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Farage vs Brown

Gordon Brown meets the real opposition when he visits Strasbourg. For those of you who have asked, Nigel spoke a few moments before Daniel Hannan lambasted Gordon Brown. This is the transcript: Mr President, the Prime Minister has received some criticism this afternoon for his comment British jobs for British workers, but you can brush that aside, because from the moment he said it I do not think anybody seriously thought that he would ever, as a British Prime Minister, put the interests of British workers above that of his European dream. My goodness me, you showed that this afternoon, Prime Minister. It is just a pity that, apart from UKIP, virtually nobody seems to have bothered to turn up to listen to you. You are very popular here. You are very popular indeed because within a few days of the Irish saying no to the Lisbon Treaty, you had rammed that Treaty through the British Parliament, breaking a specific manifesto pledge that you would give the British people a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty. Shame on you, Prime Minister, for doing that. You have devalued democracy in our country; you have devalued the trust that voters put in you as a British Prime Minister. Of course, we know the reason why. The reason why is that we would have voted no. You said in your speech that none but those on the extremes oppose European Union. Well, that may be right amongst professional career politicians, but a clear majority of the British people want us to have friendship

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25 comments on “Farage vs Brown

  • well, it looks like the government were and are capable of the biggest fraud scam ever carried out, and that the banks are the masters. Welcome to the world of economic slavery.

  • (follow on from first comment)
    In a global society, if money is as valuable as the air we breath, then it is those who run and regulate the global currencies who profit from such massive debt burdens. If the taxes we pay, that are supposed to finance our public services, go to pay the interests off massive loans, then my question is.
    Why do we have a private banking system lending money to a majority of the worlds countries?
    Conservatives= also corruption
    : )

  • Why do people continue to argue the point, that Gordon Brown was responsible for record economic growth? Economic growth nowadays relies on massive amounts of borrowing and generous amounts of banking credit. If nearly every countr in the world operates in this way it is inevitable that countries will finds themselves in a bubble of debt. We must not be ignorant of the established corporations who are simply untouchable under our current economic structure.

  • ENDGAME by Alex Jones great documentary it’s a MUST SEE !

    It’s all documented nothing is theory..

  • @ukipwebmaster. Such wise words. Thanks 🙂

  • This guy Farage is an absolute stud. That might have been the most perfectly articulated dismantling of Gordon Brown ever. No, not might, it was.

  • Oldfaithfullyours

    December 6, 2011 at 12:43 am

    He should have added ” And to top it all Mr Brown, you are a cunt”.

  • Gordon Brown – the worst Chancellor and the worst (unelected) Prime Minister in the history of Britain…

  • Brown and Farage, no difference just as arogant as each other.

  • @basch2020 Mr Prudent turned out to be Mr Reckless. The most weird and incompetent PM this country has ever seen. Love to see him undergo live psychoanalysis because he really is a strange one.

  • anygoodatdancin

    December 6, 2011 at 2:48 am

    Farage knows what his talking about becoz he was a metals trader in London before he became a politician.

  • i want to be british to vote nigel

  • @BenFosterism Labour borrowed more money than ANY other in history! FACT!

  • @ukipwebmaster He borrowed no more than the recommended European amount. ukpublicspending.co.uk/uk_national_debt

    The charts show that Britain under labour borrowed the same amount as Thatcher did as percentage of GDP. Only exception was they borroed a bit more to in the 1990’s as they need the fix everything that thatcher destroyed by cutting to much (NHS for one) The only time labour had to borrow money it couldn’t really pay its debts for was saving the banks from collapse.

  • @basch2020 Very true. Future generations will be paying for the price of Gordon Brown.

  • @flynchy007 Brown was an abysmal chancellor, he managed to multiply the national debt 10 times in as many years and dwarved the productive economy to a size smaller than the public sector that it’s supposed to be financing.
    He’s a villain not just because the of extent to which he messed things up, but also because of his destruction of any prospect we have of correcting things in the future. All this and he still hasn’t given us an apology, only the unelected seizing of the PM position.

  • Go Nigel!! 🙂
    You tell that ex-‘chancellor’ and ex-‘prime minister’ – I use those words very loosely – where to go!
    That hideous grin on that Selfish Little Cretin (alias ‘Gordon Brown’) just shows how must he’s feeling uncomfortable about the truth coming out!
    Thank goodness Brown has gone! Now for the EU and euro disappearing too!

  • @jh09980 Ron Paul

  • @flynchy007 hahahahaha

  • @flynchy007 – Brown (as chancelor) also sold 60% of Britains gold reserves. in 2002 he sold 395 tonnes, netting $3.5B in his so called economic master stroke to minimise portfolio risk. 9 years later it would have been worth $19B…Browns Bottom I believe the term was and then went on to remove most of the worlds unpayable (at the time) debt to us, costing the UK a few hundred billion by 2011. LIBLABCON…Britains darkest hour.

  • @jh09980 – He’s good isn’t he.

  • Wish someone in the US could do this.

  • @flynchy007 Hint of sarcasm?

  • Nigel Farage for PM

  • @peaceonearth1984 The people’s of Europe know it’s a non-sense, it’s only the pigs in the trough that don’t want to end their gravy train. The people must decide via referendum.

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