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NATIONAL SECURITY & CLIMATE CHANGE: 6.26.08 Hearing . NEW REPORT 4/21/10 House of Commons www.publications.parliament.uk edition.cnn.com www.youtube.com BBC News Report Climate Security 2030 Report!!! out of Washington DC MUST SEE www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.nowpublic.com edition.cnn.com govenment Geo-engineering The shield of Ra: Of all these “whacky-but-workable” theories the one that has perhaps generated the most interest, both in terms of scientific plausibility and practical implementation, is that of solar reflection. The basic concept is the same as that underpinning the “white roads” idea — the development of a technology that can reflect a proportion of the sun’s radiation away from the earth’s surface and back out into space, thereby cooling the atmosphere and slowing, or even reversing the damaging effects of global climate change. Several models have been put forward as to how such a feat of “geo-engineering” might actually be achieved, most involving the positioning of a reflective shield of some sort out in space. As early as 1989, for instance, in an article entitled “Space-based Solar Shield to Offset Greenhouse Effect,” James T. Early of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, proposed siting a vast, 2000 km-wide glass deflecting panel at the “inner Lagrange point” between the Earth and the sun, the latter diverting the sun’s rays away from the Earth’s atmosphere. Similarly in 1992 the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) put

Financial Freedom With Christianity – Fact or Fiction? – Seek the Truth it Will Set You Free

Christian Financial Freedom requires you to know the truth about answered and unanswered prayers; Fact or fiction? Unanswered prayers do not exist; you either have a negative or a positive response. If your prayers do not get a positive result it means your prayers were answered by God in the negative. God hears you and replies. Have you ever investigated why the verse that says: “and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be Glorified in the Son.”

It stands to reason that who so ever is not the beneficiary of an answered prayer will look for a thousand reasons to substantiate this as god’s will, no one like to be outside of god’s will. Immediately you will have a thousand Christian clichés as a substitute for the real reason. Clichés like, have faith, or Gods timing is not your timing, unbiblical hackneyed and nauseating, admissions of not knowing the truth in which lies the answer.

Most people are afraid to question the Bible. Why? It says that you should test all things. I decided to test both, my internet home business and the biblical facts. TBN pulpit exponents like Internet Marketing Exponents have lead me round by the nose long enough, time fo the truth. No more listening to TBN hype and get fleeced in the process. Time to put my prayer life and my Christian based affiliate marketing business on the right track. In both instances I need to seek the truth. the success of the one is dependant upon the other.

I am sure you know the story of Jacob, he promised God that if He would provide for him, protect him, and bring him back safely to his land, he would then serve God. He required God to give first before he gave. God still loved him. Have you ever heard a sermon about this from a TBN pulpit charlatan? No, all insist you must give to receive; do they have the keys to God’s safe so they can dish out to you, or something? Every one of them is out to take your money. I state categorically they do not believe what they preach; if they do they are hallucinating. If I was one of them and believed what I daily tell the millions of viewers, I would give a million dollars to the cause I’m touting as a good thing, and get back a hundred million from God, it would save one hell of a lot of trouble.

The Word says test all things. I Thessalonians 5:21 instructs us to “test [prove, KJV] all things,” which would include our old notions, and then “hold fast” to the good ones—the ones that pass the test. Have you ever looked for the reason why you did not get what you asked for? There are good reasons which may soon be eradicated, if you seek the truth because it will set you free. However, that is yet another discussion to be published in due course.
I have deviated somewhat from the basic reason for this article, but these shenanigans are depriving a lot of people from the truth. The word says, Seek the truth and it will set you free, so back to the main stream of my article.

I make my income from my home business by way of Internet Affiliate Marketing and SEO work. Unfortunately, both, religion and internet marketing are crowded with hype and scams. It became an obsession with me to discover the truth every time I listened to one of those TBN Multi Millionaire pulpit charlatans, I just knew this could not be the truth about God’s Word and to a similar degree seeing reading and listening to the internet hype about becoming a millionaire over night, or having a new Ferrari parked in your garage before you have even removed you P-Jays in the morning.

Christianity was my first priority as I felt that my Home Business Income was totally dependent upon my knowing the truth.
My search took me into many places besides the Word. The kernel of my research was to find the truth about both including the true meaning of such biblical annotations as:

My people perish for the lack of knowledge.

