Home » The Constitution » FreedomFest 2007 The BIG Debate 1of7 Ron Paul

FreedomFest 2007 The BIG Debate 1of7 Ron Paul

The BIG Debate: US Foreign Policy and the War in Iraq Part 1 www.youtube.com Part 2 www.youtube.com Part 3 www.youtube.com Part 4 www.youtube.com Part 5 www.youtube.com Part 6 www.youtube.com Part 7 www.youtube.com Libertarians Ron Paul & Doug Casey vs. Conservatives Larry Abraham & Dinesh D’Souza Summary of points raised by Ron Paul: * In general, in the past those who advocated non-intervention won elections. * The constitution did not give permission to the US government to initiate wars of aggression and that was for good reason. * The constitution notes that war should only be waged after a declaration of war from congress. * The founders’ advice was to talk to people, trade with them, but not intervene in the internal affairs of other nations. * There are many unintended consequences of intervention. As more intervention has taken place over the 20th century, people around the world have become resentful of US foreign policy. This resentment has created blowback as extremist organizations have become motivated to attack the US based on its interventionist foreign policy. * If a non-intervention policy is hard to accept, consider what intervention looks like from the other side. What would we think if the Chinese had troops within our borders and they were teaching us to live like the Chinese and teaching us their religion and their laws? We would be outraged and we would fight to remove their presence. * When Ronald Reagan sent troops to Lebanon and reversed his
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 comments on “FreedomFest 2007 The BIG Debate 1of7 Ron Paul

  • @durhamdf “I feel like I stumbled into the special ed room.”

    Lol, nicely said. It’s strange how Ron Paul almost makes right wing nuts look like moderates.

  • i don’t think that non interventionism is a strategy forever, however the USA’s economies in ruins because of their foreign policy, they need to pull out for about 30 years, influence through trade like china

  • @1PrinceWilliam hahah oh my god are all ron paul supports legally retarded. I feel like I stumbled into the special ed room.

  • @torontobboy21 hahahahaha typical american voter stereotype

  • Ron Paul 2012!!!

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  • so true of words yet lost on the damn people……

  • He should’ve been president in 1988 and somehow remain president for as long as he sees fit. If that were so in this utopia I could see fewer americans working under him than now with the current depression looming before us. The difference, however, would be that under Paul the country would be so rich and wealthy that many of us wouldn’t need to work. There would be more parents able to stay home and take care of the home if they so chose which could potentially lead to lower crime rates…

  • I am in agreement

  • thank you Reagan for having the humility to admit you were wrong, it is a shining lesson to be followed

    its ok to be wrong if you’re aware of it and learn from it

    we need to bring alot of troops home and shut down alot of our overseas bases and focus our resources on home

    hell, if anything we should invade Mexico and help their country to curb the immigration

  • except your ignoring what happen. We knew Iran was getting nukes before Iraq, we knew North Korea was getting nukes before Iraq. In fact not disarming North Korea was, in retrospect, a big mistake. On the other hand, Libya dismantled its nuclear program after the invasion of Iraq. So your statement completely falls on its face. If anything, its “get a nuke and we WILL attack you” as may be the case very soon with Iran.

  • READ BLOWBACK (the costs and consequences of american empire)

  • Go Ron Paul!

  • that’s the propaganda and it is disputed. the referrendum was non-binding. had it been binding, he would not have been able to run again anyway, since it was to be held on the day of the election of his replacement.

    no the real reason behind the coup was that he raised the minimum wage. it happened in Brazil before, its just history repeating itself.

    the legislative and judicial branches are some of the most corrupt in the world. the votes of the Honduran people outweigh gov’t officials IMO

  • Per the Honduron constitution presidents may serve only 1-term and if they try to change the constitution on term limits the must first resign from office. The Honduron supreme court ruled him to be in violation and he refused to resign from office. He persisted and then the supreme court ordered him removed from office. A member of his own party succeeded him. These are the facts and they can not be disputed…

  • I’ll admit I don’t know too much about trade except for these two points:
    1. We may have traded for a while with Nazi Germany but towards the end we were jacking their priceless trade secrets to out-compete them. They were more advanced than us in many ways.
    2. The strongest voices of those who favor the coup in Honduras (lobbyissts, congressmen) are paid for by the business community that has interests there.

  • The USA imports their oil primarily from Canada and Venezuela. But your premise is flawed. Business relationships have never equal friendship. The USSR and Nazi Germany were huge trading partners. And were they friends?

  • yeah. that would be genius. they have nukes and missiles aimed at US bases.

    the real threat to peace was our invasion of iraq which basically told the world “get a nuke or we might attack you.”

  • for someone who isn’t friends with saudi arabia we sure give them a lot of business.

  • ‘over the last, DICKADE or two’

  • That’s only because they have oil. Their a bunch of wahabist freaks, the day we don’t rely on foreign oil is the first day we don’t give a shit about Saudia Arabia.

    But on a different note, Saudia Arabia is supposively beneficial in fighting the War on Terror. Almost hard to believe since their extreme ideology is aligned with AQ, but supposively true… If so, they will stay a partner.

  • That’s just retarded !!!!!! th US hasn’t signed any such “mutual defense treaties” with Isreal, Egypt, Argentina, Kuwait, Morocco and a plethora of other countries, that doesn’t mean they are not our allies !!!!! What a stupid argument !!!! No treaty, no alliance ??? What an ignoramus statement !!! Just look at all the support we give to the Saudi’s. Would we treat a neutral or an axis country the way we treat Saudi ??? Use your brain for once in your life !!!!!

  • Oh? Please cite the treaty the the USA signed w. S.Arabia confirming this alliance. Such treaties have been signed w/ S.Korea, Taiwan, UK, and others. E.g. If China attacks Taiwan, the USA is obligated to go to war against China. No Treaty = No alliance. And if you can’t prove this alliance via a treaty then some might say you’re an uninformed nitwit who pretends to know more than he really does… Prove your assertion… You claim to care about facts so cite the treaty. 🙂

  • First of all, Saudi arabia IS A US ALLY !!!! Thats a fact, not a matter of opinion. We provide weapons for them and train their army, Saudis actully hve lobbies in the US congress, every president since FDR has been friendly with them and th US didn’t even do anything about the 9/11 saudi hijackers. You don’t really care about fcts do ya ?? You must be an inbred redneck !!!!! I’m too lazy to read ??? Bitch, your inbred ass probably doesn’t even know how to read !!!!

  • A person falsely claimed I thought SArabia was a US ally and proceeded w/ a strawman argument. Your repeating that same strawman argument. If you wish to argue w/ someone who thinks SArabia is an ally, then go find someone that thinks that way… If you would have bothered to read the exchanged, you would have known my position. I shall no longer waste my time w/ youtube nitwits like your self who are too lazy to read and comprehend before firing their verbal bullets…

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