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What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Question by Young Quezy: What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?
What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Also, whats one situation where the United Sates government has suspended individual rights to protect the “common good”?

Give as much description as you can, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by fredo
The Constitution gives Congress the ability to suspend habeas corpus (the doctrine saying you have a right to a hearing if you are being detained) in times of war or insurrection, effectively allowing Congress to decide that individual rights are outweighed by national security.

Also, the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enforce the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the same rights for all people. So they are allowed to make decisions regarding individual rights when it comes to making states give their citizens equal rights.

The government has suspended habeas corpus, once during the Civil War, once during Reconstruction, and again recently following 9-11.

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What power allows the president to act outside the constitution?

Question by Tricia: What power allows the president to act outside the constitution?
What power is granted to the president in the constitution which allows the president to act outside the constitution, and, therefore allows for the president to check or balance of the executive branch?

Best answer:

Answer by Mujer Alta
Please give an example. All of us – including the president – who’ve taken the oath to “…protect and defend the Constitution ….” aren’t given a list of exceptions. The Constitution is not very specific in a lot of areas so the president has some wiggle room but he can’t “check and balance himself. By definition the checks and balances come from the other branches of government.

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What part of the Constitution allows the president to get away with NOT enforcing laws?

Question by Dem Stranded on Broken Escalator: What part of the Constitution allows the president to get away with NOT enforcing laws?
It seems like presidents pick and choose which laws they will enforce — such as illegal immigration, pot laws in CA, etc.

I’m not saying that these are good or bad laws. I’m just curious whether, if you become president, you have the right to ignore laws you don’t like and do you get that right from the Constitution.

Example. Assume 0bamacare specifically says that illegal immigrants can’t get 0bamacare. But, 0bama decides he won’t enforce that law. Is that his right since he in supposedly President?

Best answer:

Answer by ndnqt1966
Seriously…..do you really think 0bama or anyone in his administration gives a second thought to the Constitution? Even Pelosi believes that as long as the Constitution doesn’t say you can’t do something….that it is still constitutional to do….

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What part of the Constitution allows the government to prohibit what we put into our own bodies?

Question by bryguy_95: What part of the Constitution allows the government to prohibit what we put into our own bodies?
I’ve read it and can’t seem to find anything about this. I know the courts have ruled in favor numerous times, but they’re only allowed to interpret, not violate, right?

Also, do you think police should be required to actually read the Constitution that they’re supposed to be defending?

Best answer:

Answer by mannerin193
i dont think any part

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