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How did Jehovah’s Witnesses yield the most important decisions regarding FREEDOM OF RELIGION,PRESS, and Speach

Question by brian_kersey: How did Jehovah’s Witnesses yield the most important decisions regarding FREEDOM OF RELIGION,PRESS, and Speach
In the United States of America and several other countries, the legal struggles of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have yielded some of the most important judicial decisions regarding freedom of religion, press and speech. In the United States, many Supreme Court cases involving Jehovah’s Witnesses are now landmark decisions of First Amendment law. Of the 72 cases involving the Jehovah’s Witnesses that have been brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, the Court has ruled in favor of them 47 times. “The cases that the Witnesses were involved in formed the bedrock of 1st Amendment protections for all citizens,” “Jehovah’s Witnesses have done more to help preserve our freedoms than any other religious group.”
So those ones who believe Jehovah’s Witnesses are bad or a problem, think again……If not for them, some of your very rights and freedoms you have today would not exist.Think about it…….

Best answer:

Answer by Sabrina H
don’t forget the men and women in our military…..

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What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Question by Young Quezy: What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?
What are two ways the constitution allows our government to make decisions concerning individual rights?

Also, whats one situation where the United Sates government has suspended individual rights to protect the “common good”?

Give as much description as you can, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by fredo
The Constitution gives Congress the ability to suspend habeas corpus (the doctrine saying you have a right to a hearing if you are being detained) in times of war or insurrection, effectively allowing Congress to decide that individual rights are outweighed by national security.

Also, the Constitution gives Congress the authority to enforce the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the same rights for all people. So they are allowed to make decisions regarding individual rights when it comes to making states give their citizens equal rights.

The government has suspended habeas corpus, once during the Civil War, once during Reconstruction, and again recently following 9-11.

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