Seek the Kingdom and all things will be added onto you.

What is God’s will for my life?

Do Christians have to be paupers to be good Christians?

What so ever you ask the father in my name you shall have.

My searching was somehow abruptly curtailed when I read James 1:5, “If any of you lack wisdom let him ask God who gives to all men abundantly etc., this coupled to the knowledge that Jesus left us a Counsellor, “The Holy Spirit”, when He went to be with the Father in Heaven opened my spiritual ears and eyes. I have not read in the Word that He gives money abundantly or for that matter that He gives new cars or houses. He also tells you how to give and to whom to give, for those who think thast giving brings wealth. I do not see the TBN charlatans enumerated as biblical reci[ients, but I do see the widows and orphans and your Spiritual teacher, as recipients of your giving. Do your own distribution, god will see and know. Don’t give to god because the TBN Hoax makes you believe that your dollar will be ten after he or she has fleeced you. These professional beggars will no doubt have a million reasons for attacking my point of view, however please remember that the word says the road to heaven is narrow.

So what went wrong?
I am a normal working guy, doing my best to live as a follower of The Word, Jesus. When I began to “test all things” in my happy clappy church, and to seek the truth, I discovered lots of turmoil within my spirit. I had lots of questions these so called theologians had no answers for apart from the normal “out” using the hackneyed Christian cliches. I decided that I was in the wrong place. It greatly worried me that the word says “My people perish for the lack of knowledge.” This is both biblically and materially applicable. The two are linked through prayer.
This article is not within the scope of a total biblical perspective, apart from saying that my research, or if you like my revelation put a whole new slant on my Christian life. For the first time I feel that I am successful in both facets of my life, my Spiritual life and my business life. I have discovered via biblical research, using the internet extensively, how one should pray and be in the will of God. I now know why my prayers were never answered, and it was not because I was outside of Christianity, no, simply because the happy clappy churches teachings are wrong and money centered.

There is not one instance in the entire bible that tells us to pray for financial freedom or any form of financial gain, but there are any number of verses which tell you to ask for knowledge.  So that you can do what is necessary to make the income you are working towards. Do you know that a ship at sea needs only be one degree off course, which easily runs the ship aground or onto the rocks. So it is with you and I deviate one degree and land up on the rocks. The good news is that you can keep course very easily because you have a Counselor who keeps you there if you choose to make use of his services.
Take a discovery trip as I did and see your life change, there after God will lead you to the right teacher. It is the first time in my life that I understand why the book says that the road to heaven is narrow, my research to find direction for my future was both spiritually revealing and materially motivating.

For answers to unanswered prayers and knowing how to pray, please get

the program, I know it will unburden you substantially.


Book Working Title: ‘ the Information (c)age – the Illusion of Fact and the Silent Death of Freedom’

I have finally gone back to writing and my first non-fiction book, “The Information (C)Age – The Illusion of Fact and The Silent Death of Freedom” is coming along well as much as my job at ISIS Papyrus allows, but my work experience is the information source of this book.

Book abstract:

Computing is a very powerful means, meaning that it is also a very powerful weapon. It is frightening to see to what extent governments already do and still plan to unleash that weapon on its citizens. Private information is collected by authorities of all kinds under the pretense of security. Our freedom is not threatened by a few terrorist bombs and not even by the fall of the World Trade Center, but it has been taken away by governments all around the world who claim to protect us by means of laws, rules and regulations and ever stricter monitoring of citizens.

Freedom is not about safety and security, it is about privacy, about choice and about knowledge. We say that knowledge is power and the more information is gathered and controlled by a government, the more it restricts our freedom. Therefore, there is no discussion of information technology without discussing politics.

Fortunately use of IT is so poorly managed that governments are unable to use its full potential. I do not only want to discuss how IT can be done better, but also how the betterment will be a benefit to people in general. I will show what companies are trying to do with Business Process Reengineering and why industrial-style business process automation is not good for customers, users and thus for the business as a whole.

I think it is also time to point out how the IT industry as a conglomerate of hardware and software vendors, consultants and outsourcers has finally wrestled control over IT from the hands of the businesses that use their products. Most claims of potential benefits are unsubstantiated and are at best about short-term cost savings. Therefore not only our IT jobs are going to India, but a huge amount of intellectual property in technical and process knowledge is transferred from the West to the East. I will try to show how we could innovate IT from the ground up to maybe stop that trend.

