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What national security policies did JFK do to reduce the risk of nuclear war?

Question by D D: What national security policies did JFK do to reduce the risk of nuclear war?
What national security policies did JFK do to reduce the risk of nuclear war?

Best answer:

Answer by youthpastor1955
All these jokes about Marilyn Monroe are coming to mind, but I better be a good boy.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Congress Reads the US Constitution, Bill of Rights (Part 4)

On the second day of the new Congress, members of the US House of Representatives read the Constitution aloud on the House Floor. Members take turns reading Amendments I – X from the Bill of Rights.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

LADY GAGA BAD ROMANCE IN CHURCH! – (Iowa State university composes the popular song with bells)

LADY GAGA BAD ROMANCE IN CHURCH! – Church composes the popular song with bells Eweuuuuuut , geloofdet nu 😀
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Discussion on the Issue of State Sanctioned Religious days and later they talk about June and marriage.

Canada hits bottom on freedom-of-information ranking, new study finds

Canada hits bottom on freedom-of-information ranking, new study finds
OTTAWA – A new study ranks Canada dead last when it comes to freedom of information.
Read more on Brandon Sun

Canada hits bottom on freedom-of-information ranking
A new study ranks Canada dead last, behind Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, among others, when it comes to how well freedom of information laws operate.
Read more on CTV.ca

“We Are Americans” Opinion Editorial by Charles Fowler, Candidate for the United States Senate in the Colorado Republican Primary

(PRWEB) April 24, 2004

I am deeply troubled by what I sense to be almost like a Civil War in this country in our political arena. There is such a polarization between the left and the right, between Republican and Democrat. But listen, we are all Americans. When it comes right down to it, we are not Democrats, Republicans or Independents, we are Americans. I mean if the bomb were to drop today, we would all stand up together as Americans. Some how I think we have forgotten that.

And for the American Eagle to soar economically and politically it is going to take both wings, left and right working together. In order for anything positive to happen in the United States Congress it takes bipartisan leadership.

“And the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, in order that she might fly into the wilderness to her place”

Revelation 12:14; NASB

This biblical passages speaks clearly of God using the United States of America in His’ Divine Providence. It speaks of the “two wings” which I believe are the left wing and right wing in American politics. But who is the woman?

Allow me to quote part of the poem that’s on the Statue of Liberty:

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!”

cries she with silent lips.

Give me your tired, your poor,

your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

-by Emma Lazarus, New York City, 1883

The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her right hand and carries in her left a book of law inscribed “July 4, 1776.” The broken chains, symbolizing the overthrow of tyranny, lie at her feet.

Immigrants the world over would see “Lady Liberty” welcoming them to America’s shores. For more than one hundred years the Statue of Liberty has become the global symbol of freedom.

Referring back to our text in Revelation, it is significant that the Holy Spirit does not actually refer simply to “the wings of the great eagle,” but very specifically “the two wings.”

In America today the Christian vote is divided politically. Christians who vote Republican do so for their anti-abortion platform. Christians who vote for the Democrats are conscious of the needs of working people, care for the poor and hurting in our nation. Independents tend to be a mixture of the two who do not feel represented by either.

I believe that God needs Christians in both political parties to be salt and light, in order to provide a positive influence in our government. I personally believe that God has given “the two wings of the great eagle” to the woman, “Liberty.”

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to be free;”

But the message for us today is that it takes two wings for this American eagle to fly. It takes both the left wing and the rignt wing. Isn’t it time we agreed to disagree and when we disagree, do it with dignity and respect for each other?

The two missing ingredients in the United States today are dignity and respect for each other. Respect between Republicans and Democrats. Respect between workers and employers. Respect and dignity in our political campaigns?

Today if you are a politician looking for PAC money or endorsements, you find out that if you are just a little moderate, it is very difficult. PAC money only goes to people on the hard left or the hard right, moderates don’t seem to fit into the political scheme. One group wants to abolish Public Broadcasting and the other wants to abolish the Department of Education. Another group demands your’ support for abortion, the other group demands your’ support for vouchers. If you are a Republican, and prefer tax credits over vouchers, support Public Broadcasting and believe that the Department of Education provides a vital service, then, “lots of luck.”

