Home » The Constitution » Ronald Reagan Endorses Personhood

Ronald Reagan Endorses Personhood

Emancipation Proclamation of Preborn Children NOW THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death, and I do proclaim, ordain, and declare that I will take care that the Constitution and laws of the United States are faithfully executed for the protection of America’s unborn children. Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. I also proclaim Sunday, January 17, 1988, as a national Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon the citizens of this blessed land to gather on that day in their homes and places of worship to give thanks for the gift of life they enjoy and to reaffirm their commitment to the dignity of every human being and sanctity of every human life. Ronald Reagan Presidential Proclamation January 14, 1988
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25 comments on “Ronald Reagan Endorses Personhood

  • tsumichanmusicangle

    May 10, 2011 at 10:30 pm

    I wish to hold no power over anyone, or their decision whether it be for life or termination, I would want freedom to make that choice. If abortion were to be illegal, women would still want them, and would go through extreme means to do so. When legal, the mother is more than versed on the potential psychological, and physical impacts. From there, the mother would be making a sound decision (and many more would choose life from it). And for you religious folks, stop it. Arguing is needless.

  • exellent film, abortion is killing someone that has no possibilities to defend themselves, a silent victim of a cruel act. every year 50 million babies worldwide are killed. In a single decade, half a billion people are utterly wiped off the face of the Earth before they are even born

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 12:08 am

    @DiJohnny18 2 Samuel 12:14

  • @PeterKuriakose It’s been a while since I’ve read the Psalms; what passage was that in again? I don’t have an answer for you off the top of my head for that particular situation, but would be happy to look into it. I do know five general causes for suffering, though, if u would like me to msg them to you… and it’s not because God “delights” in suffering. He doesn’t even delight in the suffering of the WICKED (Ezekial 33:11), if you can believe that, tho He justly punishes them.

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 1:46 am

    @DiJohnny18 Okay, if that is the case, what is Christianity’s explanation for the suffering and ultimate divinity-ordered death of David and Bethsheeba’s child through 7 days of agonising illness? You’re the one claiming that Christianity is a religion of logic, so go ahead and let me know what the baby suffered to death for.

  • @PeterKuriakose Yes, faith is required, naturally–you can’t “prove” the existence of God, or that God spoke the world into existence, any more than you can “prove” that everything came out of nothing for no reason.
    Logically, one will see that “without faith it is impossible to please [God]: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is…” Hebrews 11:6.
    But it doesn’t have to be a blind faith. In fact, blind belief is discouraged. “Study to show yourself approved unto God…” 2 Tim 2:15

  • @PeterKuriakose Christianity is a religion (and I use that term loosely) of faith AND logic. To borrow a page from Machosauceproductions; “You mean that in order to get into heaven I have to have the prerequisite of faith?” Yes, that’s LOGICAL. “I don’t think there’s too many places that you can get into without some sort of prerequisite. If you’re going to enter into a marriage, you’re gonna have to have faith in your spouse; if you don’t… it will be hell in your house…” continued:

  • @RadarKat73080 The soul is eternal, there is a life after death, our lives are like the frame to the oainting of the soul.

  • RadarKat73080

    May 11, 2011 at 4:07 am

    If everything that was alive is now dead and everything that lives is gonna die, where’s the sacred part?

  • What a President…. regardless of where you stand on the issue,, do you think any President today would have the courage of conviction to give that speech??/ Not hardly , I loved Reagan,,I was old enough to vote for the first time in my life just before Regan’s term,,Im from Minnesota,, the only blue state in the nation after that historic election,, of something like 86% of the vote going to this man

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 4:40 am

    @ikambor Which quote are you referring to, fool?

  • @PeterKuriakose your a fool,, and you probably copied that quote from some other fool,,

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 5:27 am

    @ndcwagner You should take heaps of your own medicine. Twice. Repeat until you get better.

