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What Constitutes True Wealth? – What to Really Value and Prioritize

In America as well as many other industrialized countries throughout the world, wealth has unfortunately come to be known, for the most part, in a financial sense. This, however, is a great shame because money in actuality is the least meaningful and significant aspect of wealth. There are so many things that are so much more valuable and that provide a much richer understanding of what wealth really is.

For the remainder of this article, I will discuss some of the things I believe constitute true wealth, and suggest some ways to achieve the wealth found in these sources.


Time is perhaps the most significant aspect of wealth. People who have been alive for a long time can attest to this. Their virtually unanimous consensus is that their greatest experiences, highest-quality moments spent with friends and family, and most memorable instances of their lives all far outweigh any amount of money or material possessions they could have ever accumulated.

Yet, looking at the way time is spent in popular culture indicates that this view is not commonly held or understood. When spending overtime and late nights at the office take priority over being home on time to kiss a son or daughter goodnight, it can only be assumed that spending time working to earn money is viewed as more valuable than spending time with one’s children. No matter how hard someone argues that they are doing it for their children, the fact remains unchanged that they are settling for valuing work time over family time.

Further, when people, especially children, prefer to spend their time playing video games, seeing the latest movie releases, or spending time forming superficial and meaningless relationships with people over social networks like Facebook and MySpace, it indicates what sort of value they place on their time.


This ties in closely with the value and wealth found in people, since the most valuable way one can spend time is with other people. When you walk outside on a sunny Saturday morning and find no children playing together outside because they’re all indoors, glued to their television sets, it indicates that they have placed a higher value on these activities than with spending time with other kids.

This, of course, is because people are an absolutely incredible source of wealth, and time spent with other people is worth more than gold. Every minute a child spends indoors playing a video game rather than interacting with other children is a minute of potential wealth experience that they have missed out on.


Of course, that’s not to say that activities done alone are not valuable and full of wealth as well. For example, reading an educational book and even just meditating are incredible sources of true, meaningful wealth, as we will see later. However, any nonproductive moment spent alone rather than engaging in the prosperity of other people is a moment of potential wealth gain lost.

Other People’s Resources and Abilities

There are several reasons people are such incredible sources of wealth. Perhaps the most obvious is that every person alive is a unique, special, and fascinating being who is worth getting to know. There is so much value that’s so often overlooked in simply getting to know people just to learn what makes them who they are.

There’s more, though. Each and every person has amazing resources and abilities to contribute to society and to other people, and these abilities and resources are unique to different people. We would never be capable of doing the incredible things that we do as a society as individuals. For example, let’s take the construction and operation of a hospital. I feel it’s very safe to say that there is no individual who could build a modern-day hospital without other people. Let’s say that individual happens to be an architect, and designs an absolutely incredible blueprint of our imaginary hospital-to-be. This is absolutely great! However, that architect will have a very difficult time wiring up the hospital’s network, configuring its servers, and getting its patient databases rolling so that patients can be checked in and out. But, just to be fair, let’s say they’re also a builder, and IT specialist, and just an all-around do-it-yourselfer, and manage to build the whole hospital and get its computer system up and running as well. Whew! Now our only problem is the guy who just got wheeled in because he’s having a stroke.

The alternate picture, of course, would be that our architect understood the value of other people. He or she partnered with builders, doctors, IT professionals, and a bunch of people all with unique abilities and skill sets.

At this point, there should be no question in your mind regarding which hospital you would rather visit, because you see the incredible wealth found in people working together.

There is incredible power in knowing people with a ranging set of skills and abilities. When needs arise, it is very powerful to know someone trustworthy and knowledgeable who can meet those needs properly. Ironically, it can also save you money. That’s why other people are an incredible source of wealth. So form networks, get to know as many people as you can, and unleash the wealth of other people.

Life Experience

Life experience is an extremely valuable asset, as it shapes how a person reacts and makes decisions in the future. Essentially, it is a form of knowledge based on how things work or have worked in the past. And, of course, knowing that certain situations and factors result in certain things allows people to predict outcomes and therefore determines how they deal with future situations.

