Home » The Constitution » G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System

G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System

The author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” G. Edward Griffin, on the cartel structure of the Federal Reserve System and the 1910 “money trust” meeting on Jekyll Island responsible for drafting the principles of the Owners-Glass Bill/Federal Reserve Act signed into law by President Wilson. Clip from the film “FIAT EMPIRE – Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution.” “This Telly Award-winning documentary on the Federal Reserve System was inspired by the well-known book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin, and features presidential candidate, RON PAUL. To order a high-quality DVD or VHS tape (by mail) with up to 160-minutes of additional interviews, go to www.FiatEmpire.com To get instant downloads in a range of qualities, go to www.mecfilms.com and select from the “Documentaries” menu. Find out why some feel the Federal Reserve System is a “bunch of organized crooks” and others feel its practices “are in violation of the US Constitution.” Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers, their clients in need of easy money and a Congress that would rather increase the National Debt than raise taxes. Produced by William L. Van Alen, Jr., the 1-hour documentary is a co-production between Matrixx Productions and Cornerstone Entertainment and features interviews by, not only G. Edward Griffin, but Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas); MOVIEGUIDE Founder, Ted Baehr; and constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira (4
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Second Amendment – America’s most vital amendment but one which is under constant threat and attack. Watch this and pass it on as widely as possible and wake up more people. Also, visit jpfo.org for other download options.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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66 comments on “G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System

  • nooooooooooo!!!!
    we meat again

  • Support Ron Paul.
    Less government spending, less taxation to American Citizens, a budget plan that works.

    This man has been fighting for your personal freedom and the separation of congress from big business for years. He stands against draconian bills like SOPA, NDAA and the Patriot Act.

    He has fought against the war on drugs, the foreign wars, and corporate bail outs.

    Vote for liberty this year. Vote for real change.

    Thumb up and spread the message!

  • Eustace Mullins – Secrets of The Federal Reserve (FULL)

    check it out on youtube

  • I need an opinion on this:

    Printing Presses. Print your own cash. Go to jail. Own a bank and print untold trillions, then loan it out to collect obscene profits on the interest? Why that’s the American way!


    banks don’t print money, the federal reserve does…and they don’t just do it all the time, they charge the banks a higher discount rate to print money for them when they can’t back up loans via reserves…this picture is just stupid


    January 10, 2012 at 12:25 am

    Abolish OR audit the Federal Reserve by petitioning the Obama Administration. Here is the official petition at Whitehouse. gov: [wh .gov/bC0]. Be American; embrace democracy.

  • Illusion

  • Looks like the BANKERS have TURNED to MR. HYDE…HIDE!

  • THE FED ARE THE SECRET GOVERNMENT! From a foreign entity out

  • Vote Ron Paul 2012 to end the FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS’ 40 YEAR LONG UNSUCCESSFUL WAR on our freedom to choose what we put in our bodies (The End of the War on Drugs).
    Ron Paul to BRING HOME the troops.
    Ron Paul to audit the fed. Ron Paul to end the “Patriot” Act. Ron Paul to end the private bankers’ “Federal” Reserve and the power for THEM to print OUR currency (Thomas Jeff warned)
    Ron Paul to end warantless spying on American citizens, like you and I
    Must be regist as Republican to vote in primary

  • Can somebody tell me his full name ??? G?

  • absolutely true all of it, i lived right down the street from jekyll island for years and learned all about the local history while i lived there. at the time people described the group of bank owners as mysterious rich people.

  • OK i need to speak with G . Edward Griffin for a film i am making along the subjects that he is an expert in and would love to interview him, how do i find his e mail.any one help ?

  • @Broadcaster17
    The reason why other countries like Japan and China hold some of the US debt, is because the US doesn’t always print money when operating at budget deficits.

  • @Broadcaster17
    it is a good thing the Fed holds those bonds. At the bottom of the table, we see the Fed makes a substantial annual payment to the Treasury. The higher the Fed’s net income is, the larger the payment to the Treasury. In other words, the Treasury gets back a significant amount of the interest paid to the Fed. Thus, government bonds held by the Fed are essentially interest-free loans to the government.

  • @Broadcaster17
    We can see from the top of the table that the Fed’s primary source of income is interest from government bonds. This money is paid to the Fed by the U.S. Treasury. Is this not de facto evidence the Fed is leaching off the taxpayers? No, it is not. The Treasury is obligated to pay interest to whomever owns those bonds. If the Fed did not own them, then the interest would have been paid to someone else. In fact, from the Treasury’s perspective,

  • @Broadcaster17
    This is untrue. The Federal Reserve Banks are entirely self-financing institutions; they do not receive any tax dollars allocated to them from the federal budget. If you want to analyze exactly where the Fed get their money and how they spend it look up the 86th Annual Report of the Board of Governors, p.335. The table I am referring to is labeled ‘1999 Combined Statements of Income of the Federal Reserve Banks (in millions)’

  • @SadegoGG said: “First, the federal reserve does not use public tax dollars for loans, so they are not jeopardizing public tax dollars.”

    Reply: Public tax dollars are not used to pay off loans but are used to “service” loans. The “numerous loans of smaller figures” are actually the interests your government has been preoccupied with. If that is not so then explain to me why does the government takes loans from China every year just to be able to service its existing loans and avoid foreclosure

  • @SadegoGG said: “First, the federal reserve does not use public tax dollars for loans, so they are not jeopardizing public tax dollars.”

