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***** 4.Evolution vs. Creationism: “Teach the Controversy” *****

We Have ( 23 other) Evolution vs CreationismVideos in this series: 1. Evolution vs. Creationism: Listen to the Scientists (www.youtube.com ***** 2.Evolution vs. Creationism:Is Evolution Just a Theory? (www.youtube.com ***** ***** 3.Evolution vs. Creationism: No Controversy (www.youtube.com ***** 4. Evolution vs. Creationism: “Teach the Controversy” (www.youtube.com ***** 5. Evolution vs. Creationism: Is Hearing Both Sides Fair? (www.youtube.com 6.Evolution vs. Creationism:Experts vs. Scientists-Peer Review (www.youtube.com 7.Evolution vs. Creationism: The Process of Science (www.youtube.com ***** 8. Evolution vs. Creationism: Epistemology (www.youtube.com 9. Evolution vs. Creationism: Purpose & Goals of Creationism (www.youtube.com ***** 10. Evolution vs. Creationism:History of Evolution v Creationism (www.youtube.com 11. Evolution vs. Creationism:Evolution Essential to Education(www.youtube.com 12. Evolution vs. Creationism:Pragmatic Value of Evolution (www.youtube.com 13. Evolution vs. Creationism:Creationism’s Negative Effects (www.youtube.com 14. Evolution vs. Creationism: Science Teachers Challenged (www.youtube.com *****15. Evolution vs. Creationism: Biblical Literalism (www.youtube.com ***** 16. Evolution vs. Creationism: The Age of the Earth (www.youtube.com *****17. Evolution vs. Creationism: Scientific Explanations & God (www.youtube.com 18. Evolution vs. Creationism: Freedom of Religion (www.youtube.com 19. Evolution vs. Creationism:Gaps in the Record
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Newly Launched Website Breaks The Mold By Using Irreverent Humor to Teach Constitutional Rights

Newly Launched Website Breaks The Mold By Using Irreverent Humor to Teach Constitutional Rights

Evanston, IL (PRWEB) November 20, 2009 —

Our Constitutional Rights is a new website that couldn’t be more different from educational materials found in most high school and college classrooms. It uses a mash-up of movie and TV clips, grabs from YouTube and blogs, news footage and music videos — tightly woven with laugh-out-loud text and edgy visuals.

“There are textbooks that do a superb job of teaching civil liberties. Our Constitutional Rights complements those formal lesson plans.” says Pat Shiplett, editor. “The Constitution contains the most powerful ideas ever put on paper. Humor helps bring them to life.”

Parents and teachers who encourage students to think outside the box will appreciate that Our Constitutional Rights blows the dust off our civil liberties and shows how they shape our daily lives.

Like the Constitution itself, the site deals with mature themes — from religion to the death penalty to the bedroom. It’s written for mature teens and older.

For all its humor, ourconstitutionalrights.com happens to be a smart, well-organized reference tool that anyone researching a classroom assignment, facing a citizenship exam or just exploring our freedoms will appreciate. It moves from the Bill of Rights through the Civil War amendments to voting and reproductive rights. Visitors are directed to full constitution texts, landmark court decisions, a mouse-over glossary and helpful links.

With the Intercollegiate Studies Institute http://www.americancivicliteracy.org/2008/summary_summary.html reporting that fewer than half of all Americans can name the three branches of government, Our Constitutional Rights may be a fresh approach whose time has come.

About Our Constitutional Rights

Our Constitutional Rights (url:ourconstitutionalrights.com) is an educational, non-commercial public-service website (Fair Use copyright limitations apply). It is published by volunteers to build awareness of our inalienable rights and to help secure their blessings for generations to come.

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‘Declare IT!’ Educational Program Helps Teach Students and Parents about Americas’ Founding Freedoms during Celebrate Freedom Week

‘Declare IT!’ Educational Program Helps Teach Students and Parents about Americas’ Founding Freedoms during Celebrate Freedom Week

Alpharetta, GA (PRWEB) September 12, 2006

The swell of patriotism that rolled across America after the attacks of 9-11 caused many lawmakers to take another look at American students’ declining report card in American history and civics. America’s students have scored poorly on civics tests and many know little about the basic freedoms on which America was founded.

As a result of this disturbing trend, state lawmakers in Florida and Arkansas followed Texas’ lead and in 2002 and 2003, initiated special curriculum programs in K-12 grades called Celebrate Freedom Week. According to the statutes, one week during each school year students will receive special instruction on America’s founding freedoms and founding documents like the Declaration of Independence.

“Declare IT!” (http://www.declareitprogram.com) is a new, privately sponsored program that supports Celebrate Freedom Week in Florida, Arkansas and Texas, offers additional program awareness and provides free teaching resources to teachers and parents.

Founded by Jack Boyd of Alpharetta, GA, the program offers a free, fun sing-along song and teaching resources with online links to lesson plans for Celebrate Freedom Week. Boyd founded the program after his two children did a high school history project on Celebrate Freedom Week in Florida. Boyd discovered that Floridians’ knowledge of the program was low and teacher participation was inconsistent.

“America’s students need a solid understanding of America’s history to become the leaders America needs in the future. Celebrate Freedom Week is a great step toward that goal. However, the program is not getting the focus it needs in many areas and teachers need our help. It’s appropriate on this 5-yr anniversary of 9-11, when we pause to remember the lives lost in that tragic event, that America’s teachers, leaders and parents recommit ourselves to teaching our children about the freedoms that were also attacked that day,” said Mr. Boyd.

In 1998, Jack Boyd and daughter Steffy wrote ‘The Declaration of Independence Song,’ a sing-along song to help Steffy learn the words to the Declaration for a 4th grade homework project. Offered on a CD to teachers and parents in 2002 through their website (http://www.declarationsong.com), the song has become very popular with teachers, home school parents and others across the country. The “Declare IT!” website offers a free download of a shortened version of Boyd’s popular sing-along plus an online video documentary on the history of Florida’s Celebrate Freedom Week.

For more information about the ‘Declare IT!’ program, please visit http://www.declareitprogram.com.

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