. Avoid speculation or defense.

In the exacting, evidence requiring nature of science has there ever been any evidence to disprove evolution and the convictions of the state from their own perspective?

By the same token, by the faith, scriptural & biblical acheological based perspectives of the church & religion (religion,not in the label definition, but in the broad term of the denominational umbrella) has there ever been more contradictiion by their own evidence than fact?

Try to answer that without an emotional response!

Best answer:

Answer by Mesperanto
Try to answer that? I had a problem trying to understand it. Could you rewrite it in atheist please.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

political science question?

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