Home » Equality » Howcome Obama’s not doing anything about the culture war?

Howcome Obama’s not doing anything about the culture war?

(My personal opinion its more like religion/morals vs freedom/equality)

But how come he isn’t actually doing anything, or pushing anything. I haven’t heard his stance on gay marriage, he says he doesn’t advocate it but he hasn’t actually said what is he going to do about it. also, abortion is something he’s soft about. he said he is willing to listen to both sides but pays very little effort on the subject.
ok ok, you guys win. but if gay rights isnt an important issue to our president, why are gays so “angry” over him?

why are pro-life people protest against obama at every university he visits?

it’s because they realize he’s busy, but at least set a timetable.

anyway, thanks for answering.

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21 comments on “Howcome Obama’s not doing anything about the culture war?

  • Try to relax...

    June 20, 2010 at 2:18 am

    Could be busy with more important things.

    I’m just saying… you know… the economy, the war, the flu… just kind of throwing it out there…

    [EDIT]: No, “Dude”. I think Clinton was more liberal.

    Besides, as time goes on, we’ll simply get more and more liberal. Overall, the “next” president is going to be more liberal than the last. Why? Because almost all free countries follow this path—and they ought to. And to top it all off, we’re only 233 years old, which is VERY young for a country.

  • He is, he is pushing the liberal agenda. He is the most liberal president in the history of this country.

  • There is a more important war in which human beings of both religious ascent are dying horribly. That’s why.

  • neither topic that you have mentioned has anything to do with taking over the government so it doesn’t matter

  • Like what? You can’t order people to not be homophobic, racist, sexist, xenophobic…etc, etc

  • perhaps it is not important.get it !

  • He has too much other more important things to do, sadly.

    He has to fix the:
    2 Wars, might grow into three
    Health care

    I am gay and am not mad that he isn’t doing anything about it now.It will eventually get done.

  • Too busy allright.
    Going away for the weekend to NY. at out expense.
    Eating $100 steaks from Japan and then telling all of us to cut back
    Taking his family to Paris at our expense
    Yea, he’s too busy.

  • That I believe is up to the individuals, not our Federal Government. He no doubt feels the same. I personally am not interested in either of those two issues………gay marriage nor abortion……….as I feel our Federal Government has no basis to intervene in either. Both are personal choices.

  • Despite Marxist liberal beliefs he is the problem not the solution

  • conservatism is a mental disorde

    June 20, 2010 at 6:21 am

    He has other things to worry about.

  • Gay marriage is something he will have to put to referendum. If he takes a stance, one side or the other will be furious. It has to be the public’s decision, or else it’s his head on the chopping block. As for abortion, it’s a fairly accepted practice, but again, is this really the presidents problem, specifically? Why take a stance on something that is clearly changing, when your stance will anger someone either way,

  • What culture war? Is there something out there other than the disagreement of beliefs that requires fighting? Maybe he is smart enough not to get into a “war” unless there is really a war to fight.

  • [O]peration [I]raqi [L]iberation

    June 20, 2010 at 7:01 am

    Oh brother… gay marriage and abortion. Two wedge issues to keep people from talking about how they are getting royally f*cked every day of their lives.

  • He is, he’s making it worse. What do expect from a man who listened to Rev. Wright for two decades but didn’t actually hear his racist remarks.

  • he has bigger things to worry about. if ur so concerned send him a letter.

  • Obama is not playing the right wing terrorists game.

  • it’s being left up to each individual state. Where you been, yo?

  • Better sh** to do. Political capital is like money. Its finite. He has a lot right now but why waste it on wedge issues that are really unbridgeable. 85% of the american public still claims to be religious so fighting that would be political suicide.

    He would be smart to let people decide how to get along and just encourage it.

  • Have you not been paying attention? he has declared war on the upper class, as he promised he would in the campaign.

    Remember, this is Soft Tyranny. He is not going to sign an executive order to have them all rounded up and colonized, assets totally confiscated, he will start with their corporate ownership and contractual compensation packages, and proceed slowly, so as to have the approval of all who supported him.

    You think we don’t know this whole thing is about class envy? Just remember that when you look at the balance sheet of the average Democrat politician, if you get to see it before they get nominated to a cabinet post.

    Most are EASILY as wealthy or MORE so than the average Republican. Of course, they got there by being fair to the little guy, right?

    But you are right, he is rather Soft on everything, is he not? Yes SOFT is an excellent choice of words. doesn’t soud quite as harsh as WEAK does it?

  • First off, freedom and equality require morals. Most laws written and enforced by the government are based on a moral law. While I would argue that the moral rationale against gay marriage comes from more of a religious premise, I would also argue that the anti-abortion argument also comes from a bio-ethics premise as well. In other words, while you could say that most pro-lifers are religious, they can make a strong bio-ethical argument against abortion without using religion.

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