Today we have so demonized the opposition, polarized those with whom we disagree that issues become secondary and honest debate seems impossible. It was Ronald Reagan, one of our nation’s greatest Presidents, who presented what he called, the 11th Commandment:

“Never speak ill of a fellow Republican.”

What he was saying, is treat each other the way you would like to be treated. Treat each other with dignity and respect. I think in America that it would be good if we adopted something very similiar in our thinking: “Never speak ill of a fellow American.”

In other words, quit demonizing the other party and start treating each other with dignity and respect. It is what another great American President, John F. Kennedy said:

“Every American ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated, as one would wish his children to be treated.”


I am of the opinion that there have been too many budget cuts and that the Senate has failed to properly fund our educational programs. My position is that we need to fully support the Department of Education and send more federal funds from Washington to help states and local school districts have the full funding they need for such programs as are needed for “Children with Learning Disabilities” and other programs.

I feel like the black sheep in the party for my stand on education. Bob Schaffer wants to abolish the Deparment of Education and I want to increase the Department of Education’s funding. Most of the Republicans in Colorado are for vouchers. I prefer tax credits. I would like to see tax credits established for all tuition payments from Preschool all the way to the Ph.D. This would be a sound investment in the future of our nation.

I find it interesting that we can find the funds to build prisons and not schools. Experts tell me that the future prison population can be determined by Fourth Grade test scores. It sounds like we have our priorities very confused. The education of kids should be the top prioirty in the future. If we work together, instead of against each other, we can repair, remodel and build better schools instead of being forced to build more prisons.

School Construction

School Construction should become a priority in America again. I have been to Las Animas and other school districts where the buildings are much older and in need of repair. Students who attend class in dilapidated, hazardous and sometimes dangerous buildings have a difficult time learning. Many of our schools are not equipped with the computers and high-tech education that today’s students must have.

Smaller, rural and lower income school districts cannot accomplish this without some federal funding to help. In my opinion we need to work together to see that we have funding to help these districts repair their most dilapidated public school buildings and when needed build new schools.

There is an elementary school in use today in Las Animas, Colorado which was built in the 1880’s. It is a well cared for and historic facility, but underscores the fact that it has been many years since many school districts have been able to build new school buildings.


My roots are in agriculture and I strongly support anything that will genuinely help the farmers and ranchers of Colorado. However, the Farm Security Act; a $ 73 billion hike in agricultural subsidies enacted for the good purpose of aiding impoverished farmers now has such restrictions that link these subsidies to select crops and total acreage to ensure now that wealthy farm owners, corporate executives and even other legislators benefit the most. For example, basketball star Scottie Pippen and billionaires Charles Schwaab, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner each received six-digit farm subsidies over the past five years.

So what if we take about half of those subsidies to the billionaires and propose a $ 35 billion financial aid package that would go to the states to help bring college tuition down.

And, while we are at it, take another $ 35 billion from the billionaire farmers and fund health care for the many Veterans who gave of themselves in order that we might be free today.

Experts on government waste estimate that another $ 20 billion a year is literally thrown away each year on political pork. Let’s kill the pork and bring another $ 20 billion to the table and start offering some additional tax credits for some of our college students to help pay for their tuition. Helping kids through college is not pork, it is an investment in the future of our country.


We must never turn our back on the brave men and women of our Armed Forces. Colorado is home to thousands of these brave men and women who have chosen to risk their lives to make us safe and fight for freedom around the globe.

We need to make certain that when our servicemen and women are called to duty that their families do not face an undue financial burden.


Why are you running for this office?

In order to represent the interests and the values of the hard working people of Colorado and not forget the people and their values once I get to Washington. I pledge to hold regular town hall style meetings across the state and form bipartisan policy committees to help find solutions and solve any problems we may face in the future.

What are your views on President Bush’s new immigration plan?

It is a moral immigration policy that takes into account the concept of the “right to migrate” and the priority of the famiy over the state. It does not threaten our security and over the long haul will benefit our economy.

Should Roe vs. Wade be overturned?

Yes, Row vs Wade was an attempt by the court to write legislation. Their decision was based on the “penumbra” of the Constitution, a mysterious shadow or spirit of the Constitution, which was being created by the decision itself. Supreme Court Justices are not elected and according to Artice 1, Section 1 of the Constitution, should not write laws

Do you favor the Allard/Musgrave amendment banning same-sex marriage?

