Home » Income Tax » Freedom To Fascism Aaron Russo VS IRS

Freedom To Fascism Aaron Russo VS IRS

Aaron Russo squares off with a former IRS commission in his new film Freedom To Fascism where he argues that the federal income tax is illegal and against the constitution.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation brief video explains how the current tax system is deeply flawed and argues that either the flat tax or the national sales tax (sometimes known as the Fair Tax) would be a substantial improvement over the current internal revenue code. However, the video warns that a sales tax should only be adopted if the Constitution is amended to prevent politicians from imposing both an income tax and sales tax, similar to what happened in Europe. For more information please visit the CF&P Foundation’s web site: www.freedomandprosperity.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 comments on “Freedom To Fascism Aaron Russo VS IRS

  • @flowsource1 Go back a reread my comment instead of going on a silly rant. I said government APPOINTED, not elected.

  • @kubush The fed regulated the housing bubble up until it burst. Heavily Regulated? i think not. Greenspan and Ben Bernake were never elected into their positions – did you get a chance to vote for them? I never did. Those that control the money control Washington DC. Take the time to do the research on who and what the federal reserve really is. We’ve all been brainwashed into believing we’re free. Truth is freedom. We’ve all been asleep way too long.

  • @flowsource1 The way it is written, it is not voluntary. The Fed is heavily regulated and does have government appointed officials. It does not run our government nor the citizens.

  • @flowsource1 How is the Fed stealing our money exactly?

  • @kubush Our personal income tax as written by law should only be a voluntary tax. Of course we should pay our servicemen, repair infrastructure, have better healthcare, alternative energy and much more. The problem is that most of this money goes to the war machine which only perpetuates war and only benefits those that profit off of the war. The Federal Reserve is not at all federal, its run by banksters, has no elected officials yet runs our Government and controls its citizens through fear.

  • pwned! We all need to wake up – the fed has been stealing our money for decades while filling our minds with fear. Time for a big change!

  • theallmightychad

    November 15, 2010 at 6:23 am

    @spooner07troy IIRC you may be interested to know, that in the late 70’s I believe it was, there was actually a tax revolt where a large number of the citizens in the U.S. refused to pay their taxes.

  • @spooner07troy The people that can’t afford it, don’t pay fed income tax. In fact, nearly half of the population doesn’t pay federal income tax.

  • @kubush
    no, i’m not saying we SHOULDN’T… i just wanted some interesting comments as to what would happen if we didn’t…. so i see that we need taxes to generate government revenue for the things we use everyday, but do we honestly have to take all of that money from the people that cant afford it?

  • @spooner07troy So your supporting the idea that we don’t pay our military service men? Or pay for interstate highways? Or NASA? Or the FDA? Etc. Most ppl expect these services and organizations, and to assume that we can go without and just not finance it, is nonsense.

  • and finally my dear friends….looks im inspired today 🙂 :

    i feel this is just The tip of the iceberg…
    this cant be denied by cowards that always cry “its a conspiracy theory”
    this will show how far goverments&press can go with lies and covering things,etc,etc

    this iceberg is gonna sink this prideful titanic…
    (idk if its U.S.A.,world order, capitalism,whatever….but this is a snowball that can only get bigger…they wont stop the truth even if they start killing truth spreaders

  • another thing and this is good !!:
    again a funny “repeat” in history…
    i have the feeling that THIS THING IS THE SAME KIND OF THING THAT BROUGHT DOWN “Al Capone”…(and he also “collected taxes” illegally!)
    .. this in some way is the smallest crime of these people…
    (Cause they made 9/11 for then killing millions in middle east,etc,etc)
    same as Al Capone, looks like this thing, they cant hide it, they cant say its bin laden puppet…etc.etc…
    this is solid….

  • again the biblical thing about “who strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel”
    unbelivable….in the land where a lawyer can make a company pay millions to a stupid that put a cat on a microwave, they wont make justice here…
    just because THIS IS TOO BIG…..
    almoust unbelievable…
    a huge fraud involving all goverments etc..etc…
    even trying to change the law now (if they could) would be admiting that those parties made the biggest money crime in the history of the world by sooo far…

  • 3:38

    BRUSHABER V. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U. S. 2 (1916)

    “The Fifth Amendment is not a limitation upon the taxing power conferred upon Congress by the Constitution.”

    “A want of due process of law does not arise from want of wisdom in Congress in levying taxes, and thus give the courts power to overrule the action of Congress by declaring it to be unconstitutional.”

