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What does the freedom of information act mean?

Does the freedom of information act we can ask the government on information related to terrorists, alien, government conspircys, immigration, what does the freedom of information act mean?

What does “The south will rise again” mean?

This is a concern that I have because the south that fell was everything that America is not today. The United States of America is the land of equality, freedom, opportunity and justice. Equality, freedom, opportunity and justice don’t sound like the “old south” to me. And don’t get this misconstrued; I am not trying to make this a Black vs. White thing. Life just didn’t seem to be all that great for anyone in the south at that time. The north wasn’t much better. You don’t hear people calling out for the return of the old north. So what about the old south do some people really want to bring back when they say “The south will rise again”.