Yes, but I also believe that the laws are already in place that support traditional marriage. If this amendment passes, it would still be tested in the court system. Either way the legislatures go with this issue, it is still going to wind up in the hands of the Supreme Court. While I do support traditional marriage, it is eventually going to be a decision for the Judicial Branch and not Congress. It is simply a Judicial decision in my view, if you lay all the political hype to the side, the courts are actually going to decide this. And that underscores the importance of strong Constitutional Justices being appointed to the judiciary, especially to the United States Supreme Court.

What are the three biggest issues facing your constituents and what do you see as solutions?

For me, I think it is education, workers rights and military pay. I also think it is vital that we elect someone to the United States Senate with an open heart and a listening ear, that will work hard to represent the main stream values of all of Colorado.

So public education is my top priority, especially in the area of school modernization. Education is not pork, it is our kids future. I prefer tax credits over vouchers and would like to see tax credits established for all tuition payments from preschool to Ph.D. There should be federal funds to assist in school modernization and the Department of Education plays a vital role.

Military pay is a major issue for me, we send our brave soldiers into combat and their families should not struggle financially.

Workers rights: we need a worker friendly Senator who understands the struggles of working families and does not fight against them. I am very concerned with Pete Coors and his history in this area. While I am not seeking the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, I do agree with them on many of the issues they are fighting for.

At this stage in this campaign I need your support in order to ensure that my name is on the ballot in August and that I can conduct a competitive campaign. Please visit my website for details.


Brian Raile, Campaign Manager

Charles Fowler for United States Senate

Post Office Box 5532

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80931-5532



Eminent Domain, Urban Renewal and the Constitution Legal and Policy Perspectives: Session 1

February 4, 2005 Speakers: Eric R. Claeys, Assistant Professor of Law, St. Louis University School of Law Thomas W. Merrill, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School John Edward Mogk, Professor of Law, Wayne State University Timothy Sandefur, Esq., Staff Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation Moderator: Steven J. Eagle, Professor of Law, George Mason University Presented by: Center for Business Law & Regulation Co-sponsored by the Federalist Society Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group Session Title: Public Use: Fifth Amendment Limits on the Use of Eminent Domain Summary: This panel considers the extent to which the Fifth Amendment, which provides that “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation” – limits the purposes for which the government’s eminent domain power can be used. Specifically, the panel examines the extent to which the Fifth Amendment should be read to limit or preclude the use of eminent domain for blight remediation, economic development, or other economic purposes, or whether “public use” constitutes any and all uses deemed by the legislature or other political bodies to be in the public interest. While through much of the 20th century courts gave state and local governments rather wide discretion in determining what constitutes a “public use,” in recent years some courts have begun to read “public use” more narrowly.

Integrated Pre-Civil War Church in Mississippi

A few nice Church and State images I found:

Integrated Pre-Civil War Church in Mississippi
Church and State
Image by J. Stephen Conn
On the south side of Rt. 370, across the highway from Brice’s Cross Roads National Battlefield Site, is the Bethany Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. During the battle of Brice’s Cross Roads, Bethany Church was across the street from its present location. The church served as a field hospital following the June 10, 1864, battle.

The Bethany A.R.P. Church Cemetery, in use for more than 150 years, is also the burial site for 96 Confederates that fought and died as a result of the battle. Union dead from the battle have been re-interred to the National Cemetery in Memphis, Tennessee.

A historic marker at the church states that it was organized in 1852 with 25 charter members, including 4 African-Americans. The fact is, integrated churches were not unusual in the antebellum South. Even with the deplorable institution of slavery, the pre-Civil War South was more racially integrated than much of the North, which had very restrictive anti-black laws.

After his visit to America in the 1850s, Alex De Tocqueville, the French historian observed that "Race prejudice seems stronger in those states that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists, and nowhere is it more intolerant than in those states where slavery was never known."

Had there been on War, slavery would have soon ended peacefully in the South, just as it did in the North, and many more Southern churches and other institutions would have remained integrated.

