Home » Church vs State » What to do when a PUBLIC school doesnt have a separation of church & state?

What to do when a PUBLIC school doesnt have a separation of church & state?

Church and State
by wallyg

Question by naomi j: What to do when a PUBLIC school doesnt have a separation of church & state?
My school doesnt receive federal funding and because of that they can basically set their own rules. The high-ups all follow one particular religious belief and this has been a sort of wall for many clubs in the school. If the school admins dont like what the club is about – too bad. Ironically, this has stopped the Christian Club from becoming official. Also, the GSA has not been permitted to meet and the Anime Club is unofficial. (Christian club is limited to putting up one poster in a designated spot, they cannot advertise is any other way, their website was taken off the schools club page, they cannot fundraise, etc. WHILE anime club can do all of the above.)

What to do what to do?
The club that I am a part of is the Christian Club – we exist as an unofficial club but we cannot do many things due to that.

Our school is run by taxes – the reason that I mention not being federally funded is because that excludes us from the Equal Access Act which was basically made for the sake of religious clubs and the GSA.

We turned down federal funding and faced a referendum a few years ago.

Best answer:

Answer by J.Marie
I don’t really understand your question. BUT, I think you should write to your congressman or something about it. It sounds dumb, but it might make a little difference. Hope this helps!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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3 comments on “What to do when a PUBLIC school doesnt have a separation of church & state?

  • All public schools receive some type of govermental funding! Even if it is just local school taxes. We faced this in our last district that was totally Christian ran.

    You have to start with you principal and complain..then to the superintendant, then the school board. Then, if you still don’t see changes you go to your state office. At this point you can also go to the press and they will have a field day!

    Groups can be refused status based on religion, but that has to be across the board…which it sounds like is happening as they banned a Christian group as well. Provided they are consistant and fair with all faiths, or lack of faiths, than they are following the law. If that is the case, there is nothing you can do.

    One thing to remember, you can have student lead groups and does it really matter if they are “un-official?” Not if you have a good club!
    You didn’t mention what type of club you are wanting to start…that might tell us more and help us to provide you with better answers.

  • every school, that is publicly funded,
    receives some federal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . where be it from the federal
    or indirectly from the state. the only way to be exempt is to have a private school. so if your school is supported by any way with
    any type of government money, then they are not allowed to do anything that would allow the teaching of religion within the walls of the school, period, end of argument. any fund raising cannot be made with the association of any religion according to law.

    endorsed by the school/system legally that would have anything
    that has anything to do with any faith/religion.

  • how about a new school? this sounds like a no win deal

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