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Power Elite Deceptions : Civilian Security Force!

If this commentary doesn’t make a good Democrat mad, I don’t know what would. Wait! A Christian Democrat could get really angry by viewing my sister commentary on September 2, 2009 at www.LRCHouston.com.  I’m dealing with the same subject but with a different slant.  <!–more–>


You’ve heard it said, ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Everyone wants POWER. Scientists want power. Religion wants power. These two seemingly opposite forces are battling for the minds of humanity. But, so too is the government.

Republicans have their agenda and the Democrats an equally devious one; however, one of the most deceptive POWER maneuvers for me is Barack Obama’s “Civilian Army”. Tell me, what the hell do we need a civilian army for when we can even pay the bills for a military army?

Well, here’s my answer.

Maintaining POWER from the masses isn’t as easy as you might think. The POWER BOYS are a much smaller group, but alas they have POWER! One of the most obvious ways that power is exercised can be seen in Venezuela as an example where Hugo Chavez took advantage of the poor people being tired of being ruled over by the “Intelligent power Elite” thus allowing Hugo to come as “one of them” until he amassed enough POWER to say to hell with everyone that disagrees with me.

America may buy in to “Cash for Clunkers”, the take over of the automobile industry, telling those rich SOB Wall Street hot dogs how much money they can make, but the “average Joe” would easily SEE through having the military take over.


Thus, a civilian force. As Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The reason being?

Let me give you a clue from two weeks ago. The Obama administration set up a HOT LINE for you to REPORT anyone who disagreed with their national healthcare program, under the guise of knocking down “untruths”. And an untruth is- something that doesn’t agree with the Obama administration.

We don’t need a civilian national security force. We already have enough State “national guards”. Let’s get real here. Washington already has too much POWER for its own good and definitely too much for our good!

As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.

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