Home » The Constitution » Wearechange schools Pittsburgh police on constitution @ g20 9/24/09

Wearechange schools Pittsburgh police on constitution @ g20 9/24/09

WeAreChange needs a legal defense fund. [ HELP LUKE RUDKOWSKI!!! ] www.wearechange.org I have heard from multiple sources that Luke was beat up by police. I saw this on his facebook page. Anybody with the article please send it to me. Luke Rudkowski of Wearechange.org schools pittsburgh police on their duty to the constitution and thier oath. Police use LRAD sound cannons and tear gas on peaceful protesters.

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25 comments on “Wearechange schools Pittsburgh police on constitution @ g20 9/24/09

  • Just sooo wrong:S Its like.. Equilibrium is based on an upcoming true story..

  • HangProgressives

    July 3, 2010 at 2:13 am

    open season on commie fucks….you get extra points awarded if you shoot an all black clothed commie……please come to my city i wanna have an open hunting season too

  • HangProgressives

    July 3, 2010 at 2:20 am

    open season on commie fucks….you get extra points awarded if you shoot an all black clothed commie……please come to my city i wanna have an open hunting season too

  • The police are like robotic drones, they seem to enjoy inflicting harm on innocent civilians. What ever happened to our rights and what the people want? Don’t we have any say in how our countries are run? It truly is like Nazi Germany.

  • well as you can see in this pretty video your great constitution doesnt mean anything when standing there against riot-cops.

    the freedom of every human being should not be needed to be written down. it should be a natural thing that everybody is free and can do what they want if they dont suppress the freedom of other people.

    you rely on laws. i rely on ethics.

  • What are these cops getting out of destroying freedom for themselves and their children? 50/60 thousand a year?

  • awesome, go cops

  • @6ch6ris6 sorry mate but personally I will DIE before I will give up even one of my freedooms or Liberties as guaranteed me by Our Constitution

  • absolutely amazing, great job WeAreChange those who do not stand in defiance will fall in tyranny…never stop the awakening, knowledge is power

  • wow us-americans are really patriotic/idiotic.

    you really think your constitution has any meaning? no constitution has any meaning. it doesnt matter in which country.

    the police has authority rights. they have power. it doesnt matter who is your president. the police can do what ever they want. not only in america but everywhere.

    authority leads to fascism.
    no gods. no states. no servants.

  • enterthafatass

    July 3, 2010 at 5:32 am

    The marching was badass I have to admit.

  • @SirQuaks you are very ignorant. at the g20 summits 1 billion AT LEAST is wasted when countries NOT in the g20 are in fucking poverty. NEW WORLD ORDER mean anything to you? no? how about fascism? what would you say if i told you 9/11 was an inside job? sorry man looks like you need to do some research.

  • spacemonkey086

    July 3, 2010 at 6:45 am

    yea you have freedom of speech, not freedom to bullhorn and cause a disturbance. you have the freedom of assembly, but not in the middle of the street.

  • FUCK when i heard this marching sound

  • LetsPLAYnice100

    July 3, 2010 at 8:20 am

    Weird, scary stuff!

  • …empty dehumanized souless pieces of meat , incapable of feeling and critical thinking…these humanoids are

  • @smithierevolution
    lol nazi germany is nothing compared to Zionist America

    Wake up America, you are under occupation from Israel and its banks and corporations

  • Blackstarting

    July 3, 2010 at 10:01 am

    @combatleague lol

  • SirQuaks…read the Constitution of the United States, Posse Comitatus Act & Habeus Corpus. You clearly have no understanding of our GOD GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS.

    Fuck the PIttsburgh police. I live in pittsburgh and these toolbag cops are just like cops anywhere else…obeying orders from the top, or else they lose their job. No amount of loudspeakers will make the cops drop their batons – it puts food on their table. They will sell-out the Constitution, but God forbid they lose their shitty job.

  • this is the real reason why luke rudkowski and others were banned from canada when they attempted to enter in the last few days for the upcoming g20 in toronto. charlie of “the love police” was arrested for also spreading messages of truth, love, and peace.

    down with the nwo! g20 toronto is gonna be crazy. the canadians are probably more prepared now that they have seen the shocking ways in which american cops treated the american citizens they are supposed to be seriving. 🙁

    god bless.

  • @SirQuaks lol, are you serious?

  • soulpeaceinchrist

    July 3, 2010 at 12:32 pm


  • wow i thought the hippies died in the 70’s era… look i love america i love everything it has to offer but wen u cross a line the goverment has the authority to tell u to step back or else… trust ur government if u r happy and alredy enjoying ur life y mess with the order of things?

  • gawd, what a country, neocons and killers and banksters, where’s emmanuel goldstein?

  • Hmm…..
    1. use of police force against unarmed citizens
    2. unlawful arrests against citizens without any charges
    3. suppressing freedom of speech
    4. suppressing freedom to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE
    …. and people STILL believe that America is a free country, isn’t that laughable? Wake the fuck up everyone!!!!!

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