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Why is the freedom of religion important?

Question by Harmony: Why is the freedom of religion important?
I’m doing a essay…just wanted to know why you think it’s important, and what life would be like it we didn’t have freedom of religion.

Best answer:

Answer by \/\/3b |
Three words:

Research Saudi Arabia.

Islam is the official religion mandated by the government and all other religions are criminalized. Literally. I’m sure you can get some ideas from that.

What do you think? Answer below!

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8 comments on “Why is the freedom of religion important?

  • Freedom of religion is essentially a specific version of the notion of freedom of thought. No one really wants a government that tells them what it is they should think, what are the correct ways to think, and then punishes you for dissenting from that opinion.

    Basically, the right to privacy in your own mind is paramount.

  • It extends to a larger sense of a freedom of ideas.

  • That depends on what “religion” would be the only one allowed. Atheism is a religion btw.

  • We are human. We make ginormous mistakes and go wayward time and time again. GOD created us to choose HIM; but He will never cease to be a gentleman in this regard either. If we did not have freedom of religion; then we would never be given the all important opportunity of ‘trial and error’. None of us would learn valuable lessons regarding Truth.

  • Freedom of religion is very important! If we begin banning certain religions from practicing, when does it stop? Assuming Christians could make the US a theocracy, how long would it be before denominations actively try to ban others? Baptists and Catholics fighting over who has the right to worship? Crap that is a horrifying thought. Take a look at what has happened in Northern Ireland, that could very well happen here if we don’t keep freedom of religion.

    And think of it like this. How would you feel if you were not permitted to worship at all if all religions were banned? Or if you aren’t religious, how would you feel if you were forced to attend a church, mosque, or temple because it became law?

  • Freedom of religion is important because it is a part of the greater right to free speech. You cannot proclaim to have free speech while you restrict the personal thoughts of your citizens. Personal freedoms like this are what make democratic societies great. Life without freedom of religion? Take a look at the middle east, where you can be killed if you are not a muslim. How can anyone ever truly be free if their most personal thoughts and beliefs can make them subject to the death penalty regardless of what kind of person they are outwardly?

    But… we have to be careful here. Freedom of religion specifically mean “freedom of PERSONAL belief.” It does not mean that religion is free to trample on the beliefs or ideals of the society as a whole. Society is secular by nature to guarantee that religious freedoms do not encroach on the freedoms of others. Creationists in the southern US have taken it too far, for example, by demanding that their beliefs be taught in science classes. This is religious belief being forced upon the secular society in which people believe all sorts of different things. Religious freedom absolutely stops at your right to believe whatever you want. It goes no further than that.

  • Think about it, If there was no freedom of religion than there would be no rights. If u block this out of someones life your basically taking away their rights and when you do this people get isolated which means everything is same and NO NEW ANYTHING (ideas, inventions ex) I kinda know what this feels like my parents are muslim and they won’t let me be athiest

  • Freedom from religion is as important as freedom of religion.Freedom of religion implies that everyone should be religious. Then the people start slamming each others religions. Freedom from religion means one doesn’t need to be religious. Then we’re called satanist and worse. Can’t win.
    Atheism is NOT a religion for the millionth time!

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