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Book on Pro-Nazi US Elite Censored; Indie Publishers Blast Bush, Throw Party at Book Expo America, May 19

Washington, DC (PRWEB) May 19, 2006

Glen Yeadon is a scientist with an unusual hobby. For going on ten years he has collected data on one of America’s darkest taboos — the elite’s enduring support for fascism — and posted it bit by appalling bit on the Web as an online book, “The Nazi Hydra in America.”

Yeadon’s findings overturn the cherished tableau of America, the champion of democracy, defending the globe from totalitarian hordes. In relentless detail, he traces the intimate involvement of US financiers with world fascism from the 1920s to the present — how they created Hitler and his war machine, attempted a putsch against FDR, and recouped Nazi assets to lay the foundation of today’s NSA and CIA. His conclusion: the Nazis won the war — they were on both sides!

The Bush dynasty has played a key role in the Amerinazi scheme for at least three generations, Yeadon says. Most notorious was our appointed president’s grandfather Prescott Bush, AKA “Hitler’s banker,” as first revealed by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their “Unauthorized Biography” of George Bush Sr.

Yeadon says his web traffic to his online “Nazi Hydra in America” was chopped by 75%. He attributes the drop to the Bush regime’s response to this unwelcome attention and the subsequent blocking by the leading search engines. On April 7th, Yeadon noticed traffic to his website suddenly fell sharply by 75% — and remained there. It was four weeks before he realized the cause: excluded from search results on Google, AOL and Netscape.

Not even typing in the name of his book, “Nazi Hydra,” with his domain name, spiritone, would bring up his site. See http://www.waronfreedom.org/press/GlenVsGugl.html.

Yeadon responded with a broadside against Google on indymedia — which the Google bot faithfully indexed as a search result, e.g. http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2006/05/1727591.php. His publisher then scheduled him to appear on the Alex Jones’ infowars talk show, but soon his website was Google-accessible again. He will be on www.infowars.com Wed., May 24 at 1 p.m. CDT and on Utah talk show KTTK on Thursday May 25th from 7:00 – 8:30 MST, www.k-talk.com.

Yeadon’s publisher Progressive Press has struggled for a year now with the distribution of its hottest and most provocative title. “9/11 Synthetic Terror” usually ranks on Amazon in the top 80 political books, and the top 1,800 of all books in print, yet book chains Barnes & Noble and Borders will not carry it.

The incidents prompted publisher John Leonard to write:

“As more of us become economically dependent on web traffic, it becomes clear that we need a Bill of Rights for freedom of access on the Web. Corporations can’t create monopolies and then say, ‘We are private persons and we have the right to deny service to whom we like, with the party politics we like.’

“The same applies to monopolistic book chains. The 14th amendment needs to be extended,” Leonard continued. “It prohibits discrimination on racial or religious grounds, but doesn’t protect political dissent. There is a body of law prohibiting discrimination in employment, but no protection for self-employed people like authors and entrepreneurs. I tried searching for such ‘fair-chance’ laws on the web. All I found was that the constitutions of African nations often prohibit discrimination on grounds of political beliefs. It’s time for us to try and catch up with Africa.”

Currently, the book trade takes pride in being a bastion of First Amendment rights. While that seems to be true relative to the miasma of TV and newsprint, Leonard says, he believes he can come up with statistical proof of political bias in corporate book purchasing. He also wants to further develop the ideas of expanded individual vs. corporate rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and equal opportunity, in a statement at www.waronfreedom.org/press/freedom.html.

*** Beltway Book Bop: Independent Publishers Speak Out Against Bush ***

“Join us, for a hopping party and speak-out, with great authors, 14 microbrews on tap, and a fun live band, all on opening night of Book Expo America, in Washington, D.C.,” says Sander Hicks, maverick publisher, author, 9/11 investigator, Brooklyn coffee house restaurateur and Green Party candidate for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat.

The live band at the Grog & Tankard, a legacy music club and trendy watering hole in chic Georgetown, will be Baltimore indie rockers The Up Set, a delightful mix of lo-fi piano, banjo and rock and roll.

The energy-charged program from 7 to 9 pm will have four speakers of Truth to Power: Sander Hicks; Webster Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror and host of World Crisis Radio; Jim Walsh, author of Liberty in Troubled Times; and Rebel Bookseller author Andy Laties.

See www.waronfreedom.org/press/indiepubpr.html for more details.


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Power Elite Deceptions : Civilian Security Force!

If this commentary doesn’t make a good Democrat mad, I don’t know what would. Wait! A Christian Democrat could get really angry by viewing my sister commentary on September 2, 2009 at www.LRCHouston.com.  I’m dealing with the same subject but with a different slant.  <!–more–>


You’ve heard it said, ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Everyone wants POWER. Scientists want power. Religion wants power. These two seemingly opposite forces are battling for the minds of humanity. But, so too is the government.

Republicans have their agenda and the Democrats an equally devious one; however, one of the most deceptive POWER maneuvers for me is Barack Obama’s “Civilian Army”. Tell me, what the hell do we need a civilian army for when we can even pay the bills for a military army?

Well, here’s my answer.

Maintaining POWER from the masses isn’t as easy as you might think. The POWER BOYS are a much smaller group, but alas they have POWER! One of the most obvious ways that power is exercised can be seen in Venezuela as an example where Hugo Chavez took advantage of the poor people being tired of being ruled over by the “Intelligent power Elite” thus allowing Hugo to come as “one of them” until he amassed enough POWER to say to hell with everyone that disagrees with me.

America may buy in to “Cash for Clunkers”, the take over of the automobile industry, telling those rich SOB Wall Street hot dogs how much money they can make, but the “average Joe” would easily SEE through having the military take over.


Thus, a civilian force. As Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The reason being?

Let me give you a clue from two weeks ago. The Obama administration set up a HOT LINE for you to REPORT anyone who disagreed with their national healthcare program, under the guise of knocking down “untruths”. And an untruth is- something that doesn’t agree with the Obama administration.

We don’t need a civilian national security force. We already have enough State “national guards”. Let’s get real here. Washington already has too much POWER for its own good and definitely too much for our good!

As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.