Northern atrocities of the War Between the States, followed by 12 years of Federal occupation and abuse during the disgraceful period called "Reconstruction," exacerbated a racial divide that would not be overcome in America for 100 years.

church and state
Church and State
Image by jfre81
Black and white conversion, upped contrast, reduced noise. Texas State Capitol seen from behind First Methodist Chuch on Lavaca at 12th Street in Austin, Texas.

Church and State
Church and State
Image by TheFemGeek
This photo is for a post on my blog Tiffiany’s World

Addictions ? Spirituality vs Religion

Without question, addiction freedom does require a spiritual transformation. And while Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) should be credited with uncovering that element, most participants fail to make an authentic spiritual transformation. I believe this can be mainly attributed to the false pretense that spirituality is somehow connected to religion. Spirituality and religion are distinctly and undeniably different practices. Religion is a community or group practice while spirituality is a personal journey. The practice of outward ideals and doctrines is not, nor has it ever been, a substitute for inner righteousness. Can one practice religion and spirituality? Yes, of course! However, one should not assume they are synonymous because they aren’t! Ironically, this is exactly what occurs in the Twelve-Step Program. Alcoholics Anonymous professes its independence from organized religion, but that’s a bit disingenuous since the majority of programming is sponsored by churches and various religious denominations. Moreover, two of the early, influential leaders of (AA) were deeply rooted in religion. Frank Buchman was a Lutheran minister, and Samuel shoemaker was a rector in the Episcopal faith.

While the end goal of both spirituality and religion is to establish a personal relationship with the divine, only spirituality can deliver on that promise. Religion is a community or group based practice, which usually follows a doctrine or set of ideals. When practiced correctly, spirituality is a personal journey that encompasses self-reflection, discovery, growth and a greater connection to ones higher consciousness and the divine. Truthfully, I have nothing against religion if it is practiced authentically. However, when it is not and is passed off as spirituality it becomes a grand facade that is completely counterproductive to addiction recovery. This is why many folks in (AA) trade masks or exhibit a behavioral transference. In other words, they transfer their addiction to (AA) or religion. Four of the steps of (AA) touch on self-discovery and selflessness, however, that valuable guidance is quickly quashed by the concept of powerlessness.

A spiritual practice must be born in the fire of liberation. One’s higher consciousness or spirit doesn’t exist in the realm of anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, judgment or fear. Consequently, to make that connection you must take the necessary action to relinquish your fears and insecurities. To put it bluntly, you must wipe the slate clean. It really boils down to looking your demons squarely in the eye! However, it’s hard to liberate or empower yourself if you’re being told that you are powerless! Think about it! Have you allowed others to usurp your personal power, strip your personal identity, or prevent you from following your true divine purpose? These issues can only be addressed in an authentic spiritual practice. If you’d like to embark on an authentic spiritual path, begin by examining you fears and self-limiting beliefs. Adopt a set of principles and stand firmly – no matter what anyone says or does. Take back your personal power by learning to say what you mean and mean what you say. Say no to others when it’s necessary. And, learn to speak your will in a calm and confident way.

In Summary, religion and spirituality can be practiced together; however, they are vastly different paths. Religion is a community path while spirituality is a personal journey. The path that is most beneficial to addiction freedom is spirituality.



David Roppo

The Addiction Freedom Coach

If you’d like more information on overcoming addictions or how to make an authentic spiritual transformation, click on the links below to get a free copy of my E-Course!


overcoming addictions

overcome addictions




Addiction Freedom and Life Transformation expert David Roppo is fiercely committed to helping people everywhere who struggle with addiction, career/ personal life identity crises, life purpose issues and low self-esteem problems. Guiding them with easy to learn tips and empowering pearls of wisdom to create a truly magical existence that’s free from habitual behavior and filled with happiness, love, true purpose and abundance – is his passion and commitment. David is a work-in-the trenches coach, author, speaker and creator of a unique 5-step addiction freedom and life transformation system.


Article from articlesbase.com

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Gregory D. Evans Proves To Be The Most Recognized Computer Security Consultant

Gregory D. Evans Proves To Be The Most Recognized Computer Security Consultant

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) October 14, 2010

Ex-computer hacker turned Certified Ethical Hacker, Gregory D. Evans, also President and CEO of LIGATT Security International, (OTC: LGTT) a cyber security company, proves to be an industry leader in technology. Evans’ has recently appeared on Fox News and CNN as a leading expert on computer security and Hi-Tech crimes. According to Nielsen Audience, 3,043,600 people heard Gregory Evans speak in 2010.