Of course, life experience can also be shared between other people you know, thus demonstrating even further the wealth found in other people. It also enables people to mentor others and help them make better decisions.

Knowledge in General

In general, the more you know (and the more your network of people know), the more equipped you are for life. Every fact you can learn has some sort of benefit somewhere. In that case, never stop learning. Seek to understand as much as you can, and never stop pushing your mind to its limits. It will always pay out in the end, even if you never end up on Jeopardy.

Personal Time

Lastly, there is incredible value in personal “alone” time. This is one of the sources of wealth that is ignored the most. Spending personal time gives the mind a chance to process all of the things being run through it, such as pending decisions, past events, and unchecked emotions. It often leaves people refreshed, energized, and more capable of facing everything that’s going on in their lives.

Hopefully this list has helped provoke some thoughts about what you believe constitutes wealth and what your highest values are. It’s only after we really understand what wealth really is that we are able to be truly wealthy. And, it’s not really possible to feel wealthy unless you know what that really means. So, here’s wishing that these past few thoughts will help you to feel a bit richer with every new day.

Chris DeMarco writes on a variety of real-life topics from life and spirituality to computers and technology. He is an internet and technology specialist from Michigan where he owns a computer and web service company. He is also the author of several popular blogs including his blog on life, society, spirituality, and tech, where you can find this and other great articles, as well as his consumer reports and product review blog. To learn more, visit him on The “C” Branch.

View this article in its original source at http://www.thecbranch.com/2009/03/31/what-constitutes-true-wealth

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What Really Constitutes a Good Leader?

The Constitution
by mbrand

What Really Constitutes a Good Leader? We would rather not get into what some Leaders do as that leans more towards negative writings and we do our best to keep from doing that.

Various questions have been asked of Leaders within large corporations, and also within large multi-level programs and leader with the best teams all say the same things.  One of the most popular characteristics of a good leader is their ability to practice what they preach. We remember the quote, “Your actions speak much louder than your words.” The greatest leader of all time was Jesus Christ and he was the epitome of practicing what he preached. In fact, do you remember the proverb which says, “Live by the sword, die by the sword.” This is true with good leadership and how much your leader abides by what they say. So we ask you “how can you expect people do what you say, if you don’t even do what you say”?

A good leader cherishes and is extremely grateful for those who follow. They do this by always doing what they can to train and protect them from harm or criticism, and they are always within reach for their followers. People want security, which is why they buy put money in their 401k, and stay at the same dead end job for years. The former President FDR once said “One can attain a high degree of security in a prison cell if that’s all he wants out of life.”  It’s ingrained into our nervous system to want to feel secure. When leading a team it can be very powerful when they know that you are reachable and ready to help them along the pathway.  Good leaders always speak increase into their tribe and will do whatever they can to make sure they understand their importance. A big part of being a good leader is to know how to instill in their tribe members a feeling greatness about themselves and how important they are.

If you can find a good leader we can guarantee you they had or still have a very good leader because a good leader develops other good leaders. How can you expect to develop other good leaders, if you are not one first? Most of this just boils down to taking the time to spend time with the members of your tribe you want to develop and cultivate, and by being a good mentor to them, you can educate and coach them through their trials and tribulations as they move towards their individual successes. Sometimes just being there to help them get back up after they have fallen is all some needs. One of the best ways as a “Fisher of Men” is by investing it in the relationships of others around you.
The making of a good leader is tremendously broad, but we hope we’ve narrowed it down into some strategies for you to follow when you’re looking for a good leader. If you practice what you preach, look after the others around you, and invest time to develop your tribe members we believe you will indeed know What Really Constitutes a Good Leader.

Linda Gaume specializes in educating and helping individuals to see the world as it can be, make the most of their abilities as they search for their purpose in life today. Linda strives to educate with a the simplest of step-by-step process guaranteeing the individuals a positive, uplifting experience which will guide them to excel in their lives and business of their choice. The Networking industry has change drastically in the last 4 years and unless you start with a clear concise mind set with the best possible map it will be a very rocky road to travel. Linda always stresses to all her associates a quote from Henry Ford as a way of living “Whether or not you think you can, or whether you think you can’t; either way your right.” So dream for the stars and reach the moon. You can find out more about us by visiting http://paulandlindagaume.com

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What Constitutes Liability in an Automobile Accident?

