Home » The Constitution » Demise of DOMA – Wrecking the Constitution

Demise of DOMA – Wrecking the Constitution

Chuck Colson is “flabbergasted” at President Obama and his administration’s breath-taking usurpation of power. In this video, Chuck warns viewers about his recent unilateral decision refusing to uphold a federal law—namely the Defense of Marriage Act, which was put in place to protect the institution of marriage. Finally, he has a message for the church: Your silence is deafening.
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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18 comments on “Demise of DOMA – Wrecking the Constitution

  • livelygranny4Jesus

    March 15, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    arrogance and obama fit hand in glove…along w/communist, socialist, etc….

    America we are in trouble…GOD forgive us and have mercy on us….

  • @hbfarker Also, who said that we choose our religion? If homosexuality, which is a belief often tied with action, is not a choice, why can’t my belief tied with action also not be a choice?

    There are some Christians who don’t believe that they have the freewill to do differently than believe what they believe (Calvinists).

    Don’t be presumptuous of what all Christians believe, because unless you are one you will likely be wrong.

    If you have questions about Christianity, just ask!

  • @mykelb It’s not just what Christ said, but what the entire Bible says. Try these: Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:27. It’s clear what Christianity says.

    If you read the Bible you’ll see that Jesus is the heart and soul of it, but that there are many of people who speak and lessons to learn.

    Again, don’t tell me what my religion believes. I know it well.

  • @SeparateisntEqual You didn’t read what I said, or else you just didn’t understand me. I was relating to the notion that DOMA restricts freedom and that freedom is the ability to do whatever you want. That is a false notion because there are plenty of things that we “can” do that we are not “free” to do. Freedom is the ability to do good and uphold righteousness. People become addicted to bad things like drugs and porn because the objects inhibit freedom.

    Read before you criticize.

  • @WGAtwell Your christ never once mentioned gays or even gay sex. But you can read about Jonathan and David and find out about it.

  • “Evil Thrives When Good Men Do Nothing.” Obama, a minority himself, didn’t want evil to thrive and so he courageously stood up – Kudos Mr. President!!! Perhaps if others felt the sting and effects of DOMA, they wouldn’t be so quick to spout the president was wrong.

  • SeparateisntEqual

    March 16, 2011 at 1:51 am

    @WGAtwell actually, you’re wrong. there have been people of the same sex who have married in history, and there are people of the same sex who are married now. How exactly is gay marriage like murder, theft or rape? No one is being killed, nothing is being stolen and no one is being sexually assaulted. Your arguments are a fallacy; they are made of straw.

  • SammyinSeattle

    March 16, 2011 at 1:54 am

    @WGAtwell Civil marriage is not religious marriage. This couldn’t be more clear. Each religion has different definitions of what they consider to be marriage and they are free to exclude those who do not qualify for marriage within their religion. This has not changed and will not change at all.

  • @ksm1031 What is truly discriminating is to tell religious people what their marital bond should look like and how it should be defined. Marriage is a pre-political institution and does not require government for it to exist. That’s why the government should not tell religious people (Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc) how to define THEIR institution, given to them by God.

    Redefining marriage is like stealing.

  • @mykelb Please read the Bible before you lecture me on Christian theology. We render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, but NEVER what is God’s. Marriage is a religious institution with civil benefits.

    I can love my neighbor and disagree with what they believe. For me to see their lifestyle as destructive and unnatural and say nothing would be unloving and unChristian.

    Again, don’t act like you know the Christian faith. Christ condemned plenty of actions that were sinful–I’m doing the same.

  • Cont> Our nation isn’t a religious organization-“but a Government” for the people (All the People) including gays & religious folks. Homosexuals have been gettin hitched since the beginning of time, & serving as hero’s of ancient military’s. Equality isn’t a gay thing-but an everybody thing. Marriage is fundamental & belongs to everyone 🙂

  • The only thing DOMA’s defending is discrimination. All men are created with certain unalienable rights to life-liberty & the pursuit of happiness. Bigotry is un-American & hurts gay kids & their families. Religion-so often a root of war-blinding the hearts of common men. “God is Love”-Togetherness & treating your neighbors equally, not divisive views or doctrine. If a chosen cult refuses marriage equality-so be it, separation provides for that. Cont>

  • @WGAtwell Guess what LightcodeDemonH, I just married my husband in the District of Columbia. We have a legalized marriage according to the District government. Get over your anachronistic iron-age religious dogma and practice what you preach and are supposed to be doing as a Christian, Render unto Ceaser, Turn the Other Cheek, Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself. Seems you need some remedial religion lessons.

  • @LightCodeDemonH Liberty is not the “freedom” to do whatever you want. We don’t let people murder or steal or rape legally. There are plenty of things we “can” do that society says we “shouldn’t” do. Allowing homosexuals to marry is one of them. 41 states either have a const. amendment or law defining marriage between one man and one woman.

    How is not allowing gay marriage unjust? Nobody, whether gay or straight, can marry someone of the same sex. It’s been defined this way in all of history.

  • @hbfarker Who said sexual orientation is innate? Isn’t it up for debate and science still looking into it? Also, is the source homosexuality irrelevant? There are inherently wrong actions even though the desire might be uncontrolled. Some pedophiles cannot help their attraction to children, but we still find it wrong.

    41 states have either a constitutional amendment upholding trad. marriage or legislation doing the same. The public has been clear (even CA for heaven’s sake).

  • Right on point!

  • So you think religious beliefs (which are chosen) should have strict scrutiny by the government. But sexual orientation (which is an innate characteristic of every person) should not? You also failed to mention that past presidents have ALSO decided not to defend laws which they believed were unconstitutional. Two federal courts have already ruled that parts of DOMA are unconstitutional. DOMAs days are numbered.

  • LightCodeDemonH

    March 16, 2011 at 5:17 am

    Isn’t one of the commandments given by Jesus that we should treat each other the way we want to be treated? judge not lest ye be judged? and whoever is without sin cast the first stone?
    Liberty means freedom to do what you want.
    Justice means the law is applied equally to all persons.
    As a christian it should be my solemn duty to uphold and demand the rights for LBGT community but to chastise Obama for simply not wanting to uphold or enforce the law.
    The paths of true christains are never easy.

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