Home » Citizenship Issues » Why is it people are so selfish?

Why is it people are so selfish?

I consider myself a true american, as we were intented to be! Not the crap most are today. This country was originaly founded on good morals, and selfless acts. People helping people, serving your country with out an incling of dought. Now so many are so quick to judge others and go to all ods to not serve, or ridcule those who are. If you can’t speak english in America, but you willingly serve, even to your death your more of an american than those who mooch off of those willing to prove their citizenship. Freedom isn’t free, it’s paid for with blood, and tears of those who love their country, and their freedom. Most people are ready to pull out of this war, but CNN only shows a death count running on the bottom of the screan, and shots of Iraqi’s walking on American flags! They don’t show you the kids who have food and water, school and a family! Streets with out fear, and a government that doesn’t murder for it’s own gains. I was there, I saw the hell, but I also saw beauty. tell me

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7 comments on “Why is it people are so selfish?

  • its a gene passed down from evolution. greed works, its evil, but nature is a whore too.

  • It is the human condition to be self important and covetious.

  • neuroticanadian

    July 11, 2010 at 4:40 am

    “justice is only useful for useless things” – socrates

  • If you truly look into it. When we first arrived in the Americas it was a free for all. The most selfish of free for alls. People were regularly killed for their claimed land. I’ve never noticed the death count on CNN but I will take a closer look. I was never in Iraq and I never intend to be and thank you for your bravery and contribution to our great county. I am certainly not ready to pull out of the “war on terror” but the Iraq thing looks real bad. Why can’t we just protect the borders and let the Iraqis build their own place without the intrusion of foreigners. Now the Turks want to attack the Kurds in Norhtern Iraq. Protect them borders. It will make everything so much better.

  • Human are born to be selfish I think. They have to otherwise they would be living untill today. Try think of an unselfish person, he would have given away all his food to those needed and his money. He may have die of hunger or cold. Everyone of us bear certain level of selfishness in order to keep us alive. But some has over doing it that may ended up taking others lives. I always knew there is no true freedom in this world unless you are willing to go back zero. No religious telling you what’s right and wrong. No parents to stop you doing whatever you like, no laws and regulations enforcement to stop you misbehave untill then there is no true freedom exist. Don’t let the weakness of the human that scare you away.

  • First off, few people could care less about what happens to the Iraqi’s. We mostly care that radicals wont dominate the country and spread more havoc throughout the middle east thereby threatening the civilized world with cutting off major oil supplies. If that were to happen you might see various governments possibly including our own quietly endorsing genocide if push came to shove over that and it was found to be a possible solution. The words of freedom there was nothing more than political propaganda made to get the support of the masses. For many years Sadaam Hussein and the Baath party were allies of the US as a hinderance to Iranian radical Islamists. The Shiite radicals running around killing Americans and Sunnis are to a large degree the people he needed to repress with our full endorsement. The problem was that he decided to assert his power in a way that started to threaten oil supplies potentially.

  • people are selfish because other people are selfish…..If i knew that if i do xyz for someone and they wouldn’t care or do xyz for me back than i probably wouldn’t do it.

    Imagine this world if we ALL stopped and did something good for someone else.

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