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Sign this Weekend, Stand for the Constitution, Impeach Bush

impeachment.kucinich.us We Want Bush Impeached, We Support the Kucinich Resolution. See video: youtube.com Excerpts come from a June 11, 2008 Countdown with Keith Olbermann show: representativepress.blogspot.com OLBERMANN: Time now to call in George Washington University law professor and constitutional law expert: Jonathan Turley. Good evening, Jon. JONATHAN TURLEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW EXPERT: Hi, Keith. OLBERMANN: I’ve often argued here that even if you think the words aren’t going to lead to any action, say the words anyway, simply to get them on the record for history, and simply because nothing has ever changed from bad to good in this country without somebody first saying—this is bad. Assess the importance of what Dennis Kucinich did last night. TURLEY: You know, it is very important. The fact is that this is not supposed to happen the way it happened in the last seven years. The framers, I think, would have been astonished by the absolute passivity if not collusion of the Democrats in protecting President Bush from impeachment. I mean, they created a system that was essentially idiot-proof and God knows we put that to a test in the past years. But, I don’t think they ever anticipated that so many members of the opposition would stand quietly in the face of clear presidential crimes. It has many of us who study the Constitution quite worried that we have a real crisis here. This is not something that really was supposed to happen. It was not something that one would

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25 comments on “Sign this Weekend, Stand for the Constitution, Impeach Bush

  • Forget Bush, impeach the abomination! Remember, Socialism is a democrat transmitted disease.

  • newcovertedchristian

    August 6, 2010 at 2:28 am

    that last comment was to 3cn1ght

  • newcovertedchristian

    August 6, 2010 at 2:58 am

    no they both are

  • Emporerofkortoph

    August 6, 2010 at 3:51 am

    Had you scrolled down two lines you would have seen that I now have a better understanding of the american political system. I made that comment a few months ago.

  • Emporerofkortoph :

    Technically, you are wrong. Technically, we are a Constitutionally Limited Democratic Republic.

    And besides… Technically, the Two terms were actually synonymous for many years.

  • no, george bush is

  • Emporerofkortoph

    August 6, 2010 at 5:47 am

    Yes, its been a while since I posted that comment. Ive since found a better understanding of all that.

  • A republic is a subgroup of a democracy, just like my country is a constitutional monarchy, but still a democracy. If the people can vote regularly and freely about who is in charge, it’s a democracy.

  • Lets stop this war. Ask the democrat congress and that NAZI Nancy Pelosi to stop this war. The Democrats are responsible for the length of this war.

  • Still zero movement to impeach bush.

  • Effectively they Pissed on the Graves of every Patriot ever died for our Freedoms, Wiped their Asses with Our US Constitution and handed it to God. Treason is punishable by death. How sad that WE THE PEOPLE ARE NOW FORCED TO CONSTRUCT CASKETS for our top level Government officials. THEY CAN NOT BE BURIED IN SAME CEMETERIES AS THE PATRIOTS THEY PISSED ON! I suggest we watch our highest levels of Government and all those chicken shits who participated swim last mile to Antarctica.

  • Emporerofkortoph

    August 6, 2010 at 7:57 am

    Technically we are not a democracy we are a republic.

  • Where were the Pro-Impeachment people years ago? Seriously, why is it that now, when President ‘Moron’ Bush has only a few months left in office that the people crying “Impeach!” come pouring out of the woodwork?

    A year ago, a whisper of ‘impeach’ was announced here and there, but never became anything. Now, every day as I drive to work, I have people standing on street corners voting for impeachment. Here’s a tip: If you wanted to make a difference in this, you should have done it sooner.

  • michaeljackson200

    August 6, 2010 at 9:39 am

    Politicians go negative because it works. It works because there are lots of people out there like you. Let’s take WMD. 1. 500 chemical artillery rounds were found, left over from the Iran-Iraq War. 2. There is evidence Saddam shipped stuff to Syria right before the attack. 3. WMD was not the only reason given, if you can read, go back and read state of the union addresses. 4. The political ploy is called “framing the discussion”. It works well. Some people will say and do anything to win.

  • littledogs1:I believe we should hold them all accountable, Vote them all out, if needed, but we must hold them accountable.

    Other than the supreme court, they are all held accountable. Representatives every 2 years, Presidents every 4 years and Senators rotate around 6 years.

  • littledogs1:we don’t take the steps needed to keep the checks and balances in place we become a kingdom and not the democracy we are supost to be.

    That is not exactly so. First of all, it is not the people who administer the checks and balances but rather the arms of the government. The people do not exercise checks and balances control. Second, we would not be a kingdom. We might be a oligarchy, but not a monarchy.

  • That is a good argument, but when we don’t take the steps needed to keep the checks and balances in place we become a kingdom and not the democracy we are supost to be. When a president knows that he can do as he wants because of the fear that the next president won’t get away with crimes we have a hugh problem. Are we a nation of pussys? I hope not. I believe we should hold them all accountable, Vote them all out, if needed, but we must hold them accountable.

  • it is so sad that the dems have no balls for justis, maybe jackson has been running around cutting them off, i don’t know, but when Bill Clinton, an excelent president gets impeach for getting a hummer, and Bush commits untold high crimes, and shits on the constitution, what is the country comming to? our for fathers, or what is left of them, are spinning in there graves.. grow some would you.

    THOUGHT becomes reality, that is OUR power, please LEARN this from my playlists, Thought will control our world soon, and already is, but TV manipulates your thoughts, its very VERY FUCKING important that you all DROP your TV in the garbage and LEARN what I have.

  • leftysergeant

    Are you scared and desperate?
    I’m not.
    No one I know is……………
    Who are you speaking of?

  • Wolfie: The time is now for impeachment. Clarify the waters BEFORE the next administration takes office, so they know right from the get-go who they work for, and will follow our own, as well as international laws.

    You do know, don’t you, that the President has the power to pardon himself of any crimes? It is a constitutional power and the majority of constitutional scholars say he can pardon himself.

  • Wolfie:If we as individuals are accountable for our actions, and if we seriously phuck up, can expect a trial, to be judged by our peers, and if guilty, a nonstop ticket to jail. Why should OUR elected leaders be held any less accountable?

    Because the Supreme Court has ruled that the President enjoys unconditional immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts.

  • If we as individuals are accountable for our actions, and if we seriously phuck up, can expect a trial, to be judged by our peers, and if guilty, a nonstop ticket to jail. Why should OUR elected leaders be held any less accountable? Where does the buck stop when orders are given?

    The time is now for impeachment. Clarify the waters BEFORE the next administration takes office, so they know right from the get-go who they work for, and will follow our own, as well as international laws.

  • Lefty: It may seem dangerous, but only to an unfit president. It would mean an end to walking away immune to accountability. All Obama would have to do to cover his own ass is not commit war crimes.

    This is simply silly. EVERY President who has ANY military adventures overseas “commits” the “war crimes” that Bush has committed. They ALL do it. It is part of being a war leader. And every one of them has been accused.

    You are trying to overturn the constitution. VERY BAD.

  • TRUTH!!

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