Yes, the Internet is one of the best things that we did with IT, but it is not about buying more or cheaper, but about people communicating and maybe sharing their experiences about life and – why not – about products. Vendors don’t like that aspect of the Internet at all. Therefore I like buyer feedback websites like on Amazon. Obviously, all information is only accurate to some extent and that is actually good enough as long as you can get it when you want it and use it as you see fit. There are as many truths as there are information receivers and thus “truth is what happens.”

You ought to be aware by now that a huge amount of information content on the Internet is intentionally incorrect. You can call that marketing or advertising but it is intentional misinformation or clearer – LIES. I will point out the new sub-culture of Internet money-making that Google and its method of reselling advertising has spawned. Much of the money that you seem to get for valid clicks of interest is going to websites that have no other purpose than harvesting clicks for profit. It is finally possible to make more money with Google than with a good porn site …

Knowledge and information – I will explain those differences later – are also about value and money. Copyright and patent laws are instruments of power, mostly of the financial kind. I propose that restricting the use of gathered knowledge is against the evolutionary concept of this universe, as far as we possibly understand it. Information technology is seen as something abstract, disconnected and even competing with nature. Scientists of mostly this century have however recognized that in physics as well as in biology, information is gathered, processed, kept and transmitted in numerous ways. DNA is just a very powerful information storage device that we can learn a lot from. From the bottom-up, determined by Quantum Physics, energy and information are treated as one. We find to our amazement that there is no certainty of observation and thus there are at best statistical after-the-fact illusions. Quantum Physics also disallows the exact prediction of what the effect of any action will have and puts energy and information transmitter and receiver at the same causal level. There is no meaning in data without the work of an interpreter that has some previous metadata (information about data) knowledge. That opens the tricky question where that metadata came from, right?

Quantum Physics also describes individuation, meaning that there are no two energetic or information quantities in this universe that are exactly alike. In this mystery lies the key to our individual uniqueness. In this enigma lies the beauty of our ability to judge on inaccurate and limited information, because that is all there is. Our emotional intuition is the best decision making tool there is as nature would have given us more if that would not be so.

The question of metadata or meta-knowledge leads into spirituality and faith and as a consequence – religion. If there is a God, what did he know at the time and how did he come to the decision to create this universe or if he is acting at a lesser level, why did he create us humans? Was He – or She or IT (pun intended) – the first creator of the divine metadata repository that interprets the information exchange in this universe? Was he acting from experience from creating other universes or just gut feel? Does IT have a gut and if not where does IT feel the love for us? Is IT the ultimately reasonable being? Is IT a computer then? What mathematics would IT use to calculate the outcome of the divine plan? Predictive analytics do not sound too divine, right? So here we are – right in the storyline of ‘Deity’, my first novel.

‘Deity’ opens up the subject of Artificial Intelligence or AI that I will dedicate a whole chapter too. I said twenty years ago that there will not be AI without understanding human intelligence. Today I understand human intelligence much better and I say that there will never be AI! But there is progress in so-called Machine-Learning and I will explain my own work in this area. Intelligence – human and artificial – is not based on rules as I will try to explain.

As a consequence, I will try to discuss the role of philosophy in science and what it can do for information technology. For too many IT people that notion seems incredibly odd and thus I sometimes feel like Miguel de Cervantes’ “El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha” who fought the dragons of his mind, embodied in the windmills of his homeland. The fight against the windmills is a sideline of the original story. A common 19th century interpretation is that they represent the heroic fight of the nobles against the coming of the industrial age.

Yes, I do believe in the right to know and thus for the right of people to unbiased education for free. Rather than feeding people and thus make them dependant, we ought to teach them and thus give them freedom. But I am not into conspiracy theories except in my novels, but I also know that the people of this world are being intentionally mislead by those in power and by the ‘thinking elite’.

Because of my controversial position and my lack of a university degree, I have been called jaded and my writing a ‘rant’, but that is mostly because I have learned that being friendly and considerate, as well as treading lightly does not bring about change.

So here I am, stepping on a few toes …

Max J. Pucher

Max J. Pucher is the founder and current Chief Architect of ISIS Papyrus Software, a globally operating software company that specializes in Artificial Intelligence for Business Process and Communication. He has written several books, frequently speaks and writes on IT and holds several patents.