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The Arrows- In The Words (Of Satan) (Official Music Video)

This video, it’s lyrics and audio are property of The Arrows and all elements are copyrighted. This video may not be altered in any way. © 2007 Tydee Publishers All rights reserved www.thearrowsband.com Lyrics: I’ve been here since the beginning Know exactly how you work I know all of your cravings Know what makes you go berserk Been lying from the start just to make you play a party in my infinite rebellion against the Father God Hate Everything he is And I make you hate him too Make you hate him with your actions it’s so easy for me to do ‘Cause you like it… Sin feels good for the ego… You love it… Oh, come on baby And all the time, I’m winding you up Like my perfect little puppet, you’re my favorite robot, welcome to the show but I’m watching you and all of hell is with me too, helping me make my lies look true Oh and there is a lie that works for everyone, everyone A lie that opens your hearts so I can get me some more of your free will I’m winding you Winding you Give me the control that’s why I’m telling you Selling you Anything Everything Appealing to your human way of being and I use it all against you to just keep your eyes from seeing past the life you’re living Past the moment you’re in Past the pleasure of your sin Or the cigarette you’re smoking Choking on your lust I’ll make you drunk with pride So deeply spun into my system that you won’t see the light Never mind that I’m drowning you I keep deceiving you… ‘Cuz I don’t tell you That God in heaven

Author Brian McLaren Unveils Spiritual Practices for the “Not Religious” in ‘Naked Spirituality: A Life with God in Twelve Simple Words’

Author Brian McLaren Unveils Spiritual Practices for the “Not Religious” in ‘Naked Spirituality: A Life with God in Twelve Simple Words’

Cover: Naked Spirituality by Brian McLaren

San Francisco, CA (Vocus/PRWEB) March 15, 2011

More than 20 percent of Americans define themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” a growing segment that Christian churches are finding tough to attract or keep. Author and speaker Brian McLaren suggests in his new book that a transparent encounter with God is what most spiritual people are seeking – and that this encounter is too often missing from organized religion. McLaren has penned Naked Spirituality: A Life with God in 12 Simple Words (HarperOne, March 15, 2011) to outline a dozen durable, doable spiritual practices that can lead to a truly spiritual life – and even to true religion.

McLaren, heralded in 2005 as one of TIME Magazine’s top 25 evangelicals, writes: “This is a book about getting naked—not physically, but spiritually. It’s about stripping away the symbols and status of public religion—the Sunday-dress version people often call ‘organized religion.’ We are after a lost treasure as old as the story of the Garden of Eden: the possibility of being naked and not ashamed, naked before God and naked before one another, too, where we have no need to cover up, to protect, to posture, to dress to impress, just the freedom to be who we are, what we are, as we are. I hope this book will help you strip away distractions and discover that precious hidden treasure underneath.”

Naked Spirituality offers twelve words, or practices, to anchor the reader in God and free him or her to do the holistic work the gospel calls for – to pray as well as save the planet; to worship as well as lift up the poor and needy. McLaren shares practical wisdom for living a truly spiritual life as he presents a dozen exercises for beginning and sustaining a meaningful relationship with God. Rooted in four seasons, these practices are represented by simple words which are easy to remember but rich in transformative power:

    Season One is Simplicity: This spring-like season of spiritual awakening is built on the framework of three words representing three spiritual practices – Here, Thanks, O!
    Season Two is Complexity: Like summer, this is a season of spiritual strengthening and it is marked by three concepts: Sorry, Help, Please
    Season Three is Perplexity: This autumn-like season is one of spiritual surviving, with three practices guided by these emotive words: When?, No!, and Why?
    Season Four is Harmony: As with winter, this is a season of deepening, practiced with three spiritual. concepts: Behold, Yes, and […]

McLaren invites readers to leave behind negative experiences of religion so they can become truly spiritual people and reclaim the promise of religion. He writes: “Religion, by its etymology, is about connecting us together again. In this light true religion and naked spirituality are two names for the same thing: seeking vital connection. So if religion is experienced as promoting selfishness rather than otherliness, as prioritizing one’s own personal salvation and religiosity over the well-being of others, then religion becomes anti—religious. Maybe if we name this kind of unspiritual phenomenon “de-ligion” instead of “religion,” we can save the latter word for the traditions that enhance and support naked spirituality.”


Brian McLaren is an author, speaker, pastor, and networker among innovative Christian leaders, thinkers, and activists. His groundbreaking books include A New Kind of Christian, A Generous Orthodoxy, The Secret Message of Jesus, and Everything Must Change. Named by Time magazine as one of America’s top twenty-five evangelicals, McLaren has appeared on “Nightline” and “Larry King Live,” and has been covered by The Washington Post and the New York Times. His website is BrianMcLaren.net.

Naked Spirituality: A Life with God in 12 Simple Words

By Brian D. McLaren

HarperOne, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

March 15, 2011| $ 25.99 | Hardcover | 9780061854019

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War of words on the Constitution

War of words on the Constitution
WILMINGTON, Del. – Delaware, the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution, now finds itself at the epicenter of a national dispute over the document’s prescription to govern.

Read more on Daily Record