    C.S. Lewis’ is good for apologetics, but that only goes as far as ignorance has conquered your mind. Beyond that, his “philosophy” is totally incapable of explaining, say, the barbarity of your non-existent god in 1 Samuel 15:3. What mental coaxing are you forced to perform upon yourself to understand this?

    Without blind belief, you get Hell according to Christianity. Without belief, you are “damned”.

  • @PeterKuriakose
    When you argue against someone make sure you are super clear before trying to express their perspective for refutation. Christians don’t actually believe their God is “threatening Hell for not having faith” nor holding a gun at their head asking them to love them. Make sure you reject Christianity, not just your understanding of it (which seems misinformed.) Read one of their books like Mere Christianity by Lewis or something Catholic (they have the best philosophers).

  • @PeterKuriakose
    When you argue against someone make sure you are super clear before trying to express their perspective for refutation. Christians don’t actually believe their God is “threatening Hell for not having faith” nor holding a gun at their head asking them to love them. Make sure you reject Christianity, not just your understanding of it (which seems miss informed.) Read one of their books like Mere Christianity by Lewis or something Catholic (they have the best philosophers).

  • @PeterKuriakose
    When you argue against someone make sure you are super clear before trying to express their perspective for refutation. Christians don’t actually believe their God is “threatening Hell for not having faith” nor holding a gun at their head asking them to love them. Make sure you reject Christianity, not just your understanding of it (which seems miss informed.) Read one of their books like Mere Christianity by Lewis or something Catholic (they have the best philosophers).

  • At the moment of conception when the sperm and egg unite, it is a human being. Our bodies are made up of billions of cells. Google the word “laminin” by Louie Giglio.

  • Nice vidoe. By the way, where did you get audio clip of Reagan’s speech. Please tell me. I need it for my school project. Thanks

  • @stevied47 Wrong addressee, I’m the Christian. S’alright though. 😛

  • INNERNova, what or whom do you call out to in a time of crisis ? You and other non-believers can believe in anything or one but when your dead it won’t matter because thats when the truth will be found out. As for me and my household we will believe in the Lord.

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 9:54 am

    @InnerNova It’s not ad-hominem; it’s merely the fact that you’ve been recognised, and your guilt, revealed.

    Whether you pray or not to a god-man hybrid that Thomas Jefferson once compared to a Cereberus is immaterial.

    Simply spend the rest of your wasted days in superstition asking what the Amalekite infants did to deserve death for no wrong committed by them. Or for that matter, ask why your non-existent god created David’s illegitimate child and then murdered it with deliberate illness.

  • @PeterKuriakose I think I’m done…because you keep repeating yourself, and launching needless ad-hominem attacks on top of that. I will persist in prayer, though, regardless of what you think my motivations are. I really hope something good will happen to you.

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 10:18 am

    @InnerNova The only reason you dole out blessings is because it makes you feel good and superior. That is it. You are disturbed because I exposed this aspect of your faith.

    Holding a gun onto your head (threatening Hell for not having faith) and asking you to love the person holding the gun (your god) is not “free choice”. If you love such a being, you have a masochistic problem in that you love something that you fear.

    Your scripture is clear on what Hell is. Don’t fix verse for convenience.

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 11:16 am

    @InnerNova Your assumption that there was a “first temporal cause” is itself a fallacy, and a case of assuming the proposition.

    If your god experiences time, then it cannot be timeless as your god itself, according to your own illogic, will have to have a beginning. You cannot “experience” time without being affected by it. Even if you are a god.

    What made your god, from within a sea of infinite time, “create” at the moment that it did? If there is such a cause, it’s greater than your god.

  • PeterKuriakose

    May 11, 2011 at 11:46 am

    @InnerNova Immaterial.

    You are only basing your argument from the assumption that before the Big Bang, nothing existed. Fact is, science doesn’t yet know what happened before the Big Bang – whether there was another universe that compressed itself into singularity – and whether this was an endless pattern.

    The problem with the invention of your god is that it needs to be timeless – and if it is timeless, the passage of time for it is impossible. However, without time, nothing can be done.

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