    Reply: Public tax dollars ARE used to “service” the loans. The Government is not even closer to starting to pay off it’s loans, it has always been occupied with servicing them. Now please don’t ask me what “servicing” means, I’m not an American and English is not my native language so I would assume you DO know what servicing a loan means.

  • The Case Against the FED


    I give you a loan of $100 every day and you pay it back at the end of the day. Lets suppose I do this for 365 days. Then suppose my wife (Congress or Ron Paul in this example) sees I loaned you a total of $36,500 and she freaks out and exclaims “We can’t afford that risk.” That is what Ron Paul is doing when he pulls these large figures out. There were numerous loans of much smaller figures, and they were payed back before additional loans were given.

    When Ron Paul throws out the big numbers from Federal Reserve loans, he is also being deceptive. First, the federal reserve does not use public tax dollars for loans, so they are not jeopardizing public tax dollars. Second, those money values are total figures comprised of numerous loans given over a long time. As an example, lets suppose every day I gave you a loan of $100, and you went to work and at the end of the day you payed the loan back. Lets presume I’m the federal reserve.

    Since you didn’t make a point, I am not sure what you are talking about? The federal reserve has nothing to do with the wars or spending. Those are decisions made by Congress. When Ron Paul discusses transparency, he is not suggesting the federal reserve is not audited. The federal reserve has always been audited, and the audits became more thorough under the 1978 Congress passed the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act (31 USCA §714).

  • @SadegoGG Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 4/18/11: Budget Cuts are Meaningless Without Fed Transparency


  • @SadegoGG “The federal government has control in all monetary policies of the federal reserve. ” bollocks !

  • @SadegoGG thank you – lots to learn .

  • Still true today. Just favorited 🙂

  • notice that it was in 2008 that this was said?Of course the illegal vemrmin lovers dont want us to have weapons,because then their criminal constituents wont be able to rob us and give some of the criminal proceeds back to some illegal criminal lovers in the government,most of which are minority scum as well

  • unfortantly, the 2nd ammendment does not protect our right to keep and bare arms.Congress doesn’t care about it, they’ll toss the constitution out the window. Its a sad fact that those who have power only crave for more, that is why they want to throw away guns.

  • CrystalHunter1989

    January 10, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    She testified before Congress and, at the end of her address, said, if I may paraphrase: The 2nd amendment has always been about us (citizens) against you (the politicians).

  • God Bless America. I think I’ll go outside and shoot my gun!

  • “Just like the right to free speech, is curtailed that you can not say anything- “fire in a crowded theater when there isn’t one” Limits on the type of guns and the purposes, for having one I don’t find a problem.”

    Thats a horrible analogy. The correct one is “just as you can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre, you cannot just shoot your guns anywhere you want.” You can restrict WHERE and HOW people shoot guns, but not WHICH guns they can have.

  • aicram62- ” And not to overthrow the government ” Try to keep up !

  • You don’t want to register the Guns, but you want to register the people and have Nationwide Identification cards, and the people against that, use the same arguments: It’s the precursor to taking away further rights. The constitution can be ammended. Criminals do not need to have guns. People who have guns must use them properly, for hunting, and to keep criminals out of their house. Not to blow the face off of someone knocking on the door. And not to overthrow the government.

  • You were not paying attention. There is nothing in the constitution that says there are restrictions, at all. People like you are part of the problem. We should not have to tell the goverment we have a gun, it is none of their business. It is however our right, we must keep the criminals worndering, does the family in this house have a gun? Think about it, wouldn’t you use what ever gun or means necessary to stop someone trying to kill you and your family for your wedding ring?

  • Ditto! For some unknown reason, I feel a Twitter coming on!!

  • I don’t see anything wrong with what you showed about the courts decision. Just like the right to free speech, is curtailed that you can not say anything- “fire in a crowded theater when there isn’t one” Limits on the type of guns and the purposes, for having one I don’t find a problem.
    Higher penalties for people who have guns without the licenses might help, since it is the criminal who needs to be stopped.

  • Go buy a nice firearm in her honor! She won’t believe you though.

  • Thanks a million. Will pass these on. 2A and the NRA!!!!

  • I wonder if she ever sued those assholes for violating her constitutional rights.Another case of jack booted thugs just following orders.They should be in prison.

  • The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
    Thomas Jefferson

  • exactly its about our children. If you think for one minute that Americans are going to set around and not do anything about the communist socialist BULLSHIT that these circus side show freaks in dc are doing, they have truely brainwashed themselves more then the sheeple. If you are not paying attention, and dont realise what is going on right now, I suggest you start right now, group together and get ready, because shit is going to hit the fan.

  • God willing I’m ready to fight, I work hard and abide by the rules, Ive bought my guns legally, paid the taxes and all the b.s. that goes with it and now they want to take it away? Wake up America and stand proud for your rights. I feel sorry for my childeren

  • seen all 3 all I got to say is AMEN BROTHER

  • No, people, like you, are bad. People like you who push to destroy freedom due to ignorance.

  • Water is bad if your drowning ..

  • jacquelineveronique

    January 10, 2012 at 7:44 pm

    guns are bad

  • What a great comment 🙂

  • libertyeconomics

    January 10, 2012 at 8:05 pm

    Militia has to imply PRIVATE people, and NOT a government military. Why? Because the government wouldn’t need to be reminded to not disarm…..ITSELF.

  • great videos, thank you so much.

  • excellent presentation!
    Thank you!

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