Do you wonder what constitutes liability in an automobile accident? In this article we are going to look at a couple of different ways to tell who is liable.

For those of your wondering what constitutes liability in an automobile accident I am going to assume that you have recently dealt with a wreck. Many times people are still slightly traumatized for some time after the accident. If you are still very upset you may not be thinking clearly. Allow me to help you by looking at some of the terms and helping you decide where you stand.

Consider Your State

Different states are going to have different laws. Some states will only allow for auto accident settlements to cover medical expenses and damage to the vehicle of the person. Different states may have different ways of deciding liability but generally you get a police report and it tells who is liable.


If you believe that a police report is incorrect you may go up against it but they usually are pretty solid.

Different Types Of Liability

There are two types of liability you need to think about – public liability, vicarious liability.

Public liability will allow the injured party to sue the owner or occupier for personal injury and sometimes punitive damages.

Owner liability or vicarious liability will hold the owner liable for the accident even if they were not occupying the vehicle. This is only if the person has given permission to drive the vehicle. This is to ensure that there is insurance in case the person driving the car has an accident and is not insured for themselves.


If you want to get more information about personal injury Kindly visit us.

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What Constitutes Adequate Insurance Coverage?

A common question that people ask in insurance circles is regarding what constitutes adequate insurance coverage. It is an understandable question, seeing the number of insurance products that the average person shopping for insurance policy is likely to be presented with by the insurance vendors – followed by a pitch meant to make every product look essential. All insurance products, of course, cost money – and many people, in the spirit of financial prudence would naturally rather not spend money on insurance products that they really don’t need. At the same time, while being financially prudent with the money they spend on insurance premiums, many of us are wary of spending too little (and thereby buying up too little coverage), resulting in inadequate benefits on the occurrence of the risky event we are insuring against.

So what really constitutes adequate insurance coverage?

Well, the answer as to what really constitutes adequate insurance coverage will vary from person to person- but the constant which holds in all cases is that ‘adequate insurance coverage is that which allows for reasonable peace of mind.’


While some of us purchase insurance because it is a statutory requirement in some cases (like in the case of motor vehicle insurance), or because it is fashionable (if everyone at the office is buying it), the real prudent reason that anyone should invest in insurance policy is the peace of mind that having insurance coverage offers. And in the same spirit, adequate insurance coverage is that in which you can have adequate peace of mind in knowing that you (or your family) are adequately covered in the event of whatever risk the policy covers actually taking place.

In the case of life insurance, for instance, adequate coverage can only be described as that in which the person taking it can live with the peace of mind of knowing that their loved ones will be adequately provided for (with money from the policy) in the event of them (the policyholders) passing away at some point.

And in the case of medical insurance, adequate coverage can only be described as that which gives the person taking it the peace of mind of knowing that should any form of illness befall them, they can be sure of getting the best medical attention possible, without financial limitations coming on the way to getting such attention.

In this discussion, it is important to note that not every insurance coverage package on the market offers complete peace of mind. In a bid to offer ‘affordable’ products, insurance companies are often forced to cut down on the levels of benefits they offer – sometimes translating into levels of coverage that realistically speaking, don’t guarantee much peace of mind, as the policyholder is really only ‘halfway covered.’ It is therefore essential to go through an insurance policy’s fine print – to see the real benefits it offers and whether they present real peace of mind – before investing in it.  Bad Credit credit cards

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What Constitutes Marital Property In A Rhode Island Divorce Subject To Equitable Distribution?

Rhode Island is an equitable distribution of assets state. R.I.G.L 15-5-16.1 is the statute that pertains to equitable distribution of assets. The Rhode Island Supreme Court has stated on numerous occasions that marriage is an Economic Partnership.

Article by Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer David Slepkow.  You can contact David Slepkow at 401-437-1100. Please contact a RI divorce Attorney if you need legal help.

The equitable distribution statute is designed to fairly assign marital property in a Rhode Island Divorce based primarily on the contributions that each party made to the marital estate. Judges in Rhode Island have a lot of discretion to equitably divide marital assets. Equitable does not always mean equal!

