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Freedom of Religion – History of God in America

Freedom of Religion – History of God in America. Randall Niles looks at the truth underlying the First Amendment to the US Constitution. It’s Freedom of Religion; Not Freedom from Religion. And where did the notion of Separation of Church and State come from? Please visit www.AllAboutWorldview.org for more.
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25 comments on “Freedom of Religion – History of God in America

  • @emilyandadris Actually, that phrase was not the first sentence in the treaty. It was Article 11. But yeah, that treaty more accurately reflects the attitude of the US and its people than this guy’s vague, contrived, inferences.

  • The Treaty of Tripoli, presented by President John Adams to the U.S. Senate in 1796, was passed unanimously and read aloud in the Senate, receiving a standing ovation. It starts with the following words:

    “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”

  • The Treaty of Tripoli, presented by President John Adams to the U.S. Senate in 1796, was passed unanimously and read aloud in the Senate, receiving a standing ovation. It starts with the following words:

    “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”

  • thank you xD!

  • FlyinSpaghettiMnstr7

    November 16, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    freedom of religion also mean freedom FROM religion. it means i can’t tell a christian they do something or has to do something because it’s religious and chistians can’t tell anyone to do something or not to do something based on religion.

  • @philnoll As many college professors will.

  • In fact, Zen Buddhism is often described as the religion of no religion. These people have a religious belief in rejecting all religious beliefs. Fortunately for them, they also enjoy using paradoxical ideas to develop their consciousness. What does Randall have to say about that?

  • There are several sects of Buddhism and Taoism which are not theistic at all. This means that for the idea of “god” to be invoked and supported with public resources clearly amounts to a governmental endorsement of theistic religion over non-theistic religion and an obvious violation of the first ammendment. Because there is not a single identifiable belief which is universal to all religion, there can be no rational distinction made between a freedom of religion and a freedom from religion.

  • So you got an interesting question from a student and decided to completely impose your opinion on him.

  • hmmmmm.. think some one might be bending the truth a bit here..

  • LibertyTeamsUnited

    November 16, 2010 at 11:19 pm


  • Freedom of religion is for those who believe in a god and those who don’t believe in a god. This is how it’s been for the past centuries and this is how it should remain.

  • It was established for the reason so people could worship as they please. Not Christianity but ALL RELIGIONS. Just because Christians think they need to take over the world doesn’t make it right. Stop this dogmatic spew!

  • But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

    -Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

  • Im glad im not going to heaven otherwiser I’d have to hear this crap for ever.

  • Interesting that you do not mention the constitution and bill of rights. Why?

    Because the words god, creator, or jesus, do not appear in the Constitution nor in any of the Amendments. The one exception is: “17 Day of September in the Year of our Lord 1787”.

    Not a great support for your theist propaganda, government should not involve itself in matters of religion of any type, your freedoms to your sect of religion are imbedded in the RIGHT to refuse religion. Propaganda fail.

  • LOL, Fine tuning!! think about it again.. if you don’t have strength to think or understand complexity, then don’t give and say god. I’m sure no one understands everything, but yet, it is wise to say “i don’t know” than rising stupid propaganda. and everyone has faith, but faith is as stupid at gets, could kills towers for 72 virgins, build pyramids for resurrection of king, or taking bible as ultimate morality (Supporting slavery, killing)

  • Have you ever seen anyone burned at the stake?
    You can bet that most of our founding fathers had.
    Do you how Thomas Paine was treated when he spoke his mind about religion?
    Most of the statements and prayers of the founding fathers don’t mean a thing because they were often nominal statements to appease the gods of intolerance.
    What do you think Thomas Paine meant by “common sense?” He meant reason. The USA was founded on reason, not religion, not faith as you would suppose.

  • 0:43 – 0:52
    I think it was more of a “You can follow whatever religion you want and you will not be punished for it” kind of deal 😉
    But I’m sure some Christian will reply to this giving me some bible quote explaining how the punishment is hell… I just wanted to point out that I’ve read the bible (it’s not really my thing) and that this comment was about politics, not Christianity vs. Wicca.


  • Probably the biggest reason there was no freedom of religion historically is mainly due to crucifiction. Had anyone in that time spoke against christianity it would have been similar to the Salem Witch Trials. Anyone who denied god would have been killed, beaten or tortured. Their family as well. And you wonder why the belief in a god was so devout historically ? FEAR ! The main reason, the other reason was best ideal for the peoples existence. We’re no longer in fear, were coming out !!! lol

  • @OOPS4U2CNOW r u dumb? ur just a troll gtfo

  • @iRnoCracker Im sorry I accused you of being brain washed. In order to get brain washed you have to have a brain and its apparent you dont or maybe it just died from not being used. It wont happen again

  • @bahramf try wallbuilders com

  • @bahramf Were there a few who werent of course there were but they were a very very small percentage Again find some old books written before the Marxist started changing history

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