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Obama on Church and State

Obama explains the importance of church-state separation in a variety of ways. What it comes down to is; In a diverse democratic society, any proposed policy must justify itself via the benefits we ALL see, rather than via arguments that only hold true to people who have one certain religious worldview. It is an honor for me to have cast my first vote as an American citizen, and my very first vote ever, in favor of this guy. Unfortunately, Obama’s presidential take on religion did not quite live up to the promise he showed in 2006: tinyurl.com But even then, I think this video is very neat. “Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values. It requires that their proposals be subject to argument, and amenable to reason. I may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if I seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot simply point to the teachings of my church or evoke God’s will. I have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all. “Now this is going to be difficult for some who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, as many evangelicals do. But in a pluralistic democracy, we have no choice. Politics depends on our ability to persuade each other of common aims based on a common reality. It involves the compromise, the art of what’s possible. At some fundamental level, religion does not allow for

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25 comments on “Obama on Church and State

  • @MrCone223 what about that nutty old racist?

  • I agree with every word.

  • Meet your Antichrist!!!!

  • I think this is the only time I’ve listened to Obama and didn’t want to vomit. Separation of church and state is the only way this country will ever move forward.

  • The problem is that some people see and hear things yet deny them.

  • braydenbeautiful

    August 20, 2010 at 4:23 am

    Yes, he is intelligent indeed.

  • Isn’t the purpose of the state to protect ALL of it’s citizens? I don’t think this is a matter of religion, but rather duty or lack thereof. Even if you don’t believe life begins at conception, protect the mother from hating herself after the fact by preventing her from committing this deplorable act.

    Oh, and:
    @lzoto593 only a “stupid fuck” would think that it is okay to murder just because the victim doesn’t have anyone to protect him/her–critique yourself, not others.

  • @Pluckerfamily
    You are a stupid fuck.


  • Because this is politics, not religion. You can go to a church to do that.

  • No, it transcends the notion of god.
    We don’t need religious principles, we can make our own.
    Life didn’t come with a handbook.

  • Politicians love to “comprimise” on on ideals like do not lie steal cheat or kill.This leads to increased job growth and government spending especially on prisons.

  • channelofnoreturn

    August 20, 2010 at 8:36 am

    when you grow a brain, please feel free to comment. till then, it is better that you shut up, so no one realizes you are an idiot. everything was explained if you knew how to read. duh. you are slow.

  • justablueeyedguy102

    August 20, 2010 at 8:48 am

    You Americans are so lucky ,,finaly you have an intelligent and sane leader !!!

  • A fair point, but he’s in politics. He has to be politically correct. He has to try to appeal to everyone, and not shut anyone out.

  • pantie boy…wassssssssupp. i am farting alot today and my pantie are feeling wet and soggy now. it is sticking to my butt hole pantie boy.
    i was thinking of new things to tell you today and started farting so in essence you are thecauseofmywetpanties.
    pantie boy have you put up a youtube video of you kicking the dog?

  • Pantieboy…did you kick the dog? why did you kick the dog? do you like kicking the dog? how does it feel to kick the dog? is it powerful when your foot touches the dog’s skin and the dog cries out?
    can you feel it pantie boy? the power of kicking a dog?
    pantie boy, why dont you put out a youtube video of you kicking the dog?
    speaking about toilets i took 2 dumps today pantie boy. man that is alot of shit that went down the toilet. pantie boy what colour is the dog you kicked?

  • TheCauseOfWetPanties

    August 20, 2010 at 10:22 am

    You should go fight some insurgents and get surprised by a roadside bomb on your way to the latrine…lol hahahaha shit everywhere lol.
    Puppy kicker.

  • I dont think it would matter if he was a muslim, but as a Christian I am proud to talk about my believes and the miracles of Jesus and how amazing God is…. why can’t he do the same? Independent of what he believes, if he really believes, defende it, and be proud of it.

  • He Doesn’t sound like any of our other Presidents…

  • Why won’t you defend your argument with anything other than insults? Are you just trolling this thread to annoy people and provoke a response? If so then you are doing it correctly. However, if you want anyone reading these comments to believe you, then you’ll have to back up your claims, as they currently sound rather absurd.

  • i am still waiting for you to grow a brain.

  • It was only a small point in my comment that your grammar was wrong. You’ve responded as if that was my main focus. You still have not given a single reference to where anyone can find information backing you up. All you have done is state your opinion and then insulted anyone who disagreed. Some of your statements are disproved by the video we are commenting underneath. I’m still waiting on you to back up what you’ve claimed as truth.

  • haha. you are 55 and you reason like a 5 year old. just pathetic.

  • you are living in never never land. you are worrying about grammar and ignoring facts. and one may say, “you are deficient information.” have you ever heard someone ask the owner of a store, “are you open?” of course he is referring to the store and not the person. of course i am referring to your knowledge of the facts and not your physical attributes. really, you are pathetic.

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