  • 300 AD -Roman money became worthless. The Roman Empire became desolated and the people rejected Roman Imperial power. The Roman middle class was destroyed by excessive taxes. – By 476 AD, the Western Roman Empire had Collapsed. The Imperial rule of Rome had lasted over 500 years.

  • @carlokrenzelak

    “voluntary compliance ” is not in Title 26.

    Lay: to assess, as a tax

    Levy: To raise or collect by assessment; to exact by authority

    The Seventh Circuit noted that the information compiled in The Law That Never Was has been known since 1913, and the court found that it presented no grounds for invalidating the Sixteenth Amendment.
    U.S. v Thomas, 788 F.2d at 1253.

  • i disagree with yrou post about vountary compliance, but i agree with you that it is law. the only argument against the legality of income tax that holds any water is the 16th amendment ratification argument. the typos and stuff aren’t important, but some states ratified a bill which used the term ‘lay’ and some ratified a bill that used the word ‘levy.lay places the responsibility for paying the tax on the taxpayer, like what we have. levy puts the responsiblity on the government

  • @carlokrenzelak

    “voluntary compliance ” is not in the law so it has no real meaning in this debate. It’s just a phrase used to denote that it is first a self assesment under Title 26, that the Government does not just simply send you a bill and says ‘pay up’.

  • what say you of the the wording ‘voluntary compliance’?

  • @carlokrenzelak
    Thank you for your service also, (even if you were a bublehead)… 🙂

    I’m just refuting their claims that there is no law or that it is unconstitutional.

  • thank you for your service, i am a retired bubblehead and my stepdad is a retired squid also. i also have an accounting degree and i no longer work int he field but i have a good grasp of our income tax policy.
    the problem in the original consititution wasn’t the income tax itself, it was the uniformity of it. the reason for the amendment was to enact a graduated income tax system. a flat tax or fair tax would have satisfied the uniformity requirement originally in the constitution

  • see Oath of Jesuits,Zionst, NeoCon Infiltrated Protestants setting up NWO, see how they stole American Money system google film “FIAT EMPIRE”, they have Americans Drugged with NeuroToxin,HexaFluorsiclic ACID falsely labled Sodium, see Films at FluorideAction, take Magnesium Purify water, code name Paper Clip, MkUltra, google Youtube Martial Law, Rex84, Operation Garden Plot, Cathy O’Brian, google Jews VS Zionist,Zionist,Jesuits Financed Hitler, they are the Secret Government, have Judges,Senato

  • This is the text of the Amendment: ‘The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.’
    It is clear on the face of this text that it does not purport to confer power to levy income taxes in a generic sense,***AN AUTHORITY ALREADY POSSESSED AND NEVER QUESTIONED.***
    Brushaber v. UPRR Company

  • People, what everyone needs to do is learn EXACTLY what the code says, and this is very important, HOW it says it. The code IS constitutional, yet taxing your private sector, unprivileged receipts is not. So, how can this be? You have told, and have allowed others to tell, the Gov. your pay IS taxable so they tax you. How the hell did I do that you say? Find out the way I did. Google CRACKING THE CODE by Peter Hendrickson. Go to his website and start reading. Wake-up from the Matrix people.

  • two jews HA

  • AntiRacismAndHateCom

    November 15, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    I would like sales tax better. That will take care of under the table money and illegally earned money.

  • Excellent brief explanation. Exactly why I don’t support the flat tax; it’s still an income tax. Income tax started out flat. Mm-hmm, and look what happened. The only way to keep a flat tax flat is to abolish the 16th amendment and the IRS.

  • This is a great plan, but only if you’re rich. I’m not rich. Let’s be clear about something here. His implication that the rich contribute more to American prosperity is false. It is the rich shipping jobs overseas. It is the rich encouraging illegal immigration to drive down wages of working people. Look at the facts. Unless you’re wealthy, you’ve been stagnating or getting poorer for many years now. Only the wealthiest Americans have been doing better. Still, they want more.

  • The FairTax will raise the standard of living for all current tax payers. The amount we each pay will DROP because MORE people will be paying the total revenue neutral amount, including illegals and criminals. Also, prices will likely drop because companies will no longer need to pay tax experts and lawyers. This “compliance cost” right now amounts to $900 per person on average. Granted, SOME? people will benefit more than others, but there will be no loosers with the FairTax.

  • Alan Greenspan (former Federal Reserve Chairman) now works for John Paulson’s fund. Guess what John Paulson’s fund’s BIGGEST position is right now? GOLD. . Don’t say you weren’t told. Protect your families wealth. Visit: goldsave.co/

  • @MFP1520 No one will ever pay this tax, moron. ITs a fucking FARCE. Got that? Its own leaders know its a farce. In their fine print, they pretend they will tax every city government, every state government, to collect MOST of federal government revenue.

