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Enough of this Freedom of Religion Crap

Alan Shore (James Spader) of Boston Legal argues to cut down on freedom of religion.

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25 comments on “Enough of this Freedom of Religion Crap

  • fuckin OWNED

  • YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @WmnRights Probably he’s not mentioning them because his case is about religion. Just a thought.

  • yuck. yuck.


  • @WmnRights
    He was simply pointing out that religion isn’t the infallible fountain of pure bliss, rainbows and meadow-scented gaiety that people like to pretend it is. At what point did he say that all crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion, as you evidently believe he did?

  • @MasterJohnnyX lol, I need that too ๐Ÿ˜€

  • @Doc418 actually the writers skills ๐Ÿ˜›

  • And the irreligious people had a pacifist history, alan. O please, cut the bullcrap will you? Why don’t you mention the crimes committed by the communists for instance? Or, contemporary, the so called War on Terror that carries “Democracy” as a slogan, while ironically preyed on innocents rather than terrorists!

  • RoyalPrinceXenu

    August 11, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    “Yes, I know. I’ll get letters!”

    Freedom of Religion is not a licence to inflict your religion on others.

  • @sagitarian000028 …and now texas wants to re-write history books used in schools, too, by removing founding fathers that disagreed with the church…

  • Damn religion is a pile of bullshit like politics. It already been proven so many times.

  • @caesarnaywin Episode 5 of season 3, “Whose God is๏ปฟ it anyway”.

  • which ep is this from which season? can anyone help me out =D

  • @Doc418 Become a jesuit and pwn the world with the force of ur words.

  • Anyone gonna post Alan’s diatribe against Credit Card companies? Maybe they have and I can’t find it?

  • Oh man!!! And I thought only Family Guy and The Simpsons are in this fight. Now I have more reasons to watch this show!!!

  • sagitarian000028

    August 11, 2010 at 9:26 pm

    the first admendment is there for a good reason because the founding fathers understood that back inside europe there was the persecution of people that were not catholic and people inside england had to join the church of england the people who say that we as a nation are established as a christian one needs to read about all the founding fathers statements

  • I have just been won over to Boston Legal.

  • @liberalmatt I love hitchens!

  • @Doc418 !!! If you think he’s good, you ought to see what Hitchens can do…

  • @blagh9mm

    Denny Crane!

    Shatner’s pretty good. in the show.

    Usually just good for a laugh but every now and then he takes a case and turns it around when people count him out.

  • @eurisko67 The reason I asked for proof, is that I generally dispute the corollary put forth that religion is a blame frame only useful for destruction. Religion has also been an effective tool for reform, an area where material humanism can be lacking. In the end, an analysis of how tyrants succeed may be more profitable than what motivated them and I thank you for highlighting this for discussion.

  • @eurisko67 I would hesitate to suggest that everyone believed they were doing the right thing. Neuroscience has shown that despite our desire to believe the contrary, people have an exceptionally hard time resisting authority. While I am unwilling morally to offer this as exculpation for such behaviors, the science supports that most people will do acts that signifiantly counter their judgement.

  • @eurisko67 Understood. Monty Python does a great skit in the Life of Brian highlighting this facet of human nature. I also agree that Hitler certainly appealed to his people, whether due to their fear of the Bolsheviks, national vision, or for personal gains, etc.

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