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Separating Church and State Benefits Both

Complete video at: fora.tv Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of The Interfaith Alliance, argues for greater understanding of the separation between religion and American government. —– Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy is the leader of two national nonpartisan grassroots and educational organizations, The Interfaith Alliance and The Interfaith Alliance Foundation, and serves as the pastor for preaching and worship at Northminster (Baptist) Church in Monroe, Louisiana. One of twenty international religious leaders on the Council of 100 Leaders, a group created by the World Economic Forum to improve dialogue and understanding between the Western and Islamic worlds, Rev. Gaddy is host of “State of Belief,” a weekly radio show produced by The Interfaith Alliance (carried on AirAmerica), which is based on the proposition that religion has a positive and healing role to play in the life of the nation. Founded in 1994, The Interfaith Alliance (TIA) has grown into a national grassroots organization of 150000+ individuals of faith and goodwill drawn from more than seventy-five different religious traditions or beliefs with a cyber-network of 10000 activists and seventy-five local activist groups. Dedicated to promoting mutual respect, cooperation, and civility, TIA strives to promote religion as a positive and healing force in the life of the nation. In addition to authoring over twenty books, Dr. Gaddy provides regular commentary to the national media on issues relating to religion and

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25 comments on “Separating Church and State Benefits Both

  • Imagine a leader that loves religion and hates government. (Crusader Pope?)
    Now imagine a leader that hates religion and loves government. (Stalin?)
    Both can have very ugly consequences.
    Now imagine a president and a public that loves both religion and government — together using God’s gift of free will to enact ethical changes (such as ensuring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens — all equal in God’s eyes) … and what do you get? America! God bless America.

  • RealityGameWorld

    August 16, 2010 at 2:07 am

    Bann all religions


    August 16, 2010 at 2:22 am

    @ClayMashon Christains love the unborn but hate healthcare for all, and support state murder. Take your false pro life belief and create your own country. We true Americans are for freedom of religion and that means you can beieve whatever but I do not have to be lectured to by you. I defend your right to believe but I demand you keep out of my face. Christains have no right to theaten gays. You have no rights to punish his love life. And damn him him.


    August 16, 2010 at 2:48 am

    @ClayMashon The Bible is myths and faith is just a belief that requires no proof. Evolution is a fact and has been proven through the scientific method. Christains took it on faith that Earth was the center and planets and Sun orbited it. Its now proven Christains were wrong. Christains believe man lived with Dinosaurs. That is wrong too. In America your faith is yours and I do not share it. You have no right to preach at me. A Christain murdered Dr. Tiller and claimed God told him. Terrorist.


    August 16, 2010 at 2:52 am

    @ClayMashon As Christains you should live a good life and love your fellow man as yourself. And treat others as you want to be treated. The true Christain way to convince me that your faith is good is by example. Screming at and treatening me are a sure way to a fat lip. You are no better than the terrorist that killed us. Your views make me hate Christains and religion in general.

  • Maby some evidence though? but now I do not believe in the christian God.

  • there is no god

    and I can prove it!

    *no proof*

    see, there is no proof or evidence that god exists.

  • Its funny because 8 months ago I was an ignorant narrow minded christian (as you can see in my comment) and now I am open minded agnostic with many doubts… I was sooo ignorant that I forced myself to believe and I didnt know how deluted I was by that religion until now!! wooooooow so sorry.

  • there are tens of millions of book providing proof of evolution. and then there is the bible. fiction. “christianity never has, nor ever will be part of common law.” Thomas Jefferson

  • keep your ilogical gospel theories to yourself !!!!

    you are very ignorant ! no wonder you are christian

  • Think you need to revisit your evolution studies, and the whole scientific process in general if your understanding of it is summed up with “they are just theories”. I mean you really need to understand what it is you ignore for the sake of your “faith” or as justification for it. Also, it is not the role of a christian to spread the gospel.. live christ like and keep it to yourself, faith and religion need to be kept away from politics at all cost.

  • I don’t care about interfaith, I know the inter-pain is all around. Media have to take full responsibilities. Radio, television and publications all determinate to ruin communities.

  • As Christains our role is to spread the Gospel. Lets not have ignorant agnostic people who never readt the Bible weaken our true faith and overall the truth of life. Before you comment back you should read a evolution book and relize that they are just THEORIES.

  • i get this guy’s podcast.

    i think he’s a friend of rachael maddow.

    interesting show

  • I love hearing different points of view, this channel is awesome!

    Post more videos please ForaTV.

  • Ditto, Jeffoween. Thanks.

  • slowbaker, you need to wake up and stop being an idiot

  • That’s what they intend to do. Look up Christian Dominionist and Reconstructionist..they have been planning on theocracy in America, and spreading it abroad. Regular religions by themselves can be risky to peoples freedoms and democracy, and these political pseudo-religions are just to help them take the power away.They’re enemies are secular humanists and so liberals. Have you noticed people in our gov. on the far right claiming being liberal or to the left is anti-American?

  • Too many Americans sleep through Government class (and their religion classes, too). Even God separated Man’s law and God’s law. I really do fear a loss of my civil liberties and constitutional rights if the evangelicals keep up trying to own the country.

  • ya if you didn’t notice, that’s obviously the view that I’m in favor of. But having religions claiming to hold a monopoly on morality or absolutely know the will of God or about a cluster of cells definitely having a soul or something… these fundamentalist views in religion make it clearly problematic to keep them from interfering with the separation of church and state. How could they not if they think they are absolutely right in the eyes of God?

  • Deal. I’m all for free association, ending the drug war, ending taxpayer foreign aid (which is just giving away debt), ending federal income tax, etc.

  • As Americans, we can have our own opinion/faith/religion/beliefs as we choose for ourselves. Let’s not let Christian right wing idiot robots try to screw up what our country gave us. Freedom of and FROM religion. That is deep. That is the best government. God gave us free will. So, be free.

  • what are you talking about??? nice? Why do you act like you somehow just proved something to me or showed me some kind of deep truth.

  • Right. I think you got the point. I think. Nice, huh?

  • ohhh you know??? I think everyone knows to be weary about someone when they claim to know the will of God.

    Kind of like the ridiculousness of the religious fundamentalists who slipped into the gov under the radar and block stem cell research and are trying to make it illegal. Because a cluster of cells in a petri dish obviously has a “soul”. And we wouldn’t want to find cures for the worst diseases afflicting mankind and save hundreds of millions of people. That’s a sin.

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