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Q&A: What do you think are the MAIN issues that qualify as National Security concerns?

Question by Serenity08: What do you think are the MAIN issues that qualify as National Security concerns?
Someone has said (as an answer to a prev question) that only terrorist threat is a National Security concern.

How about dependence on foreign oil? How about China and India’s fast growing demand for oil, putting pressure on supply…and leading to rapid price increases? Isn’t that a National Security concern?

How about our debt to China?

How about border security?

How about the outsorucing of certain jobs that deal with our safety and security?

Please add to the list…

How much attention should we give to these issues and others?

Best answer:

Answer by Gig Al Bore
An outstanding list, add the Iranian situation and you have a very full baske indeed.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Can anyone tell me main points about national security?

Question by sarah p: Can anyone tell me main points about national security?
I am doing a oral presentation on national security and i need points about it…..

I have Cyber Security
i have Facility security
and nuclear security
can someone tell me if i am on the right track and maybe a really good website!

Best answer:

Answer by sixtiesradical
1) Republicans talk a lot about it and then do things to endanger it and fail to do things to ensure it.
2) Democrats don’t need to bellow about it, because they have nothing to cover up.
3) Republicans use “national security” as an excuse for pulling all kinds of sh!t they couldn’t get away with otherwise.

Add your own answer in the comments!