Evans’ expertise is frequently featured on a variety of media outlets including, The History Channel’s “Modern Marvels” and NBC’s Dateline, “To Catch a Predator”. He’s been featured in numerous newspapers and magazines including the Wall Street Journal, LA Times, USA Today, Black Enterprise, and JET magazine just to name a few. In 2010, Evans was featured in the book, Who’s Who in Black Atlanta, in addition to being awarded a Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist certificate by the Anti Terrorism Accreditation Board.

For more information about World Renowned Cyber Security Expert, Gregory D. Evans visit http://www.GregoryDEvans.com, or follow him on Twitter @GregoryDEvans.

About LIGATT Security International

LSI is the nation’s premier hi-tech security company and recognized as a leader in computer security and cyber-crime investigation. It is a publicly traded company whose mission is to be the nation’s leading provider of hi-tech crime investigations, by protecting their clients against Black Hat Hacking one CPU at a time. For additional information about LIGATT Security visit http://www.LIGATT.com

***This press release was done in-house by a LIGATT Security International staff member.***

Safe Harbor Act: This release includes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involves risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the impact of competitive products, the ability to meet customer demand, the ability to manage growth, acquisitions of technology, equipment, or human resources, the effect of economic business conditions, and the ability to attract and retain skilled personnel.

Media Contacts:

Katrina Highsmith

Cymone Coker





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The New Constitution Could Be Kenya’s Source of Distress

Kenya once again made history with the approval and promulgation of the New Constitution. The document has heralded with it a great enthusiasm to fight corruption and establish statesmanship among the current kingpins. This has translated almost automatically to the government working with an efficacy never witnessed in many countries of the world. But this efficacy also represents a sharp and an unprecedented shift from the previous order. The past paradigm had things being done more mechanically, and more personally- this new shift, representing a greater capitalistic stance with a less personal approach might just prove itself more devious to us during our formative years.


It is of course past reasonable argument that the new constitution is among the best constitutions of the world. The question here is not about how good the document is, and how much it will benefit the ‘sons of our sons’, but we have to develop an understanding to answer the rhetoric, ‘is Kenya ready for the best document?’ Are we ready to see all of our Ministers fall down in the axe of graft? Are our MP’s and senior civil servants going to gracefully accept defeat for the greater good? Which is easier, to accept meekly that you were corrupt in the past and step aside, or charging your misinformed supporters with conspiracies of how you have been targeted in graft?


Mr. Ruto, for instance, enjoys a religiously fanatic following that is second only to Mr. Odinga’s. His followers are ready to do much evil in defence of their leader, and his political future in the new constitution is highly unlikely. Ruto, being engaged in two criminal suits, compounded with the possibility of him having to face The Hague, erodes the possibility of him ever again having a public life once the new constitution is fully implemented.


With the current judiciary, or even the more efficient judiciaries of the West, it is against the acceptable level of probability that his cases will be concluded in under one and half years. Even greater is the probability that the Kalenjin bigwig will be found guilty. Both the two, whichever happens first, will confound Mr. Ruto to being a Member of Parliament come 2012. And how will it be seen in the eyes of the Kalenjin? It will much more likely provoke great distress (to the least) in the North Rift that the Eldoret North MP will be unable to vie for governorship or a senatorial portfolio.


With the newfound vigor in the KACC to fight corruption and its precipitates among the national leaders, the Ruto scenario might water down to all the current crop of Ministers. Having the Ministers criminally charged in a court of law will mean that they are grounded to be Members of Parliament at best. Try to imagine a Kenya without its current opinion makers- Ngilu, Mudavadi, Kosgey and many more to be implicated.  Will this go down well with most of the Kenyans?


We have always wanted change. Yes change is something to be desired, and has now come, but the change might just be counterproductive. The older order of things, though inefficient and laced with greedy and corrupt leaders, might better have been phased out more gradually. At this rate, it is unpredictable that we shall have general elections in August 2012, let alone a peaceful one.

Nelson Ndalila is an author and a blogger. Follow his blog here:

Article from articlesbase.com

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