The assets capable of being divided obviously include real estate, pensions, retirement accounts, 401k, cars, boats, artwork, collectibles, bank accounts, ira’s, motorcycles, vehicles, time shares, furniture, televisions, computers, and business interests. Retirement benefits are marital assets under Rhode Island Law if acquired during the course of the marriage. Certain disability pensions may not be marital asset.

What steps must a Rhode Island Family Court Judge use to make an equitable distribution in a Rhode Island Divorce?

Equitable division of assets in RI is a multi step process. The first step is for the Judge to determine what property constitutes marital property in Rhode Island. After a judge determines what constitutes marital property, the Rhode Island Family Court judge must apply the factors set forth in 15-16.1. The judge must lastly equitably divide the marital property.

What are the Automatic Court orders and when do they go into effect?

The Husband and wife must be careful not to violate the automatic court orders pertaining to the parties’ assets. This automatic order enters upon the Plaintiff signing the Divorce Petition as to the Plaintiff and becomes effective as to the Defendant in the divorce when the summons is served upon the Defendant. This order essentially prevents either party from unlawfully dissipating assets or canceling life or health insurance among other things.

What property and assets constitute Marital Property subject to equitable distribution in RI?

All property acquired during the course of the Marriage by either party constitutes Marital property subject to equitable distribution with certain exempt property set forth below.

Gifts given by the parties to each other are marital assets which can be equitable divided in a Rhode Island Divorce.


What assets are not marital property under Rhode Island Divorce Law?

Premarital property is not subject to the equitable division statute. Premarital property is property that was acquired by either spouse prior to the date of the marriage.

Income derived from premarital property during the course of the marriage is subject to the equitable distribution statute. The appreciation in value of premarital property during the course of the marriage is also subject to the equitable division statute.

In order for the appreciation of value of premarital property to be equitably divided, the appreciation must result from the efforts of the spouse who do did not own the asset prior to the marriage. This provision requiring that the appreciation result from the efforts of the other spouse is often loosely applied in Rhode Island (RI) Family Court, especially in marriages of long duration.

It is important to note that the Rhode Island (RI) Legislature made a distinction between interest and appreciation in determining whether the other spouse must have expended any effort. The RI legislature did not require any effort of the other spouse in order for interest derived from premarital property to be equitably divided by the Rhode Island Family court in a divorce. It is not required that interest earned from premarital property be derived from the efforts of the other spouse.

Gifts from third parties whether acquired before or during the marriage are not marital property subject to equitable division under Rhode Island Law. The income and appreciation from gifted property is not marital property. This specifically includes life insurance and distributions from trusts.

Inherited property is not marital property. The income and appreciation of inherited property is not subject to the equitable distribution statute in a RI divorce.

An advanced degree is not a marital asset. A professional’s license such as as a lawyer’s license to practice law is not a marital asset.

Can property, which was originally non-marital separate property, be converted to marital property?

Yes. The Rhode Island divorce case of Quinn v Quinn is the seminal RI case pertaining to doctrine of transmutation. The doctrine of transmutation can change the character of non marital property to marital property.

In Quinn v. Quinn, 512 A.2d 848, 852 (R.I. 1986), the Rhode Island Supreme Court stated that the “transfer of non marital assets from one spouse to both spouses jointly, in the absence of clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, will be understood as evincing an intention to transfer the property to the marital estate. This doctrine, known as transmutation, is consistent with the recognition that marriage is a partnership … The provisions in 15-5-16.1 are designed to achieve that end. Oliviera v. Oliviera

“In Quinn, the husband placed the proceeds from the sale of his inherited property, first, into a jointly held Certificate of Deposit and, then, ultimately, into a joint account. We held that this action evinced an apparent consent to the wife’s demand for an ownership interest in the funds. The husband then used a portion of those funds to acquire a piece of realty, which he held jointly with his wife. We said that “[s]uch an act [was] consistent with, and indicative of, an intent that the parcel become part of the marital estate.” Oliviera v. Oliviera

If one spouse transfers non-marital property to the other spouse in joint names then that will usually change the property to marital property. However, the spouse can by clear and convincing evidence prove that the spouse did not intend to create an ownership interest in the property. There is, however, a rebuttable presumption that the transfer was intended to gift the property to the other spouse.