    Did you know that? Fuck no you didn’t know that, cause you are too stupid to read the book and spot the bullshit. Read the Fairtax Book, for example, page 148, and Fairtax The Truth Book page 138. And use your fucking brain this time.

  • @jj69camaro your idiot little sales tax in Texas is like comparing a pile of shit to a rocket. Your sales tax has nothing fucking to do with Fairtax.

    For example, you fucking moron, your Texas sales tax does not have every city in Texas paying 23% of its spending to Austin, does it retard? No, it doesnt. Dallas and every other city would say fuck you.

    But under Farce Tax, every CITY, every STATE government has to pay massive taxes.
    Got that yet you stupid fuck?

  • single bridals here naneedj.info

  • I would pay more in taxes and I love the fair tax all people will pay the tax

  • @levthelion , I dont know what you are talking about, agenda?..the fair tax just wont work and greatly opens up ways to beat it, the flat tax makes more sense

  • @carzamerica1 bullshit, gov taxes tips as well, you obviously have an agenda.

  • @carzamerica1 ooh trading and bartering is bad? what the hell?

  • I don’t think I want to live in any of those countries he labeled as “moved to flat tax” iceland’s economy collapsed more than any other european countries, Jamaica? Czech Republic? Bulgaria? are you kidding me Bulgaria is more corrupt than we are, the mafia king of Bulgaria is better known than the President… Iraq? get out of here, I thought I was going to watch something as to why one would work… what a clown

  • @jacknash711
    No tax one used goods, thats insane,how many used car dealers are there, lots, why would anybody write up their merchandise as new,sure the big stores coudnt get away with it, but all the small businesses could, I say bring it on, would be great for me, I sell used cars.
    what about new car stores and their demo cars with 2-3k miles on them, are they new, used or somethinginbetween,this fair tax needs more work.

  • @carzamerica1 There is no tax on used goods -a used 5000 car for instance-under the Fair Tax.

  • @9pt9 I dont see anyway in the world anything could be implemented to stop somebody from selling a 5k car for 500.00.
    or 3k of furniture for 300.00 and so on.
    also a fair tax system would encourage LOTS of trading and bartering, again no tax paid to government, I am all in favor of a better and different tax system, but you have to think real world scenerios.
    Actually the fair tax system would be a boon to small business who could easily write up merchandise for far less, big chains cant

  • @carzamerica1 thats a good point. But there could be safetys implemented to assure that won’t happen. Its the best idea ever.

  • @9pt9 The fair tax wont work, why because sellers will write up the sale for far less than the actual cost and get the rest as a “tip” say you sell a 5k car, tell the buyer it is today only 500 plus a 4500 tip, tax is paid on the 500, not 5k, great idea, but it wont work

  • Both are better, but the problem with the Fair tax is that it wontwork, let’s plug in some real world scenerios…say you own a used car lot and have a buyer for a 5k car, you tell him there is a “sale” today, the car is 500.00 but you must leave a 4500 tip, he pays cash, car is writtenup for 500 and tax is paid on that.
    Buyer saves big on tax, seller gets his price for the car, government gets next to no money…..great idea but it wont work

  • @XCritonX Are there any potential candidates that support it?

  • If you say that both are good, then they will probably implement both!

  • @9pt9 Waiting for 2012.

  • fight4yourfreedom1

    November 16, 2010 at 12:19 am

    for the irs …..fuck you

  • I prefer the sales. I’m tired of Big Brother raping me in my paycheck before raping me in my wallet. I’d like to get -all- of my money before deciding what to do with it. Sick of it being pilfered on payday, then pilfered at the register, only to be misspent on things the American people don’t benefit from.
    The next step after tax reform is to destroy the Federal Reserve and go back to a GOLD STANDARD. As it is, paper money backs paper money backs paper money. 🙁

  • The Fair Tax is the dumbest tax we could possibly have. If you look at the history of sales taxes:

    Charles I, 1642, deposed, decapitated
    James II, 1688, deposed, Stuarts terminated
    George III, lost colonies
    Louis XVI, 1789-93, guillotined
    Jefferson Davis, 1861-65, funds CSA with sales tax, CSA goes bankrupt
    Czar Nicholas II, cannot finance war from sales taxes, shot, Romanov’s done
    India 1947, sales tax on salt, British gone
    South Vietnam 1960-65, doubled sales tax, landowners untaxed – VC win

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