Commingled assets

If a marital asset and a non-marital asset are commingled and used to purchase or exchanged for other property then the new asset constitutes marital property.

Personal Injury Settlements and Car accident Claims in RI

A personal injury settlement or judgment for pain and suffering, future lost earnings and reimbursement for future medical bills are not marital property in RI. Awards for past medical expenses and past lost wages for a personal injury, slip and fall or workers compensation claim are marital property .Workers compensation awards compensating disfigurement is not marital property.

Are Social Security, SSI benefits or SSDI Benefits Marital property?

Social security benefits are not marital property.

If I hit the lottery after the Divorce Trial or Nominal Hearing but before entry of final judgment does my spouse get an equitable share?

Yes, surprisingly assets acquired after trial but before entry of Final Judgment are marital property.

All assets acquired up to entry of final judgment are marital assets unless the parties entered into a property settlement agreement stating specifically that those assets are non-marital.

Rhode Island Attorneys legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

David Slepkow is a Rhode Island Divorce Attorney concentrating in Divorce, Family Law, Restraining Orders, Alimony, Post Divorce, Contempt, Paternity, adoption, DCYF, Child Support, Child Custody and Visitation. David Slepkow has been practicing for over 12 years and is licensed in Rhode Island (RI), Massachusetts (MA) and Federal Court. Free Initial consultations. Credit Cards Accepted.  Evening Appointments available

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Rhode Island Child

Article from articlesbase.com

What Constitutes Unethical Behavior?

Personal life and business life cannot be perfectly separated with respect to moral judgements. A number of factors have been advanced as significant in making ethical standards a primary concern of business managers.


For the individual, the job is the centre of life, and its value must be, in harmony with the rest of life, if he is to be a whole and healthy personality.
In an industrial society. its values tend to become those of the entire corporate culture.
The public is insisting that business leaders are, in fact, responsible for the general social welfare and that the manager’s responsibilities go far beyond those of running the business.
Even if the manager insists on a narrow definition of his role as possible, it is, however, essential that he takes these intangibles into consideration since they are the real motivating force in an organization.
If an organization did not behave in accordance with the social systems and expectations, it may not merely lose its market share but face another piece of legislated control and might also lose its very right to exist.


Many times managers may be forced to compromise their personal ethics and moral values in order to achieve organizational goals. Everyday ethical decisions are usually made between the lesser of the two evils rather than obvious right and wrong.

Often it may be difficult for the manager to free himself from taking a biased attitude and look at issues objectively. In spite of good intentions, he becomes involved in the situation and it becomes difficult to retreat and take a detached point of view in examining the issue from an ethical standpoint. In the light of these problems, certain examples can be cited to answer the question as to what constitutes unethical behavior.


Padding expense accounts to obtain reimbursement for questionable business expense.
Revealing confidential information of trade secrets.
Giving or accepting gifts or favors.
Using company property and/or materials for personal use.
Leaving the job without abiding by the sales contract.
Being severely critical of competitors.
Attempting to corner opportunities by bribing public officials.
Price discrimination, unfair trade practices, unfair pricing etc. ,
Dishonesty in fulfilling contracts.
Politics inside the organization.


Unless and until the professional manager puts the interest of the organisation in front of his own, places the duty to the society above his duty to the organization wholeheartedly, there is no point in talking about ethics in theory. Though a number of firms spend their time, money and energy in formulating statements, in reality their enthusiasm is lost in practice. The gap between the espoused and practiced values create a dissonance in the minds of the people, and as a result in the organization.

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What constitutes separation of church & state?

Question by foster: What constitutes separation of church & state?
Why is it that Democratic candidates can campaign and make speeches in an all-black church but Repubicans cannot even leave pamplets, much less campaign, in ANY church?

Best answer:

Answer by Mike O
Are you asking why churches don’t welcome Republicans?

I’m not sure I follow your train of thought.